Mimai of Ohio bettors quit crying

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Aug 18, 2002
North Canton, Ohio-Viking Country
The better team won the game, if you want to blame someone blame the coach of Miami for bad clock management or blame turnovers costing them a touchdown. Quit crying about the refs, thats why its called home field advantage happens each week in high school, college and pro's did you just now realize this? Marshall is flat out a better team than Miami and you just need to get over yourselves and move on to the next game.
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Jan 24, 2001
Again thegridiron chimes in with informative info. Gee, why did'nt you tell us earlier that all you had to do was bet on the better team. Wow , you made this job easy. Bone


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Sep 10, 2001
Bone - some people speak just to hear their own voice or in this case make posts across the board to see their name all over a message forum...
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Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
yea gridiron, you all knowing a**hole, where were you before the game.

As far as crying, what game were you watching. This game had it all, bad calls by officials, bad calls by Miami coaches, redneck fans that are retards.

Yes I'm a Miami, Oh fan and graduate and if I want to whine, cry, bitch, vent, whatever, that's my business and if you don't like don't read it.

After cooling down a little, I reread what I had written earlier and thought better of what I stated.

But I'm Still Pissed about the game and still think gridiron fits my description above
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Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
I have to agree that the post that Gridiron was way off base, he must have not watched the game. The only point I agree with him/her on is that it's over time to move on to the next game.


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Nov 12, 2002
the 2 calls were questionable- but gridiron is right.

the better team won the game.
hell, marshall was covering for 55:00 of the 60:00 they played.
and they were doing so with their backup quarterback.

trust me, the calls were a 50/50 toss-up, but people are acting like these were phantom, "guy never touched him" calls.

on both calls, there was contact. on the 4th/3 the kid wasnt playing the ball and that is gonna bait the ref into a flag every time.

im not sayin the ref shoulda thrown the flags. but some people are acting like they were completely phantom and the worst calls theyd ever seen in their life. it was hardly that. a true 50/50 judgement call.

both teams played well. miami moved the ball well at times.
marshall moved the ball well at times.
even though miami got beat for 55:00, when they finally DID take the lead, they should have sacked up and played defense instead of letting marshall march right down the field on em.
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Nov 8, 2000
Birmingham, AL USA
all we're doing is discussing what happened last nite. If you don't want to read the thread, don't. It's that simple. I could give a rat's ass if I won/loss and I do enjoy reading people's thoughts whatever they may be. Why did you waste your time starting this thread anyway?

Dr. Freud


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Aug 18, 2002
North Canton, Ohio-Viking Country
Ban me for what? telling the truth? The better team won the game and thats the fact. As for me not saying Marshall would win the game, it is obvious that Boneinthehouse doesnt read the majority of post here, check Hellah post on his play. I posted there that marshall would win that they have better athletes and homefield advantage. It's really time some of you grow up, if you dont like the truth being told Jack has enabled you to block my post, I am not going to stop telling the truth just to kiss your butt's.
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Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
mastercapper: your right, but it will take me a few days to get on with it, at least until the next bad beat:D

gman: they might not been the worst calls ever, but at THAT time in THIS GAME, for me and all other Miami fans and bettors THEY were the worst calls. I know a lot of other factors figured in, but it did come down to those calls in the last 15 seconds and 9 out of ten times that would not have been called pass interference. Miami did get robbed no matter how the rest of the game went.:(

Punch23: I agree, but I guess the same thing could be said about us reading gridiron's thread. But I honestly couldn't take his attitude any longer and had to pop off and tell him what he is:D


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Jan 24, 2001
It is obvious the grid needs help understanding simple communication. Although it's true, I do have a life outside of Madjacks so I probobly don't spend as much time reading, as a lot of you do. I wasn't saying you never posted the play, I was indicating your naivete in saying," they covered just because they were the better team, what's wrong with all of you, you should have known this, I DID" (which in itself is questionable). IMO
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Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
Miami got robbed....simple as that. And that call meant everything to Miami(OH) University. The Marshall win gets them...

2 more ESPN games (MAC Champ game and Bowl Game)
More exposure
More Leftwich
More Money

Now this is a big deal for the MAC because being on national TV is a gift in this conference. There`s been really bad calls at Marshall before. In 2000 Western Michigan blew a 23-0 lead in the MAC Champ game...but Marshall fought back, and the final drive...they flagged Western for late hit out of bounce when Western didnt even touch...serioulsy did not touch Chad Pennington...and it gave Marshall a new set of downs...


Forum Member
Sep 23, 2002
Los Angeles
Troll. And then the defense by saying "only speaking the truth".

You get a D for originality, but a B for recognizing an emotional situation on which to troll. Your key mistake was by making the simpleton "better team" statement. You should have broken down the penalties and pronounced them judgement calls, then point to a few calls during the game that went against Marshall as proof there was no ref conspiracy.


Forum Member
Oct 24, 2001
Miami was the better team....

Rule of thumb in football...

Whoever wins the turnover battle is the better team...and last night Miami was.


Forum Member
Sep 23, 2002
Los Angeles
hellah, look at that original post again. That is the most transparent troll Ive ever seen, especially in light of a win with 5 seconds to go. If you came into this thread blind, you would think Marshall won 50-0.


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Nov 16, 1999
I could care if the better team wins the game or not. i am concerned about the spread and the team that should have covered did not. The M of O coach called a lousy game the last 3 minutes but however you cut it, the refs decided who got paid.

Personally i thught both calls were garbage. on the first one, the DB had his head turned to the ball, had position in front of the receiver, and batted the ball down. Yes he made slight contact with the receiver but in no way did he INTERFERE with the receivers opportunity to catch the ball.

the second was even worse in my opinion. The CB bumped the receiver two yards from the line of scrimmage and it was slight contact at best. Come on. if you are going to call it that close, lets call holding every play on the O line because it happens every play. They don't call it every play because they do not want to interrupt the flow of the game and often it is inconsequential to the outcome of the play. The contact on both plays was minor and had NOTHING to do with the outcome of the play.

I am a lacrosse referee and I relate it to the slashing call in lax. You can call it as many times as you want to in a game bacause it happens every 10 seconds but you call it enough to keep CONTROL of the game and when it impacts a players abilility to make a play. The contact on both of those calls did not impede the receivers ability to make a play on the ball.

The first thing we learn in officiating is to let the players decide the outcome of the game. if that means swallowing the whistle at the end of the game on a close play , then so be it.

I do believe that the officiating crew should be called out for their actions. Their judgement was bad. The call might have been right according to the letter of the rule but their judgement in calling it at that point of the game was wrong.

lastly, The game was less then 24 hours ago. let us bitch for at least a day or two. I don't bet many games so when I do find one I like and the refs decide the outcome I will bitch as loud and as long as I like.


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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
The fact that Marshall won without their quarterback has no direct bearing on who covers the pointspread - does anybody really think that if Leftwich played. Marshall would be a dog? The fact that Marshall was ahead for most of the game also has absolutely nothing to do with who the best team was. If the zebras kept their flags in their pockets and Miami won the game, would Marshall have still been the best team? Under any reasonable circumstances, neither of the PI calls should have been made. They were marginal calls at best and the outcome of a game shouldn't be decided on marginal calls.
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Registered User
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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
yes officiating decided the outcome of the game!

The non-holding call on 3rd down prior to Miami scoring their last TD. Had that call been made, Miami would have been forced to kick a FG on 4th down and only been ahead by 1 point instead of 5.

Damn Officials!

Some of you are completely SORE LOSING and looking thru your gambling conspiracy glasses. That was not even close to being the worst call seen toward the end of a game. And the 2nd PI was meaningless anyway (however that was PI).

Here's some perspective.: If a spread is being decided in the last minute, it was a bad bet either way to begin with!


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Jan 7, 2001
Houston, Texas


Your post is well writen, and informative. Reading the other post leads me to believe that at least one poster in this conversation is new to gambling.

Keep it Positive, Topdog