kosar said:
No doubt. It's unbelievable how consistently SLOW the express lines at supermarkets are. Most of them have signs saying, 'no checks', but people (women) still whip out that checkbook all the time(of course they don't take it out of their purse until the order is totally rung up and usually can't find it for 30 or 45 seconds) and the clerk doesn't say anything(can't really blame them I guess, they already have the order rung up, so they're kind of stuck).
:thefinger next time we are out together I will make SURE I pull out the old check book ............................:moon: I will even search 50 seconds more for my pen..........
ix-bender its easy running around without cash , just have my 4 teenagers over for a weekend , ON YOU

especially on a friday night, they will suck you dry in a matter of minutes..................
Here's a good example.........its friday afternoon, pick up 2 of the kids from school , stop at dry cleaners for sons suit for the soph hop.........$12 go to florist , pick up flowers for the kids date $22 get home kid has hand out, for more money for the pictures they get in there formal attire , of course thats $40 more dollars and oh yeh mom don't forget I need another $50 because they are going out to eat afterwards , thats what $124

thats only 1 kid that hit me up so far !!!!!!!!!!! I still have 3 more that are approaching me as we speak!!!!!!!!!! not to mention the soph hop tickets cost me $50 last week............... IX would you like me to make arrangements for my kids to spend the weekend???????? You'll learn REAL QUICK how some people don't have cash on hand. ESPECIALLY WOMAN KOSAR:tongue . hey maybe the 2 of you would like the experience together!!!!!!!!!!!!! tHEN MAYBE YOU'LL BE A LITTLE MORE PATIENT WHEN STANDING BEHIND A CHICK!!!!!!!!!