okay, said I'd elaborate on this, and it may turn into a LONG story!!
I graduated from high school on 1/27/78, turned 18 on 2/5/78, and got married on 2/11/78 to my high school sweetie. we may still be married today had it not been for 1 comment that he made.
I am also not beyond not knowing not when to ZIP MY MOUTH when pissed off, but what he said was just an off the wall comment that I could never forgive him for. (even tho I truly believe he said it in a joking way, it just hit too hard for forgiveness, so REMEMBER........ words CAN hurt beyond repair)
my first husband committed suicide about 6 or so years ago in front of his children, so in that aspect, I'm not disappointed that our marriage didn't make it, and also, cuz I wouldn't have the kids that I have now had we remained married.
anyhoo..... on to the story.....
we married young, tried for 3 years to have a child with no luck...... I finally was put on a fertility drug by doctors, and became pregnant within 4 months..... at 6.5 months, I was diagnosed with pre-eclamptia, and sent to the university of IA for what I was told was *observation* before the baby was large enough to be delivered in Davenport. When I arrived in Iowa City, they had me in the delivery room with 2 hours with a blood pressure of 220/162, and they told me I HAD to have headaches and dizziness (which I didn't) .... Our son was delivered shortly thereafter at a weight of 1lb. 13 oz. (which today is no problem, but in 1982 it SUCKED). I was released from the hospital 2 days later after a c-section, and Jason remained in NICU. One night while sitting at my parents house when he was about a week old, my mom asked (which yes, I thought was sorta tacky in itself) how long we were going to wait to try and have another baby, and Bruce's response was * I think I'll try it next time, she already proved she couldn't do it right* .... do I think he MEANT his comment?? no...... do I think it did irreparable damage to the marriage?? hell YES
that comment will continue to haunt me until the day that I die.... so WATCH WHAT YOU SAY even in jest!!!!!!
RIP Jason, who we had to have disconnected from life support at the age of 16 days