more fair and balanced media democrats at work...


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
no little fella......doesn`t matter how much interest anyone`s not a beauty`s an election to select the leader of the free world...

the media`s job is to present an equally fair and representative picture..... not act like slobbering,ass kissing hormonal teenagers.....they`re supposed to be professionals...

as for pushing a rock up a hill,by all rights this election should be over...obama was expected to slaughter mccain...hillary would have....

hell,he had a chance to make it all a foregone conclusion by selecting the person that got half the votes as is usually done...

but he and his squeeze are to vindictive to take one for the party....and it may backfire big time unless the slime merchants can dig up something substantial on palin....

if you lose,it`s ALL on obama and amorosa...for being stupid and putting their egos before the good of the party..

a prediction....if things don`t get better in another few weeks,i think biden gets thrown under the bus(yep,another one) and bock does what he should have done(if he`d had any savvy)in the first place and selected hillary...

if it comes to that,instead of doing the smart thing initially,and looking sage,he`ll look like a pussy whipped dog crawling back to get hillary`s favor....

harvard huh?.....extensively schooled,maybe...but,
highly educated?...unh unh...:nooo:


I expect :bs: from Skul-Kee-2Lips, but for some reason, I expected more from you. Guess I had you figured wrong.

Btw... Where'd you come up with this :bs: theory that Obama would throw Biden under the bus?

Let me guess. This weeks meeting of...

The Brotherhood of Flat Earth Society Neocons
Next week's topic: How God Put Dinosaur Bones on Earth to Test Our Faith
Guest Speaker: Sarah Palin


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
a prediction....if things don`t get better in another few weeks,i think biden gets thrown under the bus(yep,another one) and bock does what he should have done(if he`d had any savvy)in the first place and selected hillary...


you have said alot of stupd things.

But thats about the stupidest ever from you



Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
"the media`s job is to present an equally fair and representative picture"

sorry to break this to you, little fellah, but the media is in the business to sell advertising. They are a business like any other. You know, the whole free press/free market thing. If you are offended by US magazine, I have an idea for you. Don't buy it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Lets see if we find any retractions from O/media on this one--

It is widely agreed in the mainstream media that John McCain falsely accused Barack Obama of supporting a bill that provided sex education for kindergartners. The McCain camp made the assertion in a campaign ad released last week.

The Washington Post called the ad "dishonest and deceptive," and The New York Times said, "At most, kindergartners were to be taught the dangers of sexual predators."

But it appears those critics have not read the bill, which Obama backed as an Illinois state senator in 2003. It says curriculum in "any of grades K-12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV."

The Obama camp maintains the bill was intended to teach kindergartners only about inappropriate touching, but Byron York at the National Review writes, "The 'touching' provision did not have the prominence that team Obama has suggested it had, and certainly wasn't the bill's main purpose."

by the way the the bill is Senate Bill 99 in Ill general assembly in case anyone wants see where the truth lies--


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
2) All course material and instruction in classes
8 that teach sex education and discuss sexual activity or
9 behavior shall be age and developmentally appropriate.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
(8) Course material and instruction shall teach
pupils to not make unwanted physical and verbal sexual advances and how to say no to unwanted sexual advances. Pupils shall be taught that it is wrong to take advantage of or to exploit another person. The material and instruction shall also encourage youth to resist negative peer pressure.


Seems pretty clear to me, but Wayne's surprised me before with his interpretation of facts. Maybe it's just easier to believe that Obama wanted to teach 6-year olds how to put on a condom and the rythym method.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
so after all the facts--the question is --was obama/nyt etc lying when they said there was no sex education to kindergarden in bill--or was mccain camp when they said there was.

Not too tough a question.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
so after all the facts--the question is --was obama/nyt etc lying when they said there was no sex education to kindergarden in bill--or was mccain camp when they said there was.

Not too tough a question.

Jesus Christ. Is it 'sex education' when a 1st grader is advised not to get into a strange persons car?

The bill said it was to be age appropriate.

The bill spanned K-12. I'm pretty sure some content, or whatever, is more appropriate for a senior in high school than a k student. That seems to be addressed in the bill.

How the hell is this even an issue or subject?


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
And, Dogs, just in case you wanted to read the article that Brit Hume told you to get upset about

Escalating its efforts to portray Senator Barack Obama as a candidate whose values fall outside the mainstream, the campaign of Senator John McCain on Tuesday unveiled a new television advertisement claiming that Mr. Obama, the Democratic nominee, favors ?comprehensive sex education? for kindergarten students.
?Learning about sex before learning to read?? the narrator asks in the 30-second advertisement, which the campaign says will be shown in battleground states and on national cable. The commercial also asserts that a sex-education bill introduced in Illinois, which Mr. Obama did not sponsor and which never became law, is his ?one accomplishment? in the field of education.

Both sets of accusations, however, seriously distort the record.

The original controversy dates to 2003, when a bill to modify the teaching of sex education in Illinois was introduced in the Legislature. The proposal was supported by a coalition of education and public health organizations, including the Illinois Parent Teacher Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Illinois Public Health Association and the Illinois Education Association.

Mr. Obama voted for the bill in committee, where it passed, but it never came to a full and final vote. The proposal called for ?age and developmentally appropriate? sex education and also allowed parents the option of withdrawing their children from such classroom instruction if they felt that it clashed with their beliefs or values.

In referring to the sex-education bill, the McCain campaign is largely recycling old and discredited accusations made against Mr. Obama by Alan Keyes in their 2004 Senate race. At that time, Mr. Obama stated that he understood the main objective of the legislation, as it pertained to kindergarteners, to be to teach them how to defend themselves against sexual predators.

?I have a 6-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old daughter, and one of the things my wife and I talked to our daughter about is the possibility of somebody touching them inappropriately, and what that might mean,? Mr. Obama said in 2004. ?And that was included specifically in the law, so that kindergarteners are able to exercise some possible protection against abuse, because I have family members as well as friends who suffered abuse at that age.?

It is a misstatement of the bill?s purpose, therefore, to maintain, as the McCain campaign advertisement does, that Mr. Obama favored conventional sex education as a policy for 5-year-olds. Under the Illinois proposal, ?medically accurate? education about more complicated topics, including intercourse, contraception and homosexuality, would have been reserved for older students in higher grades.

The advertisement, then, also misrepresents what the bill meant by ?comprehensive.? The instruction the bill required was comprehensive in that it called for a curriculum that went from kindergarten and through high school, not in the sense that kindergarteners would have been fully exposed to the entire gamut of sex-related issues.

In another part of the advertisement, Mr. McCain maintains that Mr. Obama?s sole achievement in education was the sex-education bill. In reality, Mr. Obama not only helped administer a $49 million education project in Chicago in the 1990s, but also sponsored or co-sponsored measures that increased the number of charter schools in Illinois, and expanded federal grants to summer school programs and to historically black colleges.

As support for its contention that Mr. Obama is ?wrong on education,? Mr. McCain?s advertisement cited criticism by Education Week, a trade publication. Mr. Obama ?hasn?t made a significant mark on education? in his years in the Senate in Illinois and Washington, the advertisement asserts.

Education Week did indeed make that assessment in an article published last year. But in the same paragraph, the magazine also said that Mr. Obama ?did promote early-childhood initiatives that advocates considered ?innovative and progressive,? and also noted that ?his biggest accomplishment in the field was the creation of a state board to oversee the expansion of early-childhood education in the state.?

The same publication has also criticized Mr. McCain, in language that was perhaps even stronger. Early this year, in an article titled ?John McCain Where Art Thou?? it complained that he offered ?a laundry list of fairly vague answers? on how to improve schools and did not make education a priority.

?McCain is a campaign-finance, foreign-relations, anti-abortion, tax-cut candidate,? the magazine said. ?Education is not his thing. Depending on your perspective, McCain?s relative silence on education may be a good thing. If you think the federal government has grossly overreached into the state business of education, then he may be your guy.?

The Obama campaign expressed outrage over the commercial, with Bill Burton, a spokesman, describing it as ?shameful and downright perverse.?

But Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for the McCain campaign, said, ?the Obama campaign did not and cannot dispute a shred of the content in the ad.?

jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007
wow Sean Hannity just switched his position from passive to over aggressive:director: when Obamas campaign representative just came on to talk wih him during this Palin interview:kiss: ....why isnt he that tough on Sarah, he should be going after a few of those important parts of the election and questions when he gets her back on as well........BUT THATS MORE OF THE FAIR AND BALANCED REPORTING THAT FOX OFFERS.:rolleyes:


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
MSM is at it again. Look at this photo They made Megan Fox look hot with that same lighting trick



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
a little justice
--bout only place she'll find employment now is MSNBC and Newsweek
What goes around comes around :)

Picture Not So Perfect

The photographer who admitted to deliberately trying to make John McCain look as bad as possible in The Atlantic magazine has been dropped by her photo agency. Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic says reports Jill Greenberg was let go by Bill Hannigan of the Vaughan Hannigan photo agency are true. Hannigan says he and Greenberg had "different views on how to conduct business."

Greenberg came under fire after she wrote on her Web site that she asked McCain to stand over a strobe light to deliberately cast shadows on his face. She also admitted she failed to significantly retouch any of the photos.

An editor at The Atlantic called Greenberg's actions "incredibly unprofessional," but the magazine still used one of the photos which was deemed "respectful" for its cover.

Greenberg photoshopped some of the images and posted them on her Web site. One shows McCain with shark's teeth and blood-smeared lips and a caption that reads, "I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer."


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
And, Dogs, just in case you wanted to read the article that Brit Hume told you to get upset about

Escalating its efforts to portray Senator Barack Obama as a candidate whose values fall outside the mainstream, the campaign of Senator John McCain on Tuesday unveiled a new television advertisement claiming that Mr. Obama, the Democratic nominee, favors ?comprehensive sex education? for kindergarten students.
?Learning about sex before learning to read?? the narrator asks in the 30-second advertisement, which the campaign says will be shown in battleground states and on national cable. The commercial also asserts that a sex-education bill introduced in Illinois, which Mr. Obama did not sponsor and which never became law, is his ?one accomplishment? in the field of education.

Both sets of accusations, however, seriously distort the record.

The original controversy dates to 2003, when a bill to modify the teaching of sex education in Illinois was introduced in the Legislature. The proposal was supported by a coalition of education and public health organizations, including the Illinois Parent Teacher Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Illinois Public Health Association and the Illinois Education Association.

Mr. Obama voted for the bill in committee, where it passed, but it never came to a full and final vote. The proposal called for ?age and developmentally appropriate? sex education and also allowed parents the option of withdrawing their children from such classroom instruction if they felt that it clashed with their beliefs or values.

In referring to the sex-education bill, the McCain campaign is largely recycling old and discredited accusations made against Mr. Obama by Alan Keyes in their 2004 Senate race. At that time, Mr. Obama stated that he understood the main objective of the legislation, as it pertained to kindergarteners, to be to teach them how to defend themselves against sexual predators.

?I have a 6-year-old daughter and a 3-year-old daughter, and one of the things my wife and I talked to our daughter about is the possibility of somebody touching them inappropriately, and what that might mean,? Mr. Obama said in 2004. ?And that was included specifically in the law, so that kindergarteners are able to exercise some possible protection against abuse, because I have family members as well as friends who suffered abuse at that age.?

It is a misstatement of the bill?s purpose, therefore, to maintain, as the McCain campaign advertisement does, that Mr. Obama favored conventional sex education as a policy for 5-year-olds. Under the Illinois proposal, ?medically accurate? education about more complicated topics, including intercourse, contraception and homosexuality, would have been reserved for older students in higher grades.

The advertisement, then, also misrepresents what the bill meant by ?comprehensive.? The instruction the bill required was comprehensive in that it called for a curriculum that went from kindergarten and through high school, not in the sense that kindergarteners would have been fully exposed to the entire gamut of sex-related issues.

In another part of the advertisement, Mr. McCain maintains that Mr. Obama?s sole achievement in education was the sex-education bill. In reality, Mr. Obama not only helped administer a $49 million education project in Chicago in the 1990s, but also sponsored or co-sponsored measures that increased the number of charter schools in Illinois, and expanded federal grants to summer school programs and to historically black colleges.

As support for its contention that Mr. Obama is ?wrong on education,? Mr. McCain?s advertisement cited criticism by Education Week, a trade publication. Mr. Obama ?hasn?t made a significant mark on education? in his years in the Senate in Illinois and Washington, the advertisement asserts.

Education Week did indeed make that assessment in an article published last year. But in the same paragraph, the magazine also said that Mr. Obama ?did promote early-childhood initiatives that advocates considered ?innovative and progressive,? and also noted that ?his biggest accomplishment in the field was the creation of a state board to oversee the expansion of early-childhood education in the state.?

The same publication has also criticized Mr. McCain, in language that was perhaps even stronger. Early this year, in an article titled ?John McCain Where Art Thou?? it complained that he offered ?a laundry list of fairly vague answers? on how to improve schools and did not make education a priority.

?McCain is a campaign-finance, foreign-relations, anti-abortion, tax-cut candidate,? the magazine said. ?Education is not his thing. Depending on your perspective, McCain?s relative silence on education may be a good thing. If you think the federal government has grossly overreached into the state business of education, then he may be your guy.?

The Obama campaign expressed outrage over the commercial, with Bill Burton, a spokesman, describing it as ?shameful and downright perverse.?

But Tucker Bounds, a spokesman for the McCain campaign, said, ?the Obama campaign did not and cannot dispute a shred of the content in the ad.?

Bobby-- what upset me was bama camp/NYT ranting on accusation that it was in error and no sex ed -to "give illusion" there was no merit in accusation--facts proved otherwise--wheres the front page retractions??


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

heres abc news on line....look at the stories...any stories about obama?....his buddy johnson the former ceo of fannie?....raines?....both made 10`s of millions of dollars,raping the mortgage industry...

not a f-cking peep...johnson led his v.p. search committee and both are financial advisors.....

how many palin smear stories?....and look at how the palin e mail story was skewed....theres not a shred of evidence that the woman did anything inappropriate...not one e mail did the asshole hacker find that had some sort of gotcha value...

a disgrace...this is what republicans are up against...

if you can`t see this,you`re absolutely brain dead...
Last edited:


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Bobby-- what upset me was bama camp/NYT ranting on accusation that it was in error and no sex ed -to "give illusion" there was no merit in accusation--facts proved otherwise--wheres the front page retractions??

I don't understand where theire is merit to the accusation, dogs. It's getting to the point right now where we can't agree on the basic foundation of the facts.

NYT stated "Both sets of accusations, however, seriously distort the record" . Obama called it a fabrication. I don't see how either of those statements are wrong. But, somehow, you do
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