FWIW: This sums up my impression of Kerry
FWIW: This sums up my impression of Kerry
John Kerry
By Ann Coulter:
Kerry was indisputably brave in Vietnam, and it's kind of cute to see Democrats pretend to admire military service. Physical courage, like chastity, is something liberals usually deride, but are tickled when it accidentally manifests itself in one of their own. One has to stand in awe of Kerry's military service 33 years ago. Of course, that's where it
ends, including with Kerry -- inasmuch as, upon his return from war in 1970, he promptly began trashing his fellow Vietnam vets by calling them
genocidal murderers.
But if Bush can't talk to Kerry about the horrors of war, then Kerry sure as hell can't talk to anyone about the plight of the middle class. Kerry's life experience consists of living off other men's money by marrying their wives and daughters. For over 30 years, Kerry's primary occupation has been stalking lonely heiresses. Not to get back to his combat experience, but Kerry sees a room full of wealthy widows as "a target-rich environment." This is a guy whose experience dealing with tax problems is based on spending his entire adult life being supported by rich women.
What does a kept man know about taxes?
In 1970, Kerry married into the family of Julia Thorne -- a family estimated to be worth about $300 million. She got depressed, so he promptly left her and was soon seen catting around with Hollywood starlets, mostly while the cad was still married. (Apparently, JFK really was his mentor.)
Thorne is well-bred enough to say nothing ill of her Lothario ex-husband.
He is, after all, the father of her children -- a fact that never seemed to constrain him. When Kerry was about to become the latest Heinz family charity, he sought to have his marriage to Thorne annulled, despite the fact that it had produced two children. It seems his second meal ticket,
Teresa Heinz, wanted the first marriage annulled -- and Heinz is worth more than $700 million.
Kerry claims he will stand up to powerful interests, but he can't even stand up to his wife. Heinz made Kerry sign a prenuptial agreement,
presumably aware of how careless he is with other people's property, such as other people's Vietnam War medals, which Kerry threw on the ground
during a 1971 anti-war demonstration.
At pains to make Kerry sound like a normal American, his campaign has described how Kerry risked everything, mortgaging his home in Boston to help pay for his presidential campaign.
Technically, Kerry took out a $6 million mortgage for "his share" of "the family's home" -- which was bought with the Heinz family fortune.
Why should he spend his own money?
He didn't throw away his own medals.
I'm sure the average working stiff in Massachusetts can relate to a guy who borrows $6 million against his house to pay for TV ads.
Kerry's campaign has stoutly insisted that he will pay off the mortgage himself, with no help from his rich wife. Let's see: According to tax
returns released by his campaign, in 2002, Kerry's income was $144,091.
But as The Washington Post recently reported, even a $5 million mortgage paid back over 30 years at favorable interest rates would cost $30,389 a month or $364,668 a year.
The Democrats' joy at nominating Kerry is perplexing. To be sure, liberals take a peculiar, wrathful pleasure in supporting pacifist
military types. And Kerry's life story is not without a certain feral aggression.
But if we're going to determine fitness for office based on life experience, Kerry clearly has no experience dealing with problems of typical Americans since he is a cad and a gigolo living in the lap of other men's money.
Kerry is like some character in a Balzac novel, an adventurer twirling the end of his mustache and preying on rich women. This low-born poseur with his threadbare pseudo-Brahmin family bought a political career with one rich woman's money, dumped her, and made off with another heiress to
enable him to run for president.
If Democrats want to talk about middle-class tax cuts, couldn't they nominate someone who hasn't been a poodle to rich women for the past 33
Don't forget -- John Kerry is strong on defense:
* He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle
* He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank
* He voted to kill every Aircraft carrier laid down from 1988
* He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system
* He voted to Kill the F-15 strike eagle
* He voted to Kill the Block 60 F-16
* He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgrade
* He voted to Kill the B-1
* He voted to Kill the B-2
* He voted to Kill the Patriot anti Missile system
* He voted to Kill the FA-18
* He voted to Kill the B-2
* He voted to Kill the F117
In short, he voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Kerry as president our Army will be made up of naked men running around with sticks and clubs.
He also:
* voted to kill all anti terrorism activities of every agency of the US Government
* and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%,
* to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%,
* and cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.
But then he voted to increase OUR - the USA's - funding for U.N. operations by 800%!!!
FWIW: This sums up my impression of Kerry
John Kerry
By Ann Coulter:
Kerry was indisputably brave in Vietnam, and it's kind of cute to see Democrats pretend to admire military service. Physical courage, like chastity, is something liberals usually deride, but are tickled when it accidentally manifests itself in one of their own. One has to stand in awe of Kerry's military service 33 years ago. Of course, that's where it
ends, including with Kerry -- inasmuch as, upon his return from war in 1970, he promptly began trashing his fellow Vietnam vets by calling them
genocidal murderers.
But if Bush can't talk to Kerry about the horrors of war, then Kerry sure as hell can't talk to anyone about the plight of the middle class. Kerry's life experience consists of living off other men's money by marrying their wives and daughters. For over 30 years, Kerry's primary occupation has been stalking lonely heiresses. Not to get back to his combat experience, but Kerry sees a room full of wealthy widows as "a target-rich environment." This is a guy whose experience dealing with tax problems is based on spending his entire adult life being supported by rich women.
What does a kept man know about taxes?
In 1970, Kerry married into the family of Julia Thorne -- a family estimated to be worth about $300 million. She got depressed, so he promptly left her and was soon seen catting around with Hollywood starlets, mostly while the cad was still married. (Apparently, JFK really was his mentor.)
Thorne is well-bred enough to say nothing ill of her Lothario ex-husband.
He is, after all, the father of her children -- a fact that never seemed to constrain him. When Kerry was about to become the latest Heinz family charity, he sought to have his marriage to Thorne annulled, despite the fact that it had produced two children. It seems his second meal ticket,
Teresa Heinz, wanted the first marriage annulled -- and Heinz is worth more than $700 million.
Kerry claims he will stand up to powerful interests, but he can't even stand up to his wife. Heinz made Kerry sign a prenuptial agreement,
presumably aware of how careless he is with other people's property, such as other people's Vietnam War medals, which Kerry threw on the ground
during a 1971 anti-war demonstration.
At pains to make Kerry sound like a normal American, his campaign has described how Kerry risked everything, mortgaging his home in Boston to help pay for his presidential campaign.
Technically, Kerry took out a $6 million mortgage for "his share" of "the family's home" -- which was bought with the Heinz family fortune.
Why should he spend his own money?
He didn't throw away his own medals.
I'm sure the average working stiff in Massachusetts can relate to a guy who borrows $6 million against his house to pay for TV ads.
Kerry's campaign has stoutly insisted that he will pay off the mortgage himself, with no help from his rich wife. Let's see: According to tax
returns released by his campaign, in 2002, Kerry's income was $144,091.
But as The Washington Post recently reported, even a $5 million mortgage paid back over 30 years at favorable interest rates would cost $30,389 a month or $364,668 a year.
The Democrats' joy at nominating Kerry is perplexing. To be sure, liberals take a peculiar, wrathful pleasure in supporting pacifist
military types. And Kerry's life story is not without a certain feral aggression.
But if we're going to determine fitness for office based on life experience, Kerry clearly has no experience dealing with problems of typical Americans since he is a cad and a gigolo living in the lap of other men's money.
Kerry is like some character in a Balzac novel, an adventurer twirling the end of his mustache and preying on rich women. This low-born poseur with his threadbare pseudo-Brahmin family bought a political career with one rich woman's money, dumped her, and made off with another heiress to
enable him to run for president.
If Democrats want to talk about middle-class tax cuts, couldn't they nominate someone who hasn't been a poodle to rich women for the past 33
Don't forget -- John Kerry is strong on defense:
* He voted to kill the Bradley Fighting Vehicle
* He voted to kill the M-1 Abrams Tank
* He voted to kill every Aircraft carrier laid down from 1988
* He voted to kill the Aegis anti aircraft system
* He voted to Kill the F-15 strike eagle
* He voted to Kill the Block 60 F-16
* He voted to Kill the P-3 Orion upgrade
* He voted to Kill the B-1
* He voted to Kill the B-2
* He voted to Kill the Patriot anti Missile system
* He voted to Kill the FA-18
* He voted to Kill the B-2
* He voted to Kill the F117
In short, he voted to kill every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons systems since 1988 to include the battle armor for our troops. With Kerry as president our Army will be made up of naked men running around with sticks and clubs.
He also:
* voted to kill all anti terrorism activities of every agency of the US Government
* and to cut the funding of the FBI by 60%,
* to cut the funding for the CIA by 80%,
* and cut the funding for the NSA by 80%.
But then he voted to increase OUR - the USA's - funding for U.N. operations by 800%!!!