Moore on O'Reilly?


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Mar 14, 2001
Going through through all of the legit news channels and also decided to check out Fox News, and O'Reilly was on, and if I'm not mistaken he said he taped an interview with Moore today and it will be broadcast tomorrow. If I heard correctly, that's worth watching just for the entertainment value.


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Mar 14, 2001
Come on! No one comments on this? Two of the most well-known fringe spokesmen for the far-right and the far-left going at it? It's halfway over right now as I watch the late replay, going to commercial. So far, I'd have to call it a draw.

Fun to watch, though. You could cut a knife through the tension, and I will give props to O'Reilly for bringing him on and filming it unedited and allowing it to be filmed in a BO-question/MM-question format.


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Mar 14, 2001
Bill's refusal to say he would send his kid to Iraq tips the scales to Moore. That was interesting to watch. Glad they did it.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Oreilly refused to say either way bout his children on subject to my view but said he himself would go.

My view on interview was both seemed nervous and out of character and could of thought of MUCH better questions for both.

Give both a D grade for interview.


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Nov 4, 2000
Looks like a tie or maybe a little lean to Moore. But O'Rilley is no fool folks it's called ratings. It's called money. It's not about anything else.

Master Capper

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Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
I saw the interview and thought Moore was rather tame, usually he is very animated as when he is on the political talk show on HBO! I think O'rielly's refusal to answer the question on if he would be willing to sacrifice his children tipped the scales towards Moore, all politicans should be asked this question before they wage a war was no basis. Do any of you really think Bush or any of the other numerous Warhawks would be willing to sacrifice their children for Iraq? Hell most of these guys evaded Vietnam so you know the honest answer would be no but yet they are willing to sacrifice the children of others in which case most of these children come from low income or middle class lives!


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
of 530 or so Washington politicians, only 1 has a enlisted child is the military, Senator Timothy Johnson from South Dakota. Don't know much about this gentleman, but I would love to hear his thoughts, his son has also been 2 Somalia, Kosovo, Korea, Afghanistan & Iraq.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
no parents are expected to "sacrifice their children"

that is a ridiculous question......and posing that question is foolish in itself...a better question would be: "are you ready to face the consequences if your child chose to fight in Iraq?"

To one would think nearly every parent would say "yes"

once 18, the INDIVIDUAL makes the decision to go to enlist or is rather drafted....a parent has nothing to do with this..its funny because the leftists -- the ones who again and again talk about "children's rights"

these INDIVIDUALS chose to put their LIVES ON THE LINE for their country....not necessarily to sacrifice their lives, and the parents didnt put their children's lives on the line much less sacrifice it...there is a big difference....

it is so tiring listening to this ignorant buffoon who says he hates America and capitalism make millions off of those very institutions he desecrates and spew deceitfulness from his mouth unchallenged


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Mar 12, 2001
Just read the transcript and watched the video. Sadly, I thought Moore, although he looked like one of the fat dorks in college playing D&D (I swore he was going to say something like I have a Ranger with 5,824 hit points!), beat O'Reilly in this "showdown". O'Reilly had strong points on the WMD, but in the end, it was bad info, and that's what we were told we were going to Iraq for. Moore was weak in the small history lesson debated, and O'Reilly beat him there, but O'Reilly was made to look weak on if he would send his child to Iraq. I think that's a silly question, but he still looked weak answering it.

Anyway, I think that if we had more issues than this WMD discussed, O'Reilly would have done better. I'd love to see them banter again but with issues such as gay marriage, gun control, economy, etc.

Sidenote, I was playing internet pool today (sounds dorky, I know) with a Portugesian. He started by saying, "Bush sucks!" He then went on to almost verbatim quote Michael Moore. A lot of people, especially foreigners, will see/have seen that movie and take it as gospel.


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Jun 18, 2002
Doctor once agfain you are dead wrong. It is the parents who decide the policy of which their children have to face the consequenses of.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
StevieD shut up are being intellectually dishonest......

If you can join the military, you can vote

When you turn 18, you can decide to put your life on the line and join the military....a great sacrifice for our are not necessarily sacrificing your life, but you are putting your life on the line....and your parents have little to do with your decision

The last thing any 18 year old wants is their parents to still be making decisions for them....i dont know how far back that was for you, but that seems to be the feelings myself and my peers had

Every American should be prepared to put his life on the line for his country...the debate as to whether we should go into Iraq is irrelevant now...we are there now and nearly every politician was in favor of doing so including your buddies Kerry, Daschle, & the Clintons.......nearly everyone thought at the time putting your life on the line in the military whether it be in Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Korea, or the Mexican border -- was a great thing one does


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
nobody should sacrifice their children? Silly question? I believe I've read from reliable sources being dropped into certain areas of Vietnam Life expectancy was 10 minutes on average. Actually being on a Swift boat chance of KIA75%, I'd say that's about as close to "SACRIFICE" AS POSSIBLE. freeze most individuals, who you say willingly lay their life on the line for their country, tell me a different story. I know personally dozens of reserveists, to a man they are in it for the extra cash, because they can't get by without supplementing their income somehow. My neighbor is the oldest reserveists in the state of Rhode Island, 57, you think he left his wife to go to Afghanistan to be a hero? No, he needs capital to pay for the addition on his house.

65-the question of asking if you would send your son willingly to fight in a not popular war is silly, but gay marriage is a relevant topic? Are you shittng me? Personally I'm not gay, or for their marriage, but how does that affect your life? It actually stacks up against losing a child for reasons like Iraq?

Freeze you figure its just a coincidence of 530, 1 Washington politician as a child enlisted in the service? Have Bush send those Twins, they look healthier than the 90lb girl from West Virginia. These ****ing Republicans so willing to get everyone else's kids killed but not their own, why not? Surely in a area so important it would be a Honor to serve. Bush is to stubborn and stupid still to admit he's wrong. Even regarding stem cells, 80% of Republicans disagree with his stance, yet stubbornly he holds on, with no moral ground what so ever to stand on. For IVF yet against stem cell research? Your a doctor freeze, explain to me the difference.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Bush is in favor of stem cell research...yet he opposes uses federal funds. I dont have to explain anything....absolutely nothing wrong with that stance.....plenty of other things are out there to fund just as promising..

If you sign up for the reservists, you better realize what you are signing up for...if you think it is free welfare, then you are the one at fault for thinking so

It is stupid to think that if you are a politician you must have your kids in the service....that is such a stupid argument and I would like to see you go up to these kids and tell them what they have to do...last i checked once you are 18 you are free to do as you wish ....only obligation is to sign up with the SS

And to sit there and slander Repulblicans saying that they are willing to get Americans killed is absolute BS.....hey who tells us not to bomb the heck out of Fallujah? hmmmm....the liberal peaceniks?

you hear people calling liberals UnAmerican....well that is EXACTLY what it is when young lives are in danger and liberals aid and abet the enemy by crying out whenever a civilian casualty is taken which usually is a direct result from some terrorist firing outside a school or a mosque...I say bomb Fallujah, bomb these pukes everywhere they go

What exactly is Bush wrong about? How exactly would you have dealt with Hussein? Instead of this constant banter, lets hear some solutions!!!! It is nauseating and absoultey deceitful to sit there and declare BUSH LIED, BUSH IS WRONG all day without saying what he should have done, what exactly he is wrong about, what exaclty he lied about......etc. etc.


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Jun 18, 2002
Freeze you are the one not thinking thinking things through. The percentage of people over thirty is much larger than those of draft age. So therefore it is those who are beyond draft age who will decide if we have a draft a not. The poor kids being drafted will not have much say in the policies the country takes.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
well right now no one has been drafted all that gobbly gook you wrote has absolutely no relevance


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Mar 12, 2001
Shamrock, "Would you sacrifice your child to secure Fallujah" is a stupid question. It's stupid because it in no way could come true. If O'Reilly says sure I would, u tell me how that can get done. Would President Bush call up Junior O'Reilly and arrange for him to be dropped in Fallujah tomorrow??? It's a stupid question, it can't happen. Moore did not ask ::65-the question of asking if you would send your son willingly to fight in a not popular war is silly::

I posted some other topics I would like them to talk about. They did this topic, let's move on to some others. The ones I listed are examples. I never said gay marriage was a more important topic than the war in Iraq and I obviously don't think that. Give me a little more credit than that. They are totally unrelated although each is important and DOES affect my life. Maybe I should have quoted the question Moore asked. I paraphrased it in my first post, and that has seemed to throw u.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
freeze, you ask what exactly as Bush done wrong? Let me say I am on the record on this forum stating I think Bush is a decent and caring guy. I voted for him. Am I happy with this a administration, Hell no. I'm also on record as saying if Cheney Rummy Wolf and others were disbanded I would possibly again vote for Bush.

Regarding Saddam and Iraq I'm on record on this forum back in early 03' saying I am in complete and agreement regarding Afghanistan. With regard to Iraq no matter which way the Republicans want to spin it there is other more meaningful choices. Want to take the wmd route, as I said then South Korea & Iran much closer to nuclear weapons than Iraq, today we see Iran almost enriching now. Play the humanitarian he's killing own people, what about Rwanda Libya Sudan etc. etc. doesn't float. I'll tell you one thing I wouldn't do, that's making hundreds of millions of dollars directly with Saddam and his government, which is exactly what Cheney did under Halliburtan. They are there for oil and nation building pure and simple.

For the record here is my post last March ##11 04-11-2003, 07:11 PM
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congratulations AR, you know... maybe there were a couple alternative reasons for all this. Or then again....all this commotion could simply be about those poor oppressed Iraqi' s.

Its strange some of us who "smelled something" few months back were all lefty liberals seems to me unless your watching Fox news....pounding your fist chanting USA in your George W tee-shirt, your not American. Or simply not AS AMERICAN as those who are. Anybody who thinks a little, or refutes the current political floated agenda is anti American...God dam it!!

I really don't think any sane American doesn't back our troops. Hell I would never wish harm illness or injury to any fellow American. this isn't exactly a game of risk, no plastic pieces here, every day several more peoples father mother brother son daughter doesn't come home. And because you question the motives reasons & rationales doesn't make you not patriotic.

For those who actually believe we are in Iraqi solely because they are a terrorist threat, with WMD I strongly suggest you start reading up on N.KOREA & IRAN to start with. Or maybe more notably Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. But then again the powers that be say don't worry about Saudi Arabia....ok

for those big hearted Americans, who think its really really wonderful that we liberated those Iraqis and think we have the ability & wallet to police the planet. I would guess not many of these same people knew or cared less about the Sudan and the 2.5 million slaughtered there....until blackhawk Down came out that is. Or the nearly 2 million in Rwanda. Burma?? How about the thousands starving every single week in North Korea?? Cambodian, Bangladesh?? Seems just a little strange Iraqi was singled out as the lucky winner of our generosity. Well time will simply tell now, we will see if it is possible to police and reform 1 Country in the Long list. May God bless the young men & women over there trying to accomplish it.

Speaking about that, I sometimes wonder...seeing as this is such a enormously noble endeavor, why is it that of the hundreds of members in the house & Congress....who have reared many hundreds of children, only the good Senator Johnson from South Dakota has a enlisted child?? Just seems strange to me.
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