Mon Total

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000
just my 2 cents, a house may move a line with a little action or percieved incoming action,depending on incoming action or size of the house- so steel your assuption that it takes alot of jing to change aq line is bvery incorrect


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 23, 2004
Factsman, get the facts straight. You tried to have me removed from JD's forum but the JD emailed me and changed all that. I am not kicked out of there and I do not have to try and discredit your dumb ass because that has already been done. Look at DJ Tranks post in your thread from yesterday. They had to lock it up but the facts are all there. You may have a good record here now but you have been kicked out of 4 forums for not keeping good records and for untruths about your win lose record. If your going to post crap about me make sure it is true. That last thing I am going to do is follow you around the net. I will say this, your running out of places to post and those are the facts. Give the moderators a heads up ? Here, let me help you, Mods, this guy is a what I call a scamdicapper. You can go visit his site at, figured I better not advertise, and see for yourself. Check around the net and you will see who and what we are dealing with. Now he has lied about me being kicked out of a place. Name the place and then we will see if I am kicked out. I will gladly go post in their NFL forum as soon as you make the call Factsman. In time you will learn what the other 4 boards have already learned, the guy is not a Factsman, he is a Fraudman. Don't believe what you hear and go investigate as its all printed on all of the forums. Don't let him bring this board down as you have a very good thing going here. Sorry for taking up space and I will gladly go post in any forum he is talkign about. I have not been kicked out of any forums on the net. That is a fraud just like he is.
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Forum Member
Jun 23, 2004
tampa florida
OK ON the guys in here know me like the raymonds and rex and others i come in with a quality post and wish everyone well. my games have been very hot and good for me and those tailing. this man saw me in another forum and went on about my record ...well my posting record is here
im sure if anyone wants to see it look it up the games i post here
are posted in one other forum........thats it
you will find in many forums people actually giving a factsman update how friggin sad is that.
the guys that know me.know i dont promote my company
nor will i ever this forum gives me good p.r and it helps people and i think im pretty dam good with my totals as i think there are some good cappers in here that are pretty dam good as well. but this basher and im sure more will follow which is discouraging.
guys went 2-0 tonight and were happy and a great run were on
and a jerk like this comes in signs up today to try and make trouble it is very upsetting but its part of the game i guess and i will deal. i would hope the room and the mods will have my back if this jagoff comes back
best of luck to all


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 23, 2004
You have a big mouth when you win. Had you lost today you would have not responded so soonr. In time people will see you for what you are. Until then I will sit back and enjoy the view. You are a danger to new cappers. You also have an agenda behind your madness as I have seen this before. In time so will everyone else. No GL to you you fradulant waste of flesh.


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
:clap: Good job facts.

One "but" though. You are going about this in the wrong way. If you are sincere with your comments posted above, you will quit all the guarantee and hype and just post your picks. If you win, you will be noticed. Nothing more is needed. If you don't, you won't last long in this forum.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 17, 2004
This chit is way to funny........can hardly wait to see what is posted after a losing streak!!!



Forum Member
Jun 23, 2004
tampa florida
HOMEDOG................. i dont post here to be noticed i posted facts on the game
i never once in my post guarenteed the game and whee was any hype ? i said SUGGESTED play over 1st half over game.

will someone read my post and show me hype and guarentee

and homedog ive learned in a short time what chases people out of a forum is bashers and losers. i look at it this way im giving quality posts for free because i enjoy doing it and its a way of having my plays monitored and im helping others as well as myself
if someone is cocky and guarentees a game and he feels that is how he expressses himself then as long as he is winning im not
one to pas judgement . i may not like it but i wouldnt judge him. and im speaking hypothetically about if someone did it
not defending myself because i dont do it and those who read my posts know it

this moron steel is actually saying he will sit here and view and wait for me to lose ??????? why am i that important to him

i am a danger to new cappers ???? would someone explain that
thats almost to funny why can i poisen a gamblers mind and make him a bad capper..lmao 2 funny

and if had a agenda........what is it to poise the minds of the young degenerate gamblers ??????? lol

and what are you the forum police........steel these people want to read quality posts i post here every day win or lose
take your save the whale show somewhere else your not taking 20 yrs of credibility away from me in a internet sports forum.
just fade me.............maybe that will make you feel better.

as i said earlier guys that know see my posts here
no hype quality posts good me or this asshole will feed off it he has the agenda he has said it..he will sit and watch
btw nice nite guys hope u did well 2- 1st half and game had it covered in the 2nd inning


I'm trite!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2002
I guess you haven't noticed, but I have been trying to give you some friendly advice.

HOMEDOG................. i dont post here to be noticed i posted facts on the game
i never once in my post guarenteed the game and whee was any hype ?

The hole is getting deeper.

guys...i said it will go over after 3. so im here to post it.
Today is a special day for us it closes our week and as I said yesterday I pinpointed a total that I believe will be over by the end of the 3rd inning no write up no stats no ERAs, just my word!


You know the saying about the duck don't you?


Packer Fan
Forum Member
Nov 15, 2000
Factsman's posts have been accurate, informative and very confident. (Too confident for some, I'd guess)

If you had followed his picks blindly with none of your own 'capping, at all, you'd be waaay ahead for the past week. If you add your own 'capping, it will feel better.

There has been no excessive hype, "lock" talk or efforts to convince anyone to pay for picks.

Do not play 10 units on one of FM's totals after winning 1 or 2 units on the last 13, use your head.

We all know what it's like to follow GSP, YYZ, IE, Ray, Fletch, Rex, Cooz, Antonio, Boilermaker, Thunder, Mize and others' advice as we work on our own picks. Soon we'll learn if FM is as solid as he seems in his first couple weeks. My guess is that picking 1-2 games/day is his ouvre and he'll help us all if we let him. I could be wrong. (No ten unit plays!)

Bashing like this is truly absurd.

If you don't like a person's posts, don't read them!



P.S. I think Glavine, a road warrior, stops the bleeding for the Mets tomorrow.



Forum Member
Jun 23, 2004
tampa florida
thanx gsp
and yes waterdog,,,,,god forbid i lose hell will break
jing thanks for your input.

homedog. being confident andhyping and promoting are 2 different things. do i get excited sometimes well sure i do
but the way i see it if i have a nice write up on a game and like it
i think everyone likes a little excitement on a game.
HOPEFULLY THIS ISSUE IS OVER..and i can continue to post here

because the total i post today will sail
see dog confident thats all and if i cant be me i dont belong here
good luck guys will have the post up soon


Forum Member
Dec 26, 2003
5ft, pin high......
Back on track kid, nicely done. Fueling the fire on those who must discredit. Just ignore them. I promise the rest of us will get to the haters in time. Keep up the good work :toast:
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