Are you serious about returns are just joking??
Good point. And when a Clinton is president the returns are like 50% a year. Too bad we can't get him back in office, those were the good ol' days. Peace, prosperity and the respect of the world.
Prosperity yes but temporaey till inevitable bust followed boom of dot coms, Peace yes when you look the other way and pay monetary support to your advasaries your not going to gey much flak--till their locked and loaded, respect of the world---you GOT to be joking. He was laughing stock in every paper in evry country--their headlines constantly resembled something out of National Inquirer---Getting anialated in Somolia and doing the cut and run really showed em. In addition the Muslims chief complaint against western ways is immorality and ethics--he sure threw coals on the fire.
Out of curiousity what did he do that you figure gained respect from anyone(including his own family) except his accountant.