freeze, you ask what exactly as Bush done wrong? Let me say I am on the record on this forum stating I think Bush is a decent and caring guy. I voted for him. Am I happy with this a administration, Hell no. I'm also on record as saying if Cheney Rummy Wolf and others were disbanded I would possibly again vote for Bush.
Regarding Saddam and Iraq I'm on record on this forum back in early 03' saying I am in complete and agreement regarding Afghanistan. With regard to Iraq no matter which way the Republicans want to spin it there is other more meaningful choices. Want to take the wmd route, as I said then South Korea & Iran much closer to nuclear weapons than Iraq, today we see Iran almost enriching now. Play the humanitarian he's killing own people, what about Rwanda Libya Sudan etc. etc. doesn't float. I'll tell you one thing I wouldn't do, that's making hundreds of millions of dollars directly with Saddam and his government, which is exactly what Cheney did under Halliburtan. They are there for oil and nation building pure and simple.
For the record here is my post last March ##11 04-11-2003, 07:11 PM
Registered User Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Boston, MA
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congratulations AR, you know... maybe there were a couple alternative reasons for all this. Or then again....all this commotion could simply be about those poor oppressed Iraqi' s.
Its strange some of us who "smelled something" few months back were all lefty liberals seems to me unless your watching Fox news....pounding your fist chanting USA in your George W tee-shirt, your not American. Or simply not AS AMERICAN as those who are. Anybody who thinks a little, or refutes the current political floated agenda is anti American...God dam it!!
I really don't think any sane American doesn't back our troops. Hell I would never wish harm illness or injury to any fellow American. this isn't exactly a game of risk, no plastic pieces here, every day several more peoples father mother brother son daughter doesn't come home. And because you question the motives reasons & rationales doesn't make you not patriotic.
For those who actually believe we are in Iraqi solely because they are a terrorist threat, with WMD I strongly suggest you start reading up on N.KOREA & IRAN to start with. Or maybe more notably Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. But then again the powers that be say don't worry about Saudi Arabia....ok
for those big hearted Americans, who think its really really wonderful that we liberated those Iraqis and think we have the ability & wallet to police the planet. I would guess not many of these same people knew or cared less about the Sudan and the 2.5 million slaughtered there....until blackhawk Down came out that is. Or the nearly 2 million in Rwanda. Burma?? How about the thousands starving every single week in North Korea?? Cambodian, Bangladesh?? Seems just a little strange Iraqi was singled out as the lucky winner of our generosity. Well time will simply tell now, we will see if it is possible to police and reform 1 Country in the Long list. May God bless the young men & women over there trying to accomplish it.
Speaking about that, I sometimes wonder...seeing as this is such a enormously noble endeavor, why is it that of the hundreds of members in the house & Congress....who have reared many hundreds of children, only the good Senator Johnson from South Dakota has a enlisted child?? Just seems strange to me.