Gas Resistant PramThis stroller was invented in England during world war 2 and was designed to protect the child from inhaling gas. Can you imagine pushing your baby in a stroller like this? We think it looks more like a coffin than a pram!
Baby Cages?!Baby cages used to ensure that children get enough sunlight and fresh air when living in an apartment building in 1937. They were not use from the early 1940s as safety came under heavy scrutiny as you can imagine.
A Young Robin WilliamsDaniel Sorine, a young photographer, was strolling through Central Park in 1974 when he stumbled upon two mimes in Central Park and took a few moments to photograph the duo as they quietly performed. Nearly 35 years later, the New York photographer came across the negatives and realized for the first time that one of the talented fellas he had captured was actually a young Robin Williams. What a picture!
Final KissWWII soldiers getting their last kiss before deployment. A remarkable photo and one that reminds us of what really matters in life. With over 50 million deaths from World War II, its a touching and incredibly rare photo. We hope that as many of these young soldiers made it back to their loved ones
Marilyn Monroe meets Queen Elizabeth Royalty meets global superstar! This image captures the momentous moment when Queen Elizabeth II shook hands with Marilyn, at the Royal Film premiere of war film The Battle of River Plate, in Leicester Square on London, 29 October, 1956. HRH and Monroe were both guests at the premier of the film. We can?t imagine these two ladies had much in common but an interesting image all the same!
looks like Victor Mature next to mom thought he could walk on water.
The Beatles & Ali I?m knocking you out suckers! Muhammad Ali comes up again for us and this time meets The Beatles on February 18, 1964 on Miami Beach, Florida, where the infamous band were wrapping up their whirlwind first visit to the U.S. The Beatles?or someone in their entourage?reportedly pushed for a photo-op with the heavyweight champion and we?re pleased they did!
Painting of the Eiffel TowerWe know that there are jobs in the world for everyone but not sure we would want to do this job in a hurry. Now safety for all employers are the first thing needed, however with no safety harnesses this definitely wouldn?t pass safety regulations now. Construction of the tower started 1887 and finished about 2 or 3 years later.
:0008 Rare Photos of History Nineteen year old Robert Wadlow (height 8 ft 7 in) the tallest person in recorded history, chatting with a friend after appearing at a charity event in Omaha, Nebraska, April 1, 1937. He grew another 4 inches before his death three years later.