Marge Schott, controversial Reds owner, dies

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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Thank you BJ.

However, before we begin looking for your ball near the out-of-bounds stakes in the right rough on the first hole, you haven't heard my rant on Texans. Maybe a wager for a case of Lone Star?

I appreciate your comments and astute views. Don't worry about this Ctown guy. He kinda reminds of those typical Cleveland derelicks (you know the guys who throw batteries and beer bottles at opposing players and referees at Browns games). Gives Cleveland a great name. Ask any Pittsburgh fan.

I've learned that people without a lot upstairs usually resort to violence and threats of violence to try and make up for their lack of intellect and other insecurities. Thats okay though, most of these neanderthals end up as defendants in domestic violence cases paying lawyers like me exorbitant fees so we can afford our used, but certified, Lexus.

I look at our Cleveland friend as just another loser client. Don't pay him much mind. Actually, he makes me laugh. Hard to believe anyone can be that dumb and rigid. Got a real thing for liberals doesnt he? Someone want to inform the little mistake from the lake that I am not liberal but rather a compassionate moderate.

I can understand Ctown defending Marge. After all, I think they met at one of the tolerance and anger management classes Marge was required by MLB to take after one of her brilliant comments about Hitler or "niggers". Unfortunately, however, I think both Ctown and Marge flunked those classes.

Oh yeah, Ctown. Were listening to you and reading your posts. We appreciate your right to say and think whatever you want here in this great country of ours. But you also have to acknowledge and accept our right to break out in hysterical laughter after reading the same. Remember, we are not laughing with you but laughing at you.

Based on the content of your posts, I believe this country as a whole needs to step up our funding for special education as it is apparent that, at least on this board, the level of stupidity has reached epidemic proportions. By the way, how's the governator doing.

Love ya,


Registered User
Forum Member
May 21, 2003
Mount Shasta
Oh yeah, isn't that Texas governor a REPUBLICAN?


Why is it the Democrats have to keep getting saddled for pushing the 'Gay Agenda'? I think the Dems need to quit trying to let all those GOP gays out of the closet.

Does GOP stand for Gay Old Party?

(Oh, and lets not forget those drug pushers - [Rush]).

Anyway, back to Marge: How can ANYONE look back with nostalgia on her reign of error? This is a joke - right?
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Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
bj you had my back on the Ohio St posts because we were both Buckeye fans and we were right, has nothing to do with this or being liberal or conservative.

haskell please tell me where in the world in my post I supported anything about the schott part of your post. you are telling everyone how smart you are and how stupid I am, why not try reading what I said, I know facts and truth have no meaning to liberals, oh I mean moderate, yea right, now your a moderate the closer the election comes. your the joke cincy clown.

my point was only to call you out about calling Dr freeze and Dog bigots, nothing more nothing less.

You want my opinion on schott who by the way was owner at the time I was umpiring professionally, so I can say this from a first hand view, not some third party gossip. The lady was a chain smoking ding bat and her views were wacko also, on most things, but to her defense I don't even think she realized what she was saying was hurtful. You can believe this, she loved the reds and ALL HER PLAYERS, she just was an insenative boob and she paid the price for it. I certainly didn't agree with half of what she did or said, but she sure had the right to say it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
However, before we begin looking for your ball near the out-of-bounds stakes in the right rough on the first hole, you haven't heard my rant on Texans.

Ed, I'm a transplant, so no harm done.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Yeah, Lake Erie carp, your right.

In your initial post in this thread you didn't make any statement about the untimely demise of Mrs. Schott. Why would you as the thread concerns her death. Instead, your initial post on this thread concerned calling me 1) a left wing asshole, 2) clown from cincy, and 3) expressing your fond desire that someone kick the shit out of me in the future. All appropriate topics for this thread.

A former professional umpire. huh? Could we be in the midst of Dave Palone? You know that gay umpire that Pete Rose shoved back in the 80's. Someone better alert James from Boston as to the presence of a possible gay member. Does your anger stem from the fact that everytime you walked onto a baseball field 20,000 plus would start booing your very presence?

Are you the real Dave Palone? No more fake Moneymakers. Were you at dime-a-beer night at Cleveland stadium back in the 70's when the Cleveland fans (sic) got into a brawl with the Texas Ranger players and the game was called. Sounds like your kinda superbowl. Were you there when the Cuyahoga river caught on fire? Or Mayor Perks hair?

No thats right your from Toledo. Are you the real Jamie Farr? Whatever or whomever you are, lets just hope there are less and less people like you, Freeze, Dogs, Blitz, Schott, Himler and Eichmann. Oh yeah, you can put Bush and Cheney in the aforementioned unholy alliance.


Oh, yeah Carptownman, stick with the machismo, you can't compete on any other level.

BJ: Where from art thou?
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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Ed- grew up about a half hour east of St. Paul, MN and went to school in Madison, WI. Moved here in August. I'll certainly give Texas the edge in the weather department.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Like I've staated before I called you out for the name calling which you liberals are so good at.

If you can't take the heat don't be calling others such hateful names as bigots. These are hardly such harmless name calling tags.

Once again eddie when it comes to your overblown view of yourself and your typical criminal defense attorney attiudes and your elitist views on the state of the country, your a joke and a clown.

You are good for comic relief.

And whose the bigot around here, did I detect some gay bashing from your superior tolerant self.

You are the truly embodiment of the left wing wacko clown:thefinger :lol: ;142loser: :142smilie

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Weather, yeah. But freedom of thought, gotta be cheese country. Never been to Madison but I hear its tits.

We should tee it up some time. However, I've been exposed by the other guy from Wisconsin whose from the parallel universe, Proscan. I am a crappy golfer and I admit that Dogs no matter how bad of a golfer he is could probably kick my butt on the links.

At least I got him in the brains and looks departments.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Eddie Haskell said:
Weather, yeah. But freedom of thought, gotta be cheese country. Never been to Madison but I hear its tits.

To be honest, the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where I live, isn't too bad. Not nearly as stereotypically Texan as one would expect. About two months after I moved here, I was telling a neighbor that I was surprised that living in Texas wasn't how I had perceived it (I came here expecting the worst). And his exact words to me were:

"You don't live in Texas - you live in Dallas. It's the New York City of the south. You want Texas, go out west to Midland or Odessa. Then you'll see Texas."

(Note to self was made right then: don't leave the Dallas/Fort Worth area.)

But yes, Madison kicks some serious ass. I love that town. And if you ever want to come to town for a Cowboy game, let me know. I can hook you up.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Similar offer BJ, I can hook you up with some Bengals and/or Reds tickets. Why you would want to go is beyond me, however I do have some sources. We here in entertainment-starved Cincinnati must make do.

Been to Dallas but, not for any extended length of time. I did like the town especially that area of bars near downtown. Can't recall the name of the area but it was pretty cool. Real eerie goin to Dealy (?) Plaza. I actually did see a shadow in the grassy knoll.



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Ed- yes, Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas. You can actually stand right where Oswald was, so you really get the feel of what it was like to be one of the 2-4 shooters in the JFK murder. My Mom and stepfather are coming down here to visit the first weekend of April, and that is definately on top of the list of places to go when they get here.

The museum is actually very, very cool. Lots of live radio/TV clips from when it all went down, and plenty of info on the JFK adminstration and what life was like in the time period.

I can't see myself in Cincy anytime soon, but if it comes up, I will most certainly get your email from Jack.

Keep fighting the good fight. There aren't many of us here.
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Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Saw a documentary on the assination the other night. Watched the Zapruder film for the millionth time but, this time I saw something in that film that I missed on the other occasions. I swear I saw Ctownguy running from the bushes behind the grassy knoll.
