Maybe I am still high on crack but can someone explain the new NIKE commerical to me?


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Sep 10, 2001
kosar said:

Those Quiznos commercials have to be the worst ad campaign that i've ever seen. They need to fire that agency. It's a commercial for a restaurant, but the commercial makes you feel like throwing up and makes you think of rodents. Bizarre.

kosar - I have to disagree in that advertising is supposed to make people talk about or have some connection to their company. Seriously, before this who the hell ever talked about a Quiznos commercial? People regardless of if they had ever heard of the company before, especially here in the NorthEast, now know them by the somewhat annoying jingle they sing. Possibly annoying but the end result worked...

Blackman - cover up Agassi's head and the way that he barehands the ball and throws against his body on the move as in the commercial looks very much like another Red Sox SS who plays with the team now. ;)


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
bigdad2 said:
kosar - I have to disagree in that advertising is supposed to make people talk about or have some connection to their company. Seriously, before this who the hell ever talked about a Quiznos commercial? People regardless of if they had ever heard of the company before, especially here in the NorthEast, now know them by the somewhat annoying jingle they sing. Possibly annoying but the end result worked...

Yeah, you're probably right, overall. But speaking for me personally and how I instinctively react to those singing rats in the ad, it really puts a negative image about that company in my head and definitely makes it less likely that I will choose them, if i'm in the mood for that sort of food at the time.


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Apr 27, 2002
kosar said:
No doubt. It's unbelievable how consistently SLOW the express lines at supermarkets are. Most of them have signs saying, 'no checks', but people (women) still whip out that checkbook all the time(of course they don't take it out of their purse until the order is totally rung up and usually can't find it for 30 or 45 seconds) and the clerk doesn't say anything(can't really blame them I guess, they already have the order rung up, so they're kind of stuck).

:thefinger next time we are out together I will make SURE I pull out the old check book ............................:moon: I will even search 50 seconds more for my pen..........

ix-bender its easy running around without cash , just have my 4 teenagers over for a weekend , ON YOU ;) especially on a friday night, they will suck you dry in a matter of minutes..................

Here's a good example.........its friday afternoon, pick up 2 of the kids from school , stop at dry cleaners for sons suit for the soph hop.........$12 go to florist , pick up flowers for the kids date $22 get home kid has hand out, for more money for the pictures they get in there formal attire , of course thats $40 more dollars and oh yeh mom don't forget I need another $50 because they are going out to eat afterwards , thats what $124 :eek: thats only 1 kid that hit me up so far !!!!!!!!!!! I still have 3 more that are approaching me as we speak!!!!!!!!!! not to mention the soph hop tickets cost me $50 last week............... IX would you like me to make arrangements for my kids to spend the weekend???????? You'll learn REAL QUICK how some people don't have cash on hand. ESPECIALLY WOMAN KOSAR:tongue . hey maybe the 2 of you would like the experience together!!!!!!!!!!!!! tHEN MAYBE YOU'LL BE A LITTLE MORE PATIENT WHEN STANDING BEHIND A CHICK!!!!!!!!!


Forum Member
Oct 20, 2002
MeanGreen Nation
countinguy said:
That brings up a good subject TBonez

what the hell is up w/women and writing checks, don't u women know it is the 21st century we now have debit cards. I just don't understand this crap. always, i mean always in front of me in a grocery store some women pulls out her checkbook after all the groceries are rung up and then begins writing this mother. Debit cards women, swipe it, sign it and move on.


This is by far the most annoying thing to me. I say the same thing to myself, we are in a new age of technology, the 21st century and this woman is pulling out a damned checkbook!:mad: :mad: Go climb back under the rock you came from you f%$ckin' idiot!!!!:mad: :mad:
Whew, now that I got that off my chest.

As a side note, I'm the same guy who whips out the credit card for a $1 drink! :D :D :thefinger

I haven't carried cash in years!
:thefinger :D


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
I always carry cash not only to get through fast, but I don't want anyone tracking my purchases and what I'm doing with my money.

People thing technology is sooooooooooooo good, but these debit cards, cc, etc are just another way someone, the govt?, can track everything you do.:nono:


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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
I guarantee I can get through a line faster with my debit card than you can making for the clerk to count out 28 cents of change.

ctownguy--you a little paranoid about something?

If the gov't knows I spent $100 at the grocery yesterday, so be it. Last I checked, my bookie doesn't take debit cards, so I'm okay there.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Got5onIt said:
As a side note, I'm the same guy who whips out the credit card for a $1 drink!

I haven't carried cash in years!

You sound like tbonez.

I'll bet you're quite popular at crowded bars. :nono:


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Nov 9, 2000
since this thread is covering a few different topics, i'll chip in by saying that fla's. east coast drivers have nothing over the drivers here in the phoenix area.

out here i have seen drivers, in the left lane go slower than the speed limit & they don't have a clue about what is going on around them.

i have seen drivers have their left flashing lights on showing that they will make a left turn, only to surprise you by making a right turn.

i have also seen drivers driving with no care in the world, with one of their car doors wide open. one day my wife & i were driving behind a van that had their back doors wide open, with things flying out of the van. we caught up to the van & tried to indicate to the driver what was happening, but he just ignored us.

i agree with bender. how can people walk around without any money? what happens if they lose their cards & have no cell phone handy?

i also get pissed when somebody in front of me is writing a check for a package of gum. i think that person should be executed on the spot !!! that is except for my good friend, tbonez. i think she should be spared (lol).


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i think

i think

the mci commercials are a master stroke...getting michael mcdonald and james sing old favorites that appeal to ALL baby boomers....that`s a large target audience....

it always gets our attention in my house...


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Forum Member
Apr 27, 2002
AR182 said:

i also get pissed when somebody in front of me is writing a check for a package of gum. i think that person should be executed on the spot !!! that is except for my good friend, tbonez. i think she should be spared (lol).

awwww thanks AR ;) :D
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