Military Accepting More Ex-Cons


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Wow Chad
That had to take some doing to find worst month scenerio--
In case anyone interested in entire 2006 enlistment data and not cherry picked days-months ect to meet agenda ----

Fiscal 2006 Enlisted Recruiting from October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2006:

Recruiting Statistics

Componant Accessions Goal Percent
Army 80,635 80,000 101
Navy36,679 36,656 100
Marine Corps 32,337 32,301 100
Air Force 30,889 30,750 100
Army National Guard 69,042 70,000 99
Army Reserve 34,379 36,032 95
Navy Reserve 9,722 11,180 87
Marine Corps Reserve 8,056 8,024 100
Air National Guard 9,138 9,380 97
Air Force Reserve 6,989 6,607 106
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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Didn't take long at all, and not maintaining an agenda - articles were on the first two pages of Google, one on the first, had to only click about 5 of them to find these numbers, which I found interesting. I Googled something broad, like Military enlistment numbers, or some such thing. No doubt there were other articles, which may have been harder to find than mine, I would guess, or used a more targeted google term.

I would think that numbers would stay pretty constant overall, actually, when you lower standards across the board for enlisting, dramatically increase the signup bonuses and number of recruiters going after folks. They must have known what was coming, to make those kinds of adjustments, right? Or, they just decided to do those things for the heck of it?


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Marine- I don't pretend to have enough knowledge on the issue to have much of a stance, but just out of curiosity, is your problem with the people presently in jail, or anyone with a felony on their record? Or anyone with any misdemeanor as well?

DJV- I know what you meant, but this gave me a good laugh. I didn't realize there was that much demand for bear ownership!

BJ- My problem is really with the people out there that think the military is some sort of a day care or work camp for people who have troubles adapting with society's norms. in jail, out of jail, never been in jail... doesnt really matter too much. The military is no longer what it was in the 40's, and 60's and 70's. They are technologically advanced and motivated. Yet people want to whine and cry about this mysterious draft coming up or putting people that are in jail into the military or wiping felonies off their record if they serve as if it were some sort of a swap and that the military was a punishment option instead of 15 years in the klink.

hope that help clears it up
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