regardless of whether you agree with whether we are there or not, it is patriotic to support GWB and the troops as they are in Iraq....i didnt agree with Clinton going into Bosnia but I supported him while he was doing it......
I think the biggest reasons we are there have to do with how our credibility was being shattered along with the potential threat and being proactive instaed of reactive....we believed that WMD's were there and it should not be in doubt as to what intel. was telling everyone including Clinton beforehand....Bush acted and he is taking responsiibiltiy for acting....
pulling out is not an option...i dont know why anyone would think that is would further encourage terror and put our national security at further risk....
i think we need to bomb the hell out of these hotspots and disregard casualties as terrorists sure as heck do not.....that is my concern but as you know any flaming liberal will be and has been all over any casualty and so we are in a catch22.......i say they hate us anyway so might as well fight the right way
I think the biggest reasons we are there have to do with how our credibility was being shattered along with the potential threat and being proactive instaed of reactive....we believed that WMD's were there and it should not be in doubt as to what intel. was telling everyone including Clinton beforehand....Bush acted and he is taking responsiibiltiy for acting....
pulling out is not an option...i dont know why anyone would think that is would further encourage terror and put our national security at further risk....
i think we need to bomb the hell out of these hotspots and disregard casualties as terrorists sure as heck do not.....that is my concern but as you know any flaming liberal will be and has been all over any casualty and so we are in a catch22.......i say they hate us anyway so might as well fight the right way