Hey you guys just checkin in
Thanks for hangin with us Bluemound
Dawgball we have pictures coming soon I promise, BUT you guys all have to promise that if you don't have nice things to say about ALL my girls you won't say anything at all YOU PROMISE??????
Mondays game Eddintons@MADJACKS was tough unfortunately we lost 16-11
but that was the team who killed us 1st game
Tonight we had a win Alberts@MADJACKS15-3 I'm pretty sure that we are still tied for 2nd place
I wish you guys all lived close so you could see us play............RAYMOND made an apperance last night
Thursday MADJACKS@Micheals :moon:
Thanks for hangin with us Bluemound
Dawgball we have pictures coming soon I promise, BUT you guys all have to promise that if you don't have nice things to say about ALL my girls you won't say anything at all YOU PROMISE??????
Mondays game Eddintons@MADJACKS was tough unfortunately we lost 16-11
but that was the team who killed us 1st game
Tonight we had a win Alberts@MADJACKS15-3 I'm pretty sure that we are still tied for 2nd place
I wish you guys all lived close so you could see us play............RAYMOND made an apperance last night
Thursday MADJACKS@Micheals :moon: