Moral Question/Video


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Mar 6, 2005
Sin City



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Sep 12, 2005
Hell I don't know
There is a difference in laughing at a video knowing she is ok than laughing at a kid "in person" not knowing whether or not they are hurt and if they can see you laughing. I laugh when my 2 1/2 year old does something clumsey. It happens to everyone at some point in their life.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
didn't laugh and if that was my daughter and i'd catch someone laughing in that place i'd fuk him or her up

what lewehands said.

of course its not funny. i never said or infered it was. i just said that at first viewing, i laughed. not fall on the floor crying laugh, just laughed. i watched it again and didn't laugh and the whole point of this post was that even when i first watched it i felt bad and then felt bad afterward. it was a gut thing. i just did. nobody is laughing with the thought that she is hurt. if you really thought she was hurt then we wouldn't have laughed.

if this was on americas funniest videos some people would laugh.

i guess thats the point.



Under .500
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Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Well, she didn't get hurt, and she wasn't the standard puss kid who does something like that and starts the "sympathy cry". I hate that shit!

Oh, I fell......I better start crying now!

Good for her. She just looked up at the teacher as if to say, "Um, I just fuked up here. Can ya help me out?"


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003

just watch this thirty second video and tell me if you laughed or not. I did, I have daughters, and I felt bad about it afterward. Be honest. The girl is fine and isn't hurt. Someone asked me to watch it and see if I laughed, and I did, but felt bad right afterward. I couldn't help it and tried not too, but I did.


Not in the least bit funny. Just wondered if she was alright.


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Feb 22, 2001
Interesting thread, from my (twisted) point of view. I've been interested in ethics for a number of years now and I can't help but notice that people often get some kind of bizarre pleasure out of the suffering of other people. Let's face it, even a great deal of comedy routines are based on putting down or otherwise criticizing other people. Even slapstick--what we have here--always seems to contain a certain amount of violence. I haven't concluded as to whether all of this is related to some kind of one-upmanship ego thing or what the cause of such attitudes are. As a further example, to confess my own weakness, perhaps, I generally don't care how others are doing on their handicapping but when I am on a bad streak I submit that I'm not overly joyous reading about how others are cleaning up; maybe a bad example but surely some of you must see the relationship and what I am getting at overall.

As for this video--I didn't laugh. I had a good idea of what was coming and your introduction probably suggested to me that the humour was, in a way, a bit perverse. I have never had kids (I don't think?!?!) so I can't relate in that way. At least she was okay--people are pretty resilient, especially those a little younger than I (look out 40, here I come).

Interesting post.
Slapstick has never really done it for me.
Me and my twisted sense of humour.

I don't hope for anyone in here to lose money.
I guess that point was something along the lines that when I am failing at something it makes it harder to accept success by others for the same venture. Don't know if that makes sense. I just think that it's all related somehow.

Failure has its humour, I suppose.
The psychology of humour is not my strong suit.
(mind you, neither is baseball, so far in '08)

Go Jazz!
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poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
the girl didn't even hit her face. watch close and it never even touches the ground, her hand stopped her fall.

sh*t happens. everyone there probably ooooo'd when it happened and rushed to help her.

They'll undoubtedly show this video clip at her wedding someday and all have a good laugh over it.
We're just ahead of the power curve by laughing now.


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Apr 28, 2006
I laughed quite hard. Often, things that are very funny to the viewer are not funny to the recipient. Now, if she had been serously injured it would not have been funny. I think these type of incidents are funny to watch, on the one hand, but you're always concerned about how it turned out. If she's ok, it's funny. If she'd been seriously injured, it wouldn't be funny.
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