Mimai of Ohio bettors quit crying

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Dec 24, 1999
So Cal
gjn - beg to respectively disagree with you on a few counts. One - if the point spread in a game is "P" - "2", when should the outcome be decided? The first quarter? The first half? The third quarter? Second - holding can be called on every single play in football. A holding call is the last thing anyone should complain about - especially one in the third quarter. Third - the second pass interference call was significant. It moved the line of scrimmage from the 2 to the 1. The percentages of scoring by the run as opposed to the pass increase tremendously. As for the conspiracy theories or question of sore losers, you are reading far too much into these posts. I believe that most knowledgeable football people would consider the final penalties that decided the game marginal. Most people find it detestable that the official inserts himself into the outcome of a game that should ultimately be decided by the players barring obvious rule violations. In the game in question this occurred not once, but twice in the final seconds. Unfortunately, few people probably watched this game that didn't have a significant reason to root for one side over the other. That will always lead to a difference of opinion.

west coast guru

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May 18, 2001
I love to hear people crying. It eases the pain of the loss having someone else to vent with. I think all of us as gamblers go through these bad beats all the time. The bottom line is the officials can dictate the final outcome of anygame at any level in sports. I coach baseball and everytime we go to certain towns we get homered. They typically barely beat us at their place and get spanked at ours. When we play their the strike zone for us is at the neck and in the dirt. For our pitchers it has to be right down the cock. The coach for their team always wonders why he goes undefeated at home and gets thumped on the road. He can not understand why his team has so much trouble winning on the road. Sometimes we get blatant calls at home and it makes me feel so bad. It makes me feel like we are cheating. The bottom line in any tight ballgame one call usually determines the game. It seems the penalty that changes the game can be called at anytime. I can name tons of calls this last week in college and pro games that decided the outcome. I did not have anything down on the game but Miami O got screwed. If you are going to call that penalty then fuc$$$$ be consistent and call it all game. The bottom line is the officials are so inconsistent it is a joke. All i ever ask for is consistency whether it is good or bad. Call it both ways


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Aug 18, 2002
North Canton, Ohio-Viking Country
Miami of Ohio bettors forgive me for not allowing you to wallow in your self pity, go ahead let it all out. After reading this hogwash about how Miami got robbed, do you realize that Marshall was pretty much leading the whole game? do you realize there were at least two questionable calls that hurt Marshall? Of course it was a tough loss for any gambler but I really see no difference between this being a tough loss and someone whom had bet on Carolina this past weekend. Did all of you blame Rodney Peete for throwing the game to screw Carolina bettors? Go ahead Miami of Ohio bettors take a deep breath and relax, the better team won the game.
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Oct 21, 2002
IMO, which many of you wont care cause you know me from a hole in the head......just matters what side of the FIX you are on in these games...luckily i was on the Marshall side...lol :cool: