Michelle Obama is fair game


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

By Jeff Jacoby
Globe Columnist / May 25, 2008
ON THE website of the Tennessee Republican Party is a short video in which residents of Nashville talk about the pride they feel for their country. One man, for example, mentions his esteem for the First and Second Amendments. A Vanderbilt graduate student says he was proud when Ronald Reagan told Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall - "and I was prouder when it came down." A young professional woman extols the "academic and job opportunities that women have in this country." A police officer named Juan says he is proud of having immigrated to the United States, learned English, and become a citizen of this "land of opportunity and the best country in the world."
The video makes its point by alternating these upbeat comments with clips of Michelle Obama telling two different audiences in February: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." In an understated press release announcing the video, the state GOP welcomed Mrs. Obama to Nashville and remarked: "The Tennessee Republican Party has always been proud of America."

One would have to have skin of microscopic thinness to take offense at so gentle and indirect a critique. No surprise, then, that Barack Obama took offense, reacting as if his bride had been slimed by slurs akin to those that enraged Andrew Jackson when he ran for president. (During the campaign of 1828, supporters of John Quincy Adams maligned Jackson's mother as a "common prostitute" and mocked his adored wife, Rachel, as a "convicted adulteress" and a "strumpet.") In an interview on ABC, Obama growled that Republicans "should lay off my wife," and described the inoffensive Tennessee video as "detestable," "low class," and reflecting "a lack of decency."

If Republicans "think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign," he added ominously, "they should be careful."

Ooh, very fierce. But unless Obama is prepared to emulate Jackson - Old Hickory defended his wife's honor by fighting duels, in one of which he killed a man - he stands no chance of putting his wife's remarks off-limits to criticism. As long as he keeps sending her around the country to campaign on his behalf, everything she says is - and should be - fair game.
And unfortunately for Obama and his allegedly sunny politics of hope, what Mrs. Obama seems to say with grim regularity is that America is a scary, bleak, and hopeless place.
Here she is, for instance, in Wisconsin:

"Life for regular folks has gotten worse over the course of my lifetime, through Republican and Democratic administrations. It hasn't gotten much better."

And in South Carolina:

America is "just downright mean" and "guided by fear . . . We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day."

And in North Carolina:

"Folks are struggling like never before . . . When you're that busy struggling all the time, which most people that you know and I know are, you don't have time to get to know your neighbor . . . In fact, you feel very alone in your struggle, because you feel that somehow it must be your fault that you're struggling so hard . . . People are afraid, because when your world's not right, no matter how hard you work, then you become afraid of everyone and everything, because you don't know whose fault it is, why you can't get a handle on life, why you can't secure a better future for your kids . . . Fear is the worst enemy. It . . . creates this veil of impossibility, and it is hanging over all of our heads."

There is also her creepily authoritarian vision of life under an Obama administration. From a speech in California:

"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone . . . Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed."

Michelle Obama is undeniably smart, driven, outspoken, and charismatic. She is also relentlessly negative about life in these United States. True, she is not the one running for president. But she is Barack Obama's closest confidante and adviser; if he is elected, her influence will be considerable. That is why her words matter. And why, whether her husband likes it or not, Michelle Obama is a legitimate issue in this campaign.
Jeff Jacoby can be reached at jacoby@globe.com.

Hmm if they think these items are negative--wait till they get into her thesis at college ;)


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
DOGS THAT BARK;2037008+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hmm if they think these items are negative--wait till they get into her thesis at college ;)[/QUOTE said:

1. Hillary's College Thesis Finally Revealed

Hillary Clinton may have a little-known Achilles' heel as she runs for president in 2008 ? a thesis she wrote as a 21-year-old senior at Wellesley College in 1969.

The research paper examined the work of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky, whom she called "a man of exceptional charm."

One indication of the Clintons' sensitivity about the thesis is that they had it locked away from public view for the eight years of Bill Clinton's presidency.:scared

The Clintons asked Wellesley in 1993 to hide Hillary's senior thesis, and Wellesley's president approved a rule that made any senior thesis of a graduate available in the women-only college's archives for anyone to read ? except for those written by either a president or first lady, MSNBC reporter Bill Dedman disclosed.

Conservative commentator Barbara Olson, who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, charged in a book about Hillary that the thesis was kept from public view because Hillary "did not want the American people to know the extent to which she internalized the beliefs and methods of Saul Alinsky."

Alinsky founded a group in the Chicago area that trained leftist organizers around the country, and his Industrial Areas Foundation Training Institute numbered among its students labor organizer Cesar Chavez. In researching her thesis, Clinton met face to face with Alinsky, who died in 1972.

"Although some Clinton biographers have been quick to label Alinsky a communist, he maintained that he never joined the Communist Party," Dedman noted.

Hillary's thesis became available to researchers after the Clintons left the White House. But it can be viewed only by those who actually visit the Wellesley archive in Wellesley, Mass., 12 miles west of Boston, and readers can copy only a few pages.

A stolen copy was offered for sale on eBay in 2001, but it was withdrawn when Clinton's staff cited copyright law, according to Dedman.

The title of Hillary's thesis, "There Is Only the Fight," is taken from a line of poetry written by T.S. Eliot: "There is only the fight to recover what has been lost and found and lost again and again."

In the paper, Clinton wrote: "Much of what Alinsky professes does not sound 'radical.' She also opined: "If the ideals Alinsky espouses were actualized, the result would be social revolution."
She closed the thesis by stating that she placed Alinsky in "the pantheon of social action," :shrug: Dedman writes, "next to Martin Luther King, the poet-humanist Walt Whitman, and Eugene Debs, the labor leader now best remembered as the five-times Socialist Party candidate for president."

Republican political consultant Chris Lacivita, who co-produced the "Swift Boat" ads in 2004 that questioned presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam service, told MSNBC that nothing from a candidate's past is off-limits for negative advertising.

"What someone did or said 35 years ago is certainly fair game, especially if you're running for president of the United States," he said, adding that he plans to read the thesis "very soon."

Hillary is a communist !!

wow this is news.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
I was proud when Reagan made that great speech, tear down that wall, even prouder when the wall came down. I'm also proud of Americans Like Michelle Obama that are not afraid to question Her government and make her Country better. That's what America is supposed to be about. Some People think it's Their America. Edwards was wrong, there are not two Americas. America has manyAmericas, with many American Dreams to be fulfilled. Thats the point, that's why Most Americans go to work every day. What; the people in the vidio don't believe in her right to speech ? Bring it on, let the voters decide.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Why doesnt the old show girl McCain is doing release her tax return?

Stevie, do you see how these republicans avoid the real issues? Same old game for them so you have to sink to their level. This stuff about his wife is just red meat for simpletons. Do you think these republicans will step up and talk about the country at any time during this election or is it gonna be Rev Wright and Obama's wife? I guess they will stay with the Rev and the wife since they fooled the simpletons with guns and gay marriage for the last fifty years.


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Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Mccain's wife is a dyke and Laura Bush is an idiotic, slow witted school marm. The rebulicans are so fvcking lost these days it makes me want to puke.


Registered User
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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
I was proud when Reagan made that great speech, tear down that wall, even prouder when the wall came down. I'm also proud of Americans Like Michelle Obama that are not afraid to question Her government and make her Country better. That's what America is supposed to be about. Some People think it's Their America. Edwards was wrong, there are not two Americas. America has manyAmericas, with many American Dreams to be fulfilled. Thats the point, that's why Most Americans go to work every day. What; the people in the vidio don't believe in her right to speech ? Bring it on, let the voters decide.

I am taking a shine to you BryanZ.


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Jun 18, 2002
Stevie, do you see how these republicans avoid the real issues? Same old game for them so you have to sink to their level. This stuff about his wife is just red meat for simpletons. Do you think these republicans will step up and talk about the country at any time during this election or is it gonna be Rev Wright and Obama's wife? I guess they will stay with the Rev and the wife since they fooled the simpletons with guns and gay marriage for the last fifty years.

Once again you hit the nail right on the head. "You have to sink to their levels." So true. Gore didn't do it. Kerry, didn't do it. I hope and pray Obama does.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Once again you hit the nail right on the head. "You have to sink to their levels." So true. Gore didn't do it. Kerry, didn't do it. I hope and pray Obama does.

Stevie all signs point to Obama having a great circle of guys with balls to go after every swift boat bullshit. Oh and since we are talking about wives did you ever see this little tidbit. I hate to go down this road but when you have airheads bringing this stuff up you have to respond.

From Salon:

How Cindy McCain was outed for drug addiction
When an attempt to get tough with a whistleblower backfired in 1994, the McCain spin machine went into overdrive, and the candidate's wife confessed to problems the media was already poised to reveal.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Amy Silverman

Oct. 18, 1999 | PHOENIX -- GOP presidential candidate John McCain's wife Cindy took to the airwaves last week, recounting for Jane Pauley (on "Dateline") and Diane Sawyer (on "Good Morning America") the tale of her onetime addiction to Percocet and Vicodin, and the fact that she stole the drugs from her own nonprofit medical relief organization.

It was a brave and obviously painful thing to do.

It was also vintage McCain media manipulation.

What McEachern and the others didn't know was that, far from being a simple, honest admission designed to clear her conscience and help other addicts, Cindy McCain's storytelling had been orchestrated by Jay Smith, then John McCain's Washington campaign media advisor. And it was intended to divert attention from a different story, a story that was getting quite messy.

I know, because I had been working on that story for months at Phoenix New Times. I had finally tracked down the public records that confirmed Cindy McCain's addiction and much more, and the McCains knew I was about to get them. Cindy's tale was released on the day the records were made public.

But the story I was pursuing was not so much about Cindy McCain's unfortunate addiction. It was much more about her efforts to keep that story from coming to light, and the possible manipulation of the criminal justice system by her husband and his cohorts. The irony is that Cindy's secret would have stayed secret if John McCain's heavy-hitting lawyer, John Dowd (of D.C.'s Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld; his most recent claim to fame was serving as co-counsel for fellow partner Vernon Jordan during impeachment) hadn't heavy-handedly pulled out all the stops to protect the McCain family.

More at: http://www.salon.com/news/src/news.map


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
There is also her creepily authoritarian vision of life under an Obama administration. From a speech in California:

"Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone . . . Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed."

Interesting that since these themes are attached to Obama, they are deemed creepily authoritarian. When they are put forth as values to live by from conservatives and republicans they are deemed to be part of an admirable way to lead, and live. The author certainly went down a long road to try to rip her on these items, making them seem sinister and problematic. :rolleyes:


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Interesting that since these themes are attached to Obama, they are deemed creepily authoritarian. When they are put forth as values to live by from conservatives and republicans they are deemed to be part of an admirable way to lead, and live. The author certainly went down a long road to try to rip her on these items, making them seem sinister and problematic. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I don't get it. It's no-win with people like DTB. If she said something other than that, Wayne would be accusing her of promising a free ride. She throws out this challenge and he accuses her of being a creepy authoritarian. :shrug: DTB's threads are on the verge of becoming unclickable. Really desperate pointless stuff here.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Yeah, I don't get it. It's no-win with people like DTB. If she said something other than that, Wayne would be accusing her of promising a free ride. She throws out this challenge and he accuses her of being a creepy authoritarian. :shrug: DTB's threads are on the verge of becoming unclickable. Really desperate pointless stuff here.

"I accuse" --I believe article was from Boston Globe if I'm not mistaken

and on threads being unclickable--If it makes you feel better by all means don't click them--give it the ole :00x7

---and :grouphug: with the spongebob crew--you certainly won't hurt my feelings.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Since when have I ever shown a desire to hug Sponge?

OK, so you just happen to post random articles - not because you agree with them in anyway. :rolleyes: Please, sell that junk at the flea market - we are a little smarter than that.

Articles are a great way to disguise one's own views. It's like saying - "see, this professional writer feels this way, so it must be legit".

Articles are overrated. Much more interesting to get a person's unfiltered opinions without this professional muck, don't you think? Until then, I just assume that the article is posted is exactly how that poster feels - how could I not?

And don't worry, the rate of clicking is on a rapid decline. I do appreciate knowing your utility bills to the penny though.:shrug:
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Since when have I ever shown a desire to hug Sponge?

OK, so you just happen to post random articles - not because you agree with them in anyway. :rolleyes: Please, sell that junk at the flea market - we are a little smarter than that.

Articles are a great way to disguise one's own views. It's like saying - "see, this professional writer feels this way, so it must be legit".

Articles are overrated. Much more interesting to get a person's unfiltered opinions without this professional muck, don't you think? Until then, I just assume that the article is posted is exactly how that poster feels - how could I not?

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