Hello MJ Brotherhood, I appreciate the time many of you took to voice your support.... Sat Card is burned and confined to the virtual dumpster. As I have said before, I'm fairly superstitious and a little OCD so when shit hits the fan, I do everything in my power to turn the bad Karma off.... then move on.
I always go back through my plays that lose to see what I failed to take into account..... Like poker, sometimes its just a little variance and "run bad" rearing it's evil head...... *I was wrong, it was actually 4 OT games that dented my BR and 2 losses by a Hook that resulted in a loss of over 10k. I'm not sure that has ever happened to me before, as it appeared that of the small number of OT games on Sat, I was on 4 of them. :0026
Like I mentioned, it makes no difference if you are wagering $1000 a U or $2 a U, noone likes to lose. I wish I had the magic button that allows me to erase all past thoughts when bad beats happen in our preferred occupation or recreational activity. The thing is that in the end its only money and we sure as hell can't take it with us... (or can we?)....
My buddy called me early Sunday to check in and see how I was doing after Sat collapsed. He said he read my post and told me I had to take A Time Out :hitwithro and I wasn't allowed to go to the board until 24 hours were up. :0061 He's a guy I have alot of respect for so I allowed him to discipline me like a petulant child 👶.
I've said it before, I know gamblers that bet thousands of dollars on one game, and I know guys that bet small ($20-$50 a game). Makes no difference, noone is happy after they lose.
We were talking about my largest wager before I started gambling for a living.... Hell, I don't remember exactly what year it was, but I used to drive to Reno to bet sports mostly, and I had a pretty decent football season. In those days, books would pretty much accept any wager, and there wasn't a limit on sides/totals and the mob still had their hand in Vegas and Reno/Tahoe. I was living in CA and would leave work early on a Friday, make the trek to Nevada (with my first wife) and if it was a good weekend, call in sick Monday, and try to give my profits back to the Casino on Sunday Night at the tables. Of course, this was before cell phones and info on games going on in the country was fairly archaic. Some of you older cats might remember that the best way to follow scores back then was to watch Headline News (they had a Ticker Tape at the bottom of the screen). Anyway, I had been having a pretty good season in both NFL and CFB......I took about 75% of my profits and made my way to John Ascuagas Nugget (I had become quite fond of the Nugget) because it was a very classy Casino back then, and the Sportsbook was downstairs away from all of the Casino bells and whistles that those damn slots put out. My wife also enjoyed the Nugget because she had expensive tastes (and while I had comps all over town, she loved the comped out suites) and the indoor pool and jacuzzi. She was also very fond of the Nuggets Steakhouse and Trader Vics (great Lobster Tail and Baked Alaska).
So I brought $35,000 to wager with and had capped the full college slate for Sat CFB. I had keyed in on a Hawaii vs Air Force (line was Air Force -14') and I had the game all figured out, or so I thought. I had brought along my Sister and her Hubby, and my Mom, and a few friends met us at the Nugget, as I had got comped out rooms for everyone. The plan was to win the game, then party hard. This was back in the day when I still drank, and Casinos in Reno would keep the drinks flowing in the Sportsbook and on the floor. High end liquor was all free. Reno was the tits friends.
So a couple of my friends and I went down to place my wager, $33,000 to win 30 large on the Pilot Boys @ Hawaii. The Sportsbook Manager made his call and accepted the bet and I handed over a paper bag full of $100 bils..... The bet was placed and my friends and I went upstairs to play some Carribean Stud (it was a fairly new game at the time, that had a huge house edge) but I had hit a Royal Flush the year before on a Royal Caribbean Cruise that paid the progressive of $22,000 so I enjoyed playing.
We had won a few college football games, and lost a few that day, but my head really wasn't in it because all I could think of was that football game @ Hawaii. I knew that strange things often happened in the Islands but this was way before June Jones took over the HC position and the Rainbow Warriors (that's what they were called then) had been losing by healthy margins all season. Air Force was a strictly option Offense and I trusted the fly boys not to get sucked into the lure of the islands and to conduct themselves in such a way that most of the military academys aspired. I also was banking on AF push to get an attractive Bowl invite, so I put my faith into all these intangibles and away we went.
Well in those days, the Sportsbook closed up shop at about 8 pm..... Of course the game didn't kick until late, like 12 am. I was feeling nervous and actually tries to go to bed, but that was completely impossible as my mind was racing and I wanted to know what the hell was going on. The only score track was that damn Ticker on Headline News....... The problem was that the Ticker would scroll through all the other games but finally at about 1 am, I saw a score in the 2nd quarter that said Air Force 14 Hawaii 0.......another problem with the Ticker was it didn't tell you how much time was left in the quarter.... Very frustrating and a bit unnerving.... Finally at about 2:30 am another score crosses the board that read AF 21 H 7. I went and took a hot shower and tinkered with the idea of running down to the indoor jacuzzi with a bottle of Champagne to wait the score out and get a little drunk (do anything to get my mind off the game).......... After the shower, I started watching the Headline Sports Ticker on my perch in front of the TV. My wife was sleeping like a baby (Bitch)..... The other problem with the Ticker was that it would scroll through about every 15 minutes, however, that didn't mean that the Hawaii game was updated or even on that scroll.... Finally, in the 4th quarter, a score come through AF 21 H 10. Oh man, I had know way of knowing how much time was left, nor what the situation was on the field..... It appeared that those "bad things" were happening in the islands.
Again, I watched the Ticker, again the scored comes across, AF 21 H 10 (11 point spread and I needed 14'.......*Also, my brother in law was on this trip, and he called me at about 4:15 am (he had wagered $600 on the game) and the dude was a complete degenerate at the table games and had already wiped out his $1,400 budget for the trip, so he was also watching the Ticker in his room, and was freaking out as he needed that game to cash so he could go back to the tables and keep degenning........ *Then something shitty happened.... Again the score scrolled and again the score continued AF 21 H 10 (still 4th q)........ The same score and same quarter kept repeating with no movement.... It was now 5 am and no update... No final score.
Sometime after that, I fell asleep pretty much giving in to the real possibility that I had lost my bet..... About 8 am the phone rings, and it's one of my friends in CA. He tells me how sorry he is..... I said nothing, then he said, "Did you see the final score of your game?".... I told him I hadn't, and that I had fallen asleep after the damn Headline News Ticker got stuck.......
He says, "then congrats, final score AF 28 H 10"......I was flabbergasted that it had come through..... Was a very happy guy.
I always go back through my plays that lose to see what I failed to take into account..... Like poker, sometimes its just a little variance and "run bad" rearing it's evil head...... *I was wrong, it was actually 4 OT games that dented my BR and 2 losses by a Hook that resulted in a loss of over 10k. I'm not sure that has ever happened to me before, as it appeared that of the small number of OT games on Sat, I was on 4 of them. :0026
Like I mentioned, it makes no difference if you are wagering $1000 a U or $2 a U, noone likes to lose. I wish I had the magic button that allows me to erase all past thoughts when bad beats happen in our preferred occupation or recreational activity. The thing is that in the end its only money and we sure as hell can't take it with us... (or can we?)....
My buddy called me early Sunday to check in and see how I was doing after Sat collapsed. He said he read my post and told me I had to take A Time Out :hitwithro and I wasn't allowed to go to the board until 24 hours were up. :0061 He's a guy I have alot of respect for so I allowed him to discipline me like a petulant child 👶.
I've said it before, I know gamblers that bet thousands of dollars on one game, and I know guys that bet small ($20-$50 a game). Makes no difference, noone is happy after they lose.
We were talking about my largest wager before I started gambling for a living.... Hell, I don't remember exactly what year it was, but I used to drive to Reno to bet sports mostly, and I had a pretty decent football season. In those days, books would pretty much accept any wager, and there wasn't a limit on sides/totals and the mob still had their hand in Vegas and Reno/Tahoe. I was living in CA and would leave work early on a Friday, make the trek to Nevada (with my first wife) and if it was a good weekend, call in sick Monday, and try to give my profits back to the Casino on Sunday Night at the tables. Of course, this was before cell phones and info on games going on in the country was fairly archaic. Some of you older cats might remember that the best way to follow scores back then was to watch Headline News (they had a Ticker Tape at the bottom of the screen). Anyway, I had been having a pretty good season in both NFL and CFB......I took about 75% of my profits and made my way to John Ascuagas Nugget (I had become quite fond of the Nugget) because it was a very classy Casino back then, and the Sportsbook was downstairs away from all of the Casino bells and whistles that those damn slots put out. My wife also enjoyed the Nugget because she had expensive tastes (and while I had comps all over town, she loved the comped out suites) and the indoor pool and jacuzzi. She was also very fond of the Nuggets Steakhouse and Trader Vics (great Lobster Tail and Baked Alaska).
So I brought $35,000 to wager with and had capped the full college slate for Sat CFB. I had keyed in on a Hawaii vs Air Force (line was Air Force -14') and I had the game all figured out, or so I thought. I had brought along my Sister and her Hubby, and my Mom, and a few friends met us at the Nugget, as I had got comped out rooms for everyone. The plan was to win the game, then party hard. This was back in the day when I still drank, and Casinos in Reno would keep the drinks flowing in the Sportsbook and on the floor. High end liquor was all free. Reno was the tits friends.
So a couple of my friends and I went down to place my wager, $33,000 to win 30 large on the Pilot Boys @ Hawaii. The Sportsbook Manager made his call and accepted the bet and I handed over a paper bag full of $100 bils..... The bet was placed and my friends and I went upstairs to play some Carribean Stud (it was a fairly new game at the time, that had a huge house edge) but I had hit a Royal Flush the year before on a Royal Caribbean Cruise that paid the progressive of $22,000 so I enjoyed playing.
We had won a few college football games, and lost a few that day, but my head really wasn't in it because all I could think of was that football game @ Hawaii. I knew that strange things often happened in the Islands but this was way before June Jones took over the HC position and the Rainbow Warriors (that's what they were called then) had been losing by healthy margins all season. Air Force was a strictly option Offense and I trusted the fly boys not to get sucked into the lure of the islands and to conduct themselves in such a way that most of the military academys aspired. I also was banking on AF push to get an attractive Bowl invite, so I put my faith into all these intangibles and away we went.
Well in those days, the Sportsbook closed up shop at about 8 pm..... Of course the game didn't kick until late, like 12 am. I was feeling nervous and actually tries to go to bed, but that was completely impossible as my mind was racing and I wanted to know what the hell was going on. The only score track was that damn Ticker on Headline News....... The problem was that the Ticker would scroll through all the other games but finally at about 1 am, I saw a score in the 2nd quarter that said Air Force 14 Hawaii 0.......another problem with the Ticker was it didn't tell you how much time was left in the quarter.... Very frustrating and a bit unnerving.... Finally at about 2:30 am another score crosses the board that read AF 21 H 7. I went and took a hot shower and tinkered with the idea of running down to the indoor jacuzzi with a bottle of Champagne to wait the score out and get a little drunk (do anything to get my mind off the game).......... After the shower, I started watching the Headline Sports Ticker on my perch in front of the TV. My wife was sleeping like a baby (Bitch)..... The other problem with the Ticker was that it would scroll through about every 15 minutes, however, that didn't mean that the Hawaii game was updated or even on that scroll.... Finally, in the 4th quarter, a score come through AF 21 H 10. Oh man, I had know way of knowing how much time was left, nor what the situation was on the field..... It appeared that those "bad things" were happening in the islands.
Again, I watched the Ticker, again the scored comes across, AF 21 H 10 (11 point spread and I needed 14'.......*Also, my brother in law was on this trip, and he called me at about 4:15 am (he had wagered $600 on the game) and the dude was a complete degenerate at the table games and had already wiped out his $1,400 budget for the trip, so he was also watching the Ticker in his room, and was freaking out as he needed that game to cash so he could go back to the tables and keep degenning........ *Then something shitty happened.... Again the score scrolled and again the score continued AF 21 H 10 (still 4th q)........ The same score and same quarter kept repeating with no movement.... It was now 5 am and no update... No final score.
Sometime after that, I fell asleep pretty much giving in to the real possibility that I had lost my bet..... About 8 am the phone rings, and it's one of my friends in CA. He tells me how sorry he is..... I said nothing, then he said, "Did you see the final score of your game?".... I told him I hadn't, and that I had fallen asleep after the damn Headline News Ticker got stuck.......
He says, "then congrats, final score AF 28 H 10"......I was flabbergasted that it had come through..... Was a very happy guy.
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