I agree, Dogs. Despite a few minor mistakes, he really was an effective president.
While he personally probably didn't have anything to do with the prosperity, but then let's stop talking about inflation and fuel prices under Carter.
No, peace happens when you don't go randomly invading countries that aren't the least bit of an imminent threat. Containment of Saddam was obviously working just fine under Clinton. A ragtag Army that wouldn't fight, no Air Force, no Navy, not much more than rocket launchers and a few ancient worthless scuds for weapons. Yeah, Iraq was terrifying. Good thing we stopped them.
In Somalia, he made a mistake going there and he corrected it. He didn't play it quite so loose with our troops as Dubya does. It takes a big man to admit a mistake like that. Now multiply it by 20 and that's what Bush is dealing with. I won't be on the edge of my seat waiting for *him* to admit his mistake.
Actually, the Muslims main complaint is our historic presence over there. I would say that needlessly invading a country in the region might just be fueling the fire a bit more than receiving a BJ.
A guess 'respect' is kind of nebulous and hard to quantify, but even if it was conceded that newspapers were laughing at his sexcapades and nobody respected him, I would say that that is preferable to stirring up intense hatred aimed at our country from almost every nation in the world.
Yes, I was kidding about the returns, but not much else.