you know...i`m sure that many think i`m a pro-bush guy...and that`s not even close to being true...
i think our choices of late have been extremely weak.....
it seems that the radical elements of both parties have firm control on the political direction that each party pursues...
i debate the war because i saw reason to do something definitive regarding saddam....honestly still not sure that i agreed with the war....
but,he seemed to be intent on starting a full scale middle eastern war,and if that had happened,we could kiss life as we know it good-bye...
i did believe that saddam was a major threat.....maybe not to our homeland...but definitely to our interests.....and that the u.n. was a sham even before the dirt came out...
i`m beginning to think that nuclear proliferation is inevitable...because we seem to be the only ones with the resolve to try and stem the tide...
we can agree to we always do...
btw....salty...i agree with the other guys....don`t come to the super bowl party looking to throw down....we all get a little wired about this stuff....and sometimes folks go a little over the top...
there are nights when i`m sure kosar,stevie,ocelot,dan murphy and smurph would like to get medieval on my ass...
but i like would be pretty pathetic if we all agreed on everything....
besides,scotty picked mcbride over tyson last week....he gets a pass... at least for awhile...
anybody that had seen mcbride fight and still picked him,is either retarded,a psychopath,or has coulumes the size of bowling balls.... :thinking:
just kidding scotty...