Market Tanking


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Yeah, I agree Stevie. Let's just keep giving those "job creating" :mj07: Republicans whatever they want.

Like the union-busting FAA shutdown going on right now that's resulting in $28.6 million per day in lost aviation taxes. The same FAA shutdown that will result in $1.3 billion in lost tax revenue if Congress ignores it until they return to Washington on Sept. 7th. The same FAA shutdown that's put 4000 FAA employees and 70,000 construction workers out of work.

At the rate they're going, the Republicans will soon have anyone that makes more than $250K paying no taxes and rest of us unemployed. But as long as they can keep convincing their gullible base that our sick economy is all Obama's fault, why would they stop? :shrug:

Trench, Really. Last night I hear Hatch a Republican from Iowa wants to tax the poor!!!!!!:shrug: Apparently, he wants to tax those who take advantage of the system. What an idiot. Of course he sides with DTB on most if not all issues.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Doggie poo. Good to se you. Now maybe you can answer a question. Name me one piece of legislation that Pelosi didn't deliver the votes that Bush wanted. Did she ever over ride any of his veto's? If you can point to one then you can start blaming the DEMS. You should love Obama he has given you everything you want.

Actually Stevie--O's actions were/are quite predictible--

What did I tell you about putting an "all hat no cattle"- -acorn organizing "junior" senator who who has no backbone (votes present 129 times)
into office-did you expect a leapord to change his spots.
Then give the guy who along with ivy league grad wife--couldn't even buy a house until their mid 40's with help of convicted criminal--an unlimited gov credit card and what you see is what you get. :shrug:


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Actually Stevie--O's actions were/are quite predictible--
Actually Dogs--Your actions were/are quite predictable--

As Obama seems to be giving the Republicans whatever they want, your only recourse is to attack his character. Yes indeed, these certainly are lean times for right-wing Obama-hating idealogues. :SIB

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Actually Stevie--O's actions were/are quite predictible--

What did I tell you about putting an "all hat no cattle"- -acorn organizing "junior" senator who who has no backbone (votes present 129 times)
into office-did you expect a leapord to change his spots.
Then give the guy who along with ivy league grad wife--couldn't even buy a house until their mid 40's with help of convicted criminal--an unlimited gov credit card and what you see is what you get. :shrug:

Still no answer from doggie dogshit? Shocking. :mj07:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Doggie poo. Good to se you. Now maybe you can answer a question. Name me one piece of legislation that Pelosi didn't deliver the votes that Bush wanted. Did she ever over ride any of his veto's? If you can point to one then you can start blaming the DEMS. You should love Obama he has given you everything you want.

Well??????:0corn :0corn



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
It dont matter what the market does this year.

Next year about May , June the economy will be hitting on all cylinders.

Employment down to 8

Jobs jobs jobs.

no more wars

tax the rich millionaires until they cry

America the Beautiful

Obama wins again in 2012 !!!!!!!!

PS - Did President Cheney take out Bin Laden >?



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
It dont matter what the market does this year.

Next year about May , June the economy will be hitting on all cylinders.

Employment down to 8

Jobs jobs jobs.

no more wars

tax the rich millionaires until they cry

America the Beautiful

Obama wins again in 2012 !!!!!!!!

PS - Did President Cheney take out Bin Laden >?


Not Obama, he was playing golf or doing a fundraiser.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Doggie poo. Good to se you. Now maybe you can answer a question. Name me one piece of legislation that Pelosi didn't deliver the votes that Bush wanted. Did she ever over ride any of his veto's? If you can point to one then you can start blaming the DEMS. You should love Obama he has given you everything you want.

Well??????:0corn :0corn

So you would like us to believe the Dems/pelosi voted for every bill Rebs had--are you brain
dead. Can we get a wager??? Hey come back here kurby

Now flip side how many bills did Reb pass behind closed doors--with plain view bribes?

Glad to see that your finally seeing the light on Gumby--Steve.

Next time--look at obvious before you vote--

The Steve Urkel-ization of the economy, redux

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD><TD><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 55px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-none" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button" src="" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
By Michelle Malkin ? August 4, 2011 12:11 PM
Remember this image?

?Did I do thaaaat??


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
So you would like us to believe the Dems/pelosi voted for every bill Rebs had--are you brain
dead. Can we get a wager??? Hey come back here kurby

Now flip side how many bills did Reb pass behind closed doors--with plain view bribes?

Glad to see that your finally seeing the light on Gumby--Steve.

Next time--look at obvious before you vote--

The Steve Urkel-ization of the economy, redux

<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD><TD><IFRAME style="WIDTH: 55px; HEIGHT: 20px" class="twitter-share-button twitter-count-none" title="Twitter For Websites: Tweet Button" src="" frameBorder=0 allowTransparency scrolling=no></IFRAME><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""></SCRIPT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
By Michelle Malkin ? August 4, 2011 12:11 PM
Remember this image?

?Did I do thaaaat??

I don't see an answer. Does anyone see an answer to a simple question that I posed to Dogs. How many times did the Dem Congress not give Bush what he wanted? How many times did they over ride his veto? Since Dogs seems to think that the Dems forced this economy on us while Bush was running the ship then certainly there must have been many times they forced throuigh legislation and made him sign it. All I ask for is one instance. Doggie boy, you got the floor.

Oh and if you go back to my posts during the election you will see that I said at the time that I supported Obama for what he was saying but was holding judgement because he might turn out to be an insurance company loving neocon piece of crap. As he apparently has.

Sorry now, back to your answer of a simple question. It doesn't require pictures or anything.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I don't see an answer. Does anyone see an answer to a simple question that I posed to Dogs. How many times did the Dem Congress not give Bush what he wanted? How many times did they over ride his veto? Since Dogs seems to think that the Dems forced this economy on us while Bush was running the ship then certainly there must have been many times they forced throuigh legislation and made him sign it. All I ask for is one instance. Doggie boy, you got the floor.

Oh and if you go back to my posts during the election you will see that I said at the time that I supported Obama for what he was saying but was holding judgement because he might turn out to be an insurance company loving neocon piece of crap. As he apparently has.

Sorry now, back to your answer of a simple question. It doesn't require pictures or anything.

I'll take the time to do the search/results if you make the wager. I'll pay you for every GOP bill that Dem majority voted for you pay me for every one majority voted against.

You going to wager or run?

You need to face the facts-2 years of dem congress and pres may have put us past point of no return.

Fitting punishment would be for you all to be forced to put Obama bumper sticker on car and sign in yard until he's out of office.
--or I'd settle to have "yes we did" tatoo on forhead--

-but I think seeing what you inflicted on next generation will be punishment enough.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I'll take the time to do the search/results if you make the wager. I'll pay you for every GOP bill that Dem majority voted for you pay me for every one majority voted against.

You going to wager or run?

You need to face the facts-2 years of dem congress and pres may have put us past point of no return.

Fitting punishment would be for you all to be forced to put Obama bumper sticker on car and sign in yard until he's out of office.
--or I'd settle to have "yes we did" tatoo on forhead--

-but I think seeing what you inflicted on next generation will be punishment enough.

So let me get this right. You blame everything on the Dem Congress that Bush had for two years and on Obama. But you cannot name one single bill that Bush vetoed and the Dem Congress over rode his veto?

I still do not see an answer. :142smilie


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Ok I make it easy for you.

Now which of those set the economy reeling?

Also it should be noted: "As of December 2008, President George W. Bush had vetoed only 12 bills since taking office in January 2001. Only one Presidential veto occurred before Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007. This is the fewest Presidential vetoes of any modern President; in March 2006 Bush set a 200-year veto record. Source: US Senate"

"Updated 23 March
It is a momentous week in Presidential history: President Bush now ranks behind Thomas Jefferson as serving the longest without exercising President authority to veto Congressional legislation. Although George Will says the magic date was Monday, 20 March, both USA Today and Bloomberg report the mark as today, the 23rd"

Yeah, the poor guy couldnt get anything his way.
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