Whoever coined the phrase, 'good deeds will never go unpunished' would certainly have their pee pee at attention after reading this abortion of a thread.
That's right, offer a free contest with a $3000 cash prize and a trip to Vegas, and be prepared for the snipers to come in after the fact and whine like little babies. In the contest or not makes little difference in the absurdity of the crying.
How about this: *Before* the next contest starts, all of you nitpickers, spell-checkers, anti 1/2 pointers, anti-alphabetical contest gurus voice your vehement , passionate, republic-saving opinions so there can finally be a properly run contest around here.
You would be hard-pressed to find a better run contest on the net, yet somehow the nits find a way to complain. And hardly in a tactful fashion, at that.
Not surprising, unfortunately.