more fair and balanced media democrats at work...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
"The Atlantic" and photographer Jill Greenberg, whose photo shoot with John McCain was deliberately set up to produce ominous, threatening pictures?by using outright trickery: Out-Takes: Behind The Atlantic?s McCain Cover."

""When The Atlantic called Jill Greenberg, a committed Democrat, to shoot a portrait of John McCain for its October cover, she rubbed her hands with glee.

She delivered the image the magazine asked for?a shot that makes the Republican presidential nominee look heroic. Greenberg is well known for her highly retouched images of bears and crying babies. But she didn?t bother to do much retouching on her McCain images. ?I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad,? she says.

After getting that shot, Greenberg asked McCain to ?please come over here? for one more set-up before the 15-minute shoot was over. There, she had a beauty dish with a modeling light set up. ?That?s what he thought he was being lit by,? Greenberg says. ?But that wasn?t firing.?

What was firing was a strobe positioned below him, which cast the horror movie shadows across his face and on the wall right behind him. ?He had no idea he was being lit from below,? Greenberg says. And his handlers didn?t seem to notice it either. ?I guess they?re not very sophisticated,? she adds.""



?I guess they?re not very sophisticated,? she adds.""

lol...because, of course, that's what really counts, isn't it? ...a person's level of "sophistication"......(spit)...

perhaps, not being a devious person, he was simply trusting her to do her job?....

she is only the tip of the iceberg........

and to be so arrogant to say it out loud and so proudly. ..

what a fool....and the left keeps wondering why they keep losing elections?...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
No. It's because of photographers.

I hope all 4 subscribers cancel their subscription.

sorry wubby.......what astounds me is how giddy these people are after pulling one of these stunts....

it's like an eleven year old soaping someone's windows on halloween.......they're practically peeing in their pants over how clever they are. .....

this isn't all that much different than bock`s "mccain technology ad" this past week....

you know,mccain is too old, too senile to do email......

"ha! him!...we're so great!"....then, after the fact, they learn the reality and it's "oh sh-t--pull the ad".....

i can't wait for jilly's "oh sh*t" moment.....


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"`s for real...more extreme left wing lunchroom pranksters and playground bullies on parade....

i hope it continues and continues to find the disinfecting light of day....

and hopefully,it will lead to more folks supporting the democrat (mccain) over the radical leftist (bock),........


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI`s for real...more extreme left wing lunchroom pranksters and playground bullies on parade....

i hope it continues and continues to find the disinfecting light of day....

and hopefully,it will lead to more folks supporting the democrat (mccain) over the radical leftist (bock),........

gw... Conservatives REALLY need to stop whining about the liberal media. It just comes off like "the boy who cried wolf". It may have been a legitimate claim at one time, but there's so much content available these days that people just go to sources they trust for their news and disregard the rest.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
gw... Conservatives REALLY need to stop whining about the liberal media. It just comes off like "the boy who cried wolf". It may have been a legitimate claim at one time, but there's so much content available these days that people just go to sources they trust for their news and disregard the rest.

trench..don`t be so defensive...just read the irresponsible,unprofessional idiot`s own words in the first panel....

she`s a disgrace....can you imagine if such a person were a dentist or a chef?....she should be unemployable....

no bias,eh?(you can`t wake someone who`s pretending to be asleep)...




Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
US Weekly . . . It's usually LC, Britney or Jessica on the cover.

Y'know all those celebrities that McCain compared Obama to . . . and then started snickering.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Some folks don't take a good pitcure. That old reb rag shuld know that.
Fair and what? Wait till you see the Hannity/Palins love in. I can here first question don't worry I wont ask you anything to hard. What do you make for dinner after working all day as Gov. Or are you tired from long drive home. How kids doing in school? Everyone wants to know were you buy your glasses?
Well good luck.

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
Its not the shadow that makes him look scary, its the wrinkles and all that droping skin!! If the young kids see that photo....kurby
Question is why would someone who supports him post that photo? I think they did a touch up but added extra skin and wrinkles!!
Wouldnt it be his HANDLERS fault(you know the great thinkers they are) as if they dont know he is 72 and looks 94 in photos.....great move guys now the younger generations will never vote after seeing that photo, or was he in his halloween costume....October is right around the corner :s2:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
McCain is looking really bad.

did you even read the first panel,stevie?.......sheesh...

if a photog did a photo shoot with salma hayak and used inyentionally bad lighting and no air-brushing,they could make her look like bea arthur...

that`s the point...

let me spell out the larger point i`m making here(for morons like jer-z-jock)...this is what the extremist left wingers in the media do.....

multiply that by 1,000, to get a sense of all of the negative images the extreme left create of republicans in various publications, and other media outlets(us magazine/atlantic monthly/the nyt`s/the la times/the view/movies/t.v. shows etc). ... these are the sort of subtle tools they use to vilify people.

it doesn't affect those who go by ideas, but it affects people who don`t follow politics yet still vote...


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
did you even read the first panel,stevie?.......sheesh...

if a photog did a photo shoot with salma hayak and used inyentionally bad lighting and no air-brushing,they could make her look like bea arthur...

that`s the point...

let me spell out the larger point i`m making here(for morons like jer-z-jock)...this is what the extremist left wingers in the media do.....

multiply that by 1,000, to get a sense of all of the negative images the extreme left create of republicans in various publications, and other media outlets(us magazine/atlantic monthly/the nyt`s/the la times/the view/movies/t.v. shows etc). ... these are the sort of subtle tools they use to vilify people.

it doesn't affect those who go by ideas, but it affects people who don`t follow politics yet still vote...
:142smilie :142smilie

I'm just saying that McCain looks pretty bad! You claim the left is doctoring the pictures, how do we know the RIGHT isn't doctoring the pictures and he really does look like that!:142smilie :142smilie
Just having fun with you


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
this is what the extremist left wingers in the media do.....

multiply that by 1,000, to get a sense of all of the negative images the extreme left create of republicans in various publications, and other media outlets(us magazine/atlantic monthly/the nyt`s/the la times/the view/movies/t.v. shows etc). ... these are the sort of subtle tools they use to vilify people.

it doesn't affect those who go by ideas, but it affects people who don`t follow politics yet still vote...

Come off it gw. You're a smart guy. Do you really want to play the liberal media card? Is that all that conservatives have left?

We're at war in the middle east, our financial institutions are crumbling, the dollar keeps shrinking, the housing market's collapsed, energy costs are choking our economy, our borders are sieves, our infrastructure's crumbling, we have no energy plan, no exit strategy and no answers for the middle east problem, no plan to reverse current economic trends and rebuild our manufacturing base and you're worried about unflattering photos on magazine covers?

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
did you even read the first panel,stevie?.......sheesh...

if a photog did a photo shoot with salma hayak and used inyentionally bad lighting and no air-brushing,they could make her look like bea arthur...

that`s the point...

let me spell out the larger point i`m making here(for morons like jer-z-jock)...this is what the extremist left wingers in the media do.....

multiply that by 1,000, to get a sense of all of the negative images the extreme left create of republicans in various publications, and other media outlets(us magazine/atlantic monthly/the nyt`s/the la times/the view/movies/t.v. shows etc). ... these are the sort of subtle tools they use to vilify people.

it doesn't affect those who go by ideas, but it affects people who don`t follow politics yet still vote...

damn its getting bad over there in McSames camp, you can only cry that WE doctor the photos to shift ones thinking....but pounding lies into everyones head is fine and dandy by you, and supported stringly by you. I may be better off not knowing politics if thats what is does to you, cry about dumbshit and turn blue in the face backing who you support regardless of whats good for the nation. Hint Lil G-Dubb none of US lefties took the photo we just laughed like hell at gran pa. Maybe you should be McSames advisor or find away to get in his campaign that way atleast you'll get paid for bashing the guys who dont think like you.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Come off it gw. You're a smart guy. Do you really want to play the liberal media card? Is that all that conservatives have left?

We're at war in the middle east, our financial institutions are crumbling, the dollar keeps shrinking, the housing market's collapsed, energy costs are choking our economy, our borders are sieves, our infrastructure's crumbling, we have no energy plan, no exit strategy and no answers for the middle east problem, no plan to reverse current economic trends and rebuild our manufacturing base and you're worried about unflattering photos on magazine covers?

i don`t expect yourself and jer-z-jock to`re to far gone....

and i don`t blame you`re willfully ignorant of the`re indoctrinated.....

btw...why didn`t all 3 major network news anchors accompany mccain to iraq?...
Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Those pitcures of old John. Right on if you saw him this morning making the networks rounds.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
i don`t expect yourself and jer-z-jock to`re to far gone....

and i don`t blame you`re willfully ignorant of the`re indoctrinated.....

btw...why didn`t all 3 major network news anchors accompany mccain to iraq?...

I understand now. It's Obama's fault that his campaign generated so much more interest than McCain's. Thanks for clearing that up gw.

Don't let the facts get in your way though... McCain's leading in most polls, Obama's pushing a big rock up a big hill - trying to become the first black President in the history of this country and must overcome the Bubba Vote to have a chance in hell of winning.

But you're right. It's just not fair that a few liberal members of the media make fun of poor ol' John McCain because no one would EVER make fun of Barack Obama, would they?


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I understand now. It's Obama's fault that his campaign generated so much more interest than McCain's. Thanks for clearing that up gw.

Don't let the facts get in your way though... McCain's leading in most polls, Obama's pushing a big rock up a big hill - trying to become the first black President in the history of this country and must overcome the Bubba Vote to have a chance in hell of winning.

But you're right. It's just not fair that a few liberal members of the media make fun of poor ol' John McCain because no one would EVER make fun of Barack Obama, would they?

no little fella......doesn`t matter how much interest anyone`s not a beauty`s an election to select the leader of the free world...

the media`s job is to present an equally fair and representative picture..... not act like slobbering,ass kissing hormonal teenagers.....they`re supposed to be professionals...

as for pushing a rock up a hill,by all rights this election should be over...obama was expected to slaughter mccain...hillary would have....

hell,he had a chance to make it all a foregone conclusion by selecting the person that got half the votes as is usually done...

but he and his squeeze are to vindictive to take one for the party....and it may backfire big time unless the slime merchants can dig up something substantial on palin....

if you lose,it`s ALL on obama and amorosa...for being stupid and putting their egos before the good of the party..

a prediction....if things don`t get better in another few weeks,i think biden gets thrown under the bus(yep,another one) and bock does what he should have done(if he`d had any savvy)in the first place and selected hillary...

if it comes to that,instead of doing the smart thing initially,and looking sage,he`ll look like a pussy whipped dog crawling back to get hillary`s favor....

harvard huh?.....extensively schooled,maybe...but,
highly educated?...unh unh...:nooo:

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