Moore on O'Reilly?

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
regardless of whether you agree with whether we are there or not, it is patriotic to support GWB and the troops as they are in Iraq....i didnt agree with Clinton going into Bosnia but I supported him while he was doing it......

I think the biggest reasons we are there have to do with how our credibility was being shattered along with the potential threat and being proactive instaed of reactive....we believed that WMD's were there and it should not be in doubt as to what intel. was telling everyone including Clinton beforehand....Bush acted and he is taking responsiibiltiy for acting....

pulling out is not an option...i dont know why anyone would think that is would further encourage terror and put our national security at further risk....

i think we need to bomb the hell out of these hotspots and disregard casualties as terrorists sure as heck do not.....that is my concern but as you know any flaming liberal will be and has been all over any casualty and so we are in a catch22.......i say they hate us anyway so might as well fight the right way


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
We should or those who sent our guys and gals to Iraq should.. Apologies to them for the false reasons we use to send them. It's just nuts to have a city like fallujah right in the middle of this peaceful country.


Forum Member
SixFive said:
Shamrock, "Would you sacrifice your child to secure Fallujah" is a stupid question.

True dat w/volunteer force and being over 18. No one sends their children to do their fighting unless its Hamas, et al. Does that make Hamas justified?

Michael Moore continues to have unkind words for his fellow countrymen. On his international book tour, the author of ?Dude, Where?s My Country?? was asked what he thought of Americans.
?They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet ... in thrall to conniving, thieving, smug pricks,? he replied. ?We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don?t know about anything that?s happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing.?

"The right wing is not where America is at,? Moore said. ?Most Americans, in their heart, are liberal and progressive. It?s just a small minority of people who hate. They hate. They exist in the politics of hate.?

?They?re not patriots,? Moore said. ?They?re hate-triots, and they believe in the politics of hate-triotism. Hate-triotism is where they stand, and patriotism is where real Americans stand.?

Moore, who predicted victory for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry ? ?It?s all over but the voting,? he said ? warned that the Republican Party will do almost anything to keep its hold on power. ?They?re not going to go without a fight,? he said, ?and believe me, they are better fighters than we are.?

?I mean, they are up at six in the morning trying to figure out which minority group they?re going to screw today,? Moore continued. ?The hate, they eat for breakfast. They are going to fight and they are going to smear, and they are going to lie, and they are going to hate."
- M. Moore


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
freeze, with all due respect, you say pulling out isn't a option. With that logic wouldn't we still be in Vietnam losing lots more than 60000 lives. History has shown almost unanimously people agree Vietnam was a mistake, a costly one at that.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
thats not true...what we do here has ntohing to do with vietnam

pulling out isnt a viable option in Iraq.....did i say anything about vietnam?

these are entirely two differnet situations


Registered User
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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Once again I would give both a D at best.
In Oreilly's defence If you asked anyone if they would send their children to war whether it be pres or anyone you will get the truth which is no or a lie.Can anyone name a person that wants to send their children to war????

I thoughy toughest question to Moore was when he said he would not go to war unless attacked but had not much to say when asked about Germany.

Basically thought both were out of character and uneffective.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
I realize YOU didn't say anything about Vietnam. And your correct they are different, different countries. Just the same both are unpopular wars with many valid reasons for not agreeing with.

Btw how many Americans did Clinton send to their death in Bosnia? What has nothing to do with one another is Bosnia & Iraq. But as I said over 1.5 years ago, we will see.


Late Night
Forum Member
Aug 3, 2002
I thought the interview was going to be more entertaining. Both of them kept trying to use irrelevant examples to prove their points. Moore and O'reilly both tried to trick each into saying something they didn't want to say. I thought they talked in circles rather they sticking to their main points. IMO any1 with the intelligence bush had would of done the same thing. I would of asked moore, IF a nuclear bomb went off in the US, would of made a movie on why we DIDN"T invade IRAQ. If i was moore i would of asked o'really why did bush try to sell the WMD lemon to the us public. THen i would of asked o'reilly why bush was not admitted his administration was completely wrong about WMD.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i agree nothing has to do with Bosnia and Iraq......but i and other conservatives supported BOTH Clinton and the troops while they were over there

the same should be done for Bush regardless as to whether you think he made the right decision

valid reasons can be made both for and against the war and the rhetoric which we are constantly bombarded with is absolutely intellectually dishonest which was the point I made.....

Every American should be able to see at least some validity to what we are doing....if you cannot, your glasses are so blurred that it is worthless to discuss anything with you.....every American should also have been able to see other options including disregarding Iraq altogether..but those options are not available anymore and belaboring those is counterproductive right now

we must show some solidarity to other countries if we truly wnat to be able to win this war on terror....solidarity in fighting that is wherever the fight may find us....the only option that is not viable is doing nothing or cutting and running...


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Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
you are beginning to see the light my friend freeze, your above statements would never have come from your mouth months past. Admittedly cutting & running is not the desire objective. But let's say Iran proceeds with nuclear capabilities & acts increasingly aggressively, their hatred for us is well established. How many fronts we going to fight, Afghanistan Iraq Iran simultaneously. If anything are sluggish efforts in Iraq has done nothing but positively influence Iran, a country with real weapons and a real military.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i agree and thats why we should be bombing the heck out of Fallujah....we are fighting with one hadn behind our back and it is all because of the left wing socialist/globalist/anti-americans

i have always said there were reasons to not go to Iraq.....but there were plenty of reasons also to be there....and the rhetoric we are constantly hearing is outrageous


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Once again, the skewering of FACTS by the media has people doing knee-jerk reactions and ready to crucify people.

Yep, its true, 1 of 500+ sens and reps have an child ENLISTED in the service.
Now go find out how many of them have sons and daughters that are commissioned officers in the service.

Moore is spewing half truths to give his arguement more of a leg to stand on.

and number 2 on that point... the average age of most senators and reps means that their "children" are going to be in their early 30's by now..... many of which HAVE ALREADY DONE THEIR FOUR YEARS and gotten out to pursue other venues.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
the whole question he asks is a joke..."are you willing to sacrifice your kids in Iraq?"

what a buffoon......marine, did you join the marines to be a sacrifice? or did you join to kick ass for your country?

what an insult to anyone and everyone in the armed forces


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Once again Freeze you twist everything to fit your warped view of America. The last I saw Rumsfeld and Bush were running this war. If you don't like the way it is being fought it is not the liberals fault it is the two crooks who are running it! It is them who have set our soldiers up as sitting ducks. They should either have the guts to fight the war with the full might of the United States military to protect our soldiers.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Marine, nice to see you around again. From my above post nearly 1.5 years ago I did my owned research, long before Moore movie was even a thought. Please enlighten me on how many Washington politicians have commissioned officers as children, I would genuinely like to know, thank you.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
I agree StevieD....but look who was bitching when we were blowing things up......

I blame the liberals for this and I blame Rumsfeld and Bush for not showing courage to disregard them


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Last time I saw the actual number was at least 3 yrs ago, but it was fairly high. I think around a dozen.
I couldn't tell you an exact number of congressional kids that have been in the service total either unfortunately - I want to say around 35 have served at one point or another and gotten out... again, those are numbers from about three years ago. If i get a chance next week I will call the admin geeks I know and see what they have.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
Correct me if I'm wrong, because I honestly don't know for sure, but Tim Johnson's son (Brooks, I believe) is the only one that served in the Middle East. I only say that because I think I remember there being a lot of pride about that in the South Dakota community I was living in when the war started because of that.

Marine, my knowledge of the military heirarchy is admittedly poor. If some are commissioned officers, what does that mean? I know the ranks and what is regarded as enlisted and officer, but duty-wise, what does that mean? Do they remain stateside or is there the possibilty that they could get shipped to the Middle East. Just curious.


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
The differnece between an officer and enlisted is that the to be an officer you must have a 4 yr degree. The best way to look at it is the enlisted side is the labor, and the officer side is the management - but it really is not that simple.
The officers are the people responsible for the safety, well being and mission accomplishment. They are always right there with their troops, they are the ones that make the majority of decisions for the group.
Check out if you want to check some stuff out about it. Its a very informative site that has just about everything you can think of it in.
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