Hi Hippo. I am a long time lurker and follower of your plays, but infrequent poster. First of all, I know you don't want us to say this, and you need a break but please don't leave. :sadwave: Now that I have that out of the way, I want to express my gratitude for the time that you take to post your exhaustive write ups, and the unbelievably solid plays to go along with them. It's hard enough for me to muster up the time and energy just to write this post, let alone having kids thrown into the mix!
As for what happened yesterday, and I watched the whole thing unfold... completely shocked that you and addict were getting called out for basically trying to watch out for others on this site in the most polite way possible. It's really f***ing annoying that some call this 'moralizing.' Perhaps it is easy to lose sight that this site is devoted to a 'hobby' for some, an 'addiction' for others. So yeah, there are some folks that are 'big boys and girls' but there are also some out there that are in dangerous and precarious situations without any of us (and themselves) realizing it. Whether some people want to admit it, this is a community. And a fundamental aspect of community is looking out for one another. So when you politely ask someone to post accurate records. Or when someone else reminds us that the SB is just ONE game. These are not ridiculous things. To be met with the venom they were met with... well :thefinger Frankly, people talking their shit up with either inaccurate records or no record at all drives me up a wall. If you want to be treated like 'big boys and girls' then step up and keep track of what your record is, and don't sit there and tell everybody to HAMMER this play or that play just because you love it. (how'd that work out anyway?) :facepalm: I realize that this is a bit of a caustic post, but frankly you didn't deserve what you got yesterday Hippo. And the fact that it's a contributing factor driving you away from here, even for a little bit is patently ridiculous, and is a total drag for the rest of us who look forward to your plays and write ups daily.
I just want to say thank you for making the difficult choice to step in and say something when someone posts something inaccurate. I've done it before, and it's like you know you're gonna catch shit for it, but you have to do it anyway.
I'll stop talking now, and wish you well. Hurry home soon. All the best. :0074
Petey very nice post pal.
Jess never once has felt above anyone.
That is a fact.
And I am glad you understand.
Some people really do dig themselves in deep holes, and chase all their losings, and then when a big game comes around like the superbowl, they want to bet 20X larger then normal.
All I was suggesting, was not to do that, and most certainly don't do it because someone begged you to.
And all jess was suggesting is that people remain honest and accurate. If that makes us "moral do gooders", well then I guess it is what we are.
You said it best, its a hobby for some, an addiction for others...and I do look at this place more then just a "betting forum" as it was referred to multiple times yesterday. This is a helluva great place, that offers much more.
I have no problems with anyone from yesterday, and from talkin with jess, I know she doesn't either.
Gl petey wish ya the best.