Movies props June 13th-15th


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May 5, 2003
Can you explain why?

Can you explain why?

If this werent fathers day weekend wouldnt it be aprx 3.5 times friday's total? Im trying to learn how to do these calculations as I have a account that keeps all wagers live until thier conclusion, which makes for some awesome wagers. I come from a stock market backround so this style of betting is righ up my alley. Thanks in advance.


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Father's day don't bother me at all with the stats because that movie sucks big time and with the word of mouth it will only go down.... About a multiplier, it depends on the kind of movie, the public target and so on... it is around from 2.8 to 4 times friday's number (too long to explain). Here we have dumb at about 4.6M. Let's say it goes higher on saturday at 5.4M (that would be a huge boost but let's give it to him ok?) so we are at 10M with Sunday's left. Sunday is always slower than saturday's numbers and sometimes lower than friday's and with that movie i would say yes with an estimates of 4M so we should be at 14M if it goes higher than i expect on saturday and sunday. NO WAY it goes OVER 15M you can bet the farm on it! ;) In addition, the weekend estimates are post tomorrow and usually are OVER the real numbers so even if you see Dumb at 15M i wouldn't worry about it....;)
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