Anyone who's read Nolan's excerpts of his Stu Ungar book today will know that's going to be a huge success.
Hopefully Madjacks can get two contributors on the "Best Sellers" list one day, through a future book project of mine (carrying the title from the topic heading).
Not sure exactly when, but it's always been my intention to get to North America to explore your weird and wonderful continent. As a kid in NZ, I spent my teenage years immersed in (among other things
) American literature. As I read Steinbeck, Dos Passos, Kerouac, Scott Fitzgerald and later Carver, Wolff, Oates etc, I dreamed of travelling the vast expanses, meeting people, seeing things, trying to capture the sense of magic and mystery that they held for a stranger.
And now I believe I've got a host of characters that no publisher could turn down to write about. Would you want to buy a novel that features Visionary, Gatorbait, djv, 1837, AzRusty, BahamaMama, Fletcher, dawgball, KC Wolf et al...?
So if any of you find, sometime in the near/not too distant future, a lean, laidback Kiwi turn up on your doorstep with a battered notepad and a rental car, are you keen on opening up with your life history and views on everything from childhood, religion, friendship, schooling, taxes, death, sex and whatever else I may try and pry from you?
Hell, might even do some gambling too. Have already lined up a potential "Sal Paradise" companion. Now all I need is a really good line from someone that I can use to break the news to my wife and kids
Hopefully Madjacks can get two contributors on the "Best Sellers" list one day, through a future book project of mine (carrying the title from the topic heading).
Not sure exactly when, but it's always been my intention to get to North America to explore your weird and wonderful continent. As a kid in NZ, I spent my teenage years immersed in (among other things
And now I believe I've got a host of characters that no publisher could turn down to write about. Would you want to buy a novel that features Visionary, Gatorbait, djv, 1837, AzRusty, BahamaMama, Fletcher, dawgball, KC Wolf et al...?
So if any of you find, sometime in the near/not too distant future, a lean, laidback Kiwi turn up on your doorstep with a battered notepad and a rental car, are you keen on opening up with your life history and views on everything from childhood, religion, friendship, schooling, taxes, death, sex and whatever else I may try and pry from you?
Hell, might even do some gambling too. Have already lined up a potential "Sal Paradise" companion. Now all I need is a really good line from someone that I can use to break the news to my wife and kids