Meanwhile at the border.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
How the fuck is the country supposed to absorb all this with open borders?

And that just proves how pathetically stupid you are.

Did you even pay a tiny bit of attention in grammar school?

The USA had "open borders" for nearly 200 years. Where do you think our population of 300+ million came from? They sure as Hell didn't descend from a handful of settlers that came here on the Mayflower.

They came from every country on earth, were welcomed here, raised families. Just as YOUR ancestors did.

Your ignorance of the history of your own country is disgraceful, and you are living proof that our educational system needs some serious work. And you need to do the world a favor by sticking your head in the nearest toilet and pushing flush


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
And that just proves how pathetically stupid you are.

Did you even pay a tiny bit of attention in grammar school?

The USA had "open borders" for nearly 200 years. Where do you think our population of 300+ million came from? They sure as Hell didn't descend from a handful of settlers that came here on the Mayflower.

They came from every country on earth, were welcomed here, raised families. Just as YOUR ancestors did.

Your ignorance of the history of your own country is disgraceful, and you are living proof that our educational system needs some serious work. And you need to do the world a favor by sticking your head in the nearest toilet and pushing flush

You can't see the difference that was then ,this is now. How many times do I have to repeat. I have no problem if you come here legally. However don't bum rush the border and try to sneak in any way you can. Then become an undocumented leech on society. I wonder how legal you are. Where did you get that fixation on sucking cock and butt fucking? From your homeland?


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Your the one that thinks your superior to everyone. claim to be the better person,the champion of freedom and tolerance.

I'd love for you to cite when/where I've done that.

I'm pretty sure I've said just the opposite, that simply because you were fortunate enough to be born here DOESN'T make you better than people who come from other countries. I've said you should be thankful and help others, not slam a door in their face.

How you imply that is me saying I'm better than anyone is a hell of a twist of words.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
You can't see the difference that was then ,this is now. How many times do I have to repeat. I have no problem if you come here legally. However don't bum rush the border and try to sneak in any way you can. Then become an undocumented leech on society. I wonder how legal you are. Where did you get that fixation on sucking cock and butt fucking? From your homeland?

There's no point trying to explain facts to you. You are so Goddamn stupid and bigoted that you don't even know how and when most Americans arrived here.

There are lots of things that can be fixed, but terminal ignorance isn't one of them.

Now go back to jerking off to Sean Hannity. You are two of a kind.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Simply not true. Unlike you I'm just not in favor of making the process of legal immigration so damn difficult that I understand why people choose the illegal route.

Spend the money fixing the system instead of building a wall that will not accomplish anything.

OP-ED by Hector Garza: The Aiding and Abetting of Migrant Caravans

04/20/2019 - Written by NBPC

by Hector Garza ? April 19, 2019

The crisis at the southern border is no accident. It?s the intentional result of deliberate efforts by liberal activists to encourage illegal immigration on a massive scale.

Right now, the ?mother of all caravans? is reportedly forming in Central America, with the Mexican government predicting that more than 20,000 people will eventually join the human convoy as it traverses thousands of miles in the rising springtime temperatures of Mexico on its way to the U.S. border.

The anticipated mass of illegal immigrants in that caravan will only exacerbate an already-dire situation for our Border Patrol agents, whose resources have already been stretched to the ?breaking point? by a surge of border-crossers. More than 100,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended in March alone, and at the current pace, at least 1.2 million people will have crossed the border illegally by the end of 2019.
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