My friends to the north, THIS MEANS WAR!!!


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Just came running back to my computer to vent!!:mad: I'm sitting on the deck, just grabbed a frosty Labatts Blue from the freezer, 85 degrees out humid as hell, first sip pure heaven. I sit back in my chair watching the cars past by, then it happens!!!!!! I look twards the bottom of the bottle, 340ml- 11.5 oz. 11.5 oz's, WHAT THE F*&*:mad:

You actually thought I wouldn't notice you shorting me a half an ounce???? I realize we have alittle exchange rate with money,understandable, but to mess with one of god's little luxuries (my beer) HOW DARE YOU!!!!

Let's sit down and do the math:

1 beer = .5 oz's

6 beers= 3 oz's

12 beers= 6oz's (1/2 beer)

24 beers= 12 oz's (1beer)

I thought we were friends, neighbors, partners in crime. How dare you stoop to these levels of terrorism on our drinking nation. A sumit needs to be arranged (my house, large backyard) rep's from Canada (bringing cases of iced cold "REAL CANADIAN BIERE" not the low proof stuff you send us) by weeks end or else you leave me no choice (drinking domestic beer forever)

My liver begs you to stop this unusual and cruel punishment!

Madjack if this continues I demand all members from the north be banned!!! ;)
Last edited:


Jack's Mentor
Forum Member
Jan 18, 2000
Crustacean Nation
Just a quick morning after update.

I did enjoy my 6 frosty Labatt's Blues last night (- 3 oz's) but i need to have some things answered ASAP.

Medical question.

Typically I feel a slight twinge the morning after from consumming 6-12oz (72oz's)refreshing cold beverages. But this morning, NOTHING, no dry mouth, no twinge, no hankering for greasey foods. I fear this shortchanging (3oz's) by the folks up north might have lasting long term effects on my health. Will this lead to a life of sobriety, exercise, and god forbid drinking water in place of beer. Will this shorth changing reduce my beerbelly, placing my back, feet, and heart, liver in potential danger of good health?

Legal question:

What are my legal rights here?? I feel I have been mislead by the Canadian beire industry. Does packaging a 11.5 oz beer in a 12 oz bottle constitute freud?? I went to the store to purchase a 6pack, there was NO disclaimers on the coolers, packaging, or bottles informing me of this potential danger. I'm feeling a high level of stress since this happened (beer is supposed to help this not add to the stress levels). I dont know what to do, I'm at a loss. Thinking of contacting Jackie (Krammers lawyer on Seinfeld) to handle this case.

I beg you, the madness must stop!!!!!


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
What are my legal rights here?? I feel I have been mislead by the Canadian beire industry. Does packaging a 11.5 oz beer in a 12 oz bottle constitute freud??

I don't know if the packaging constitutes "Sigmund Freud", so to speak.....but those damn Canucks...........I can't speak for them!:D

You think maybe the .5 ounce shortage has something to do with countrywide penis envy? I don't know, but what the hell...we can argue it!!!!!! They peddle biere to their benefactors to the south, which we kindly pay top dollar for so they can send their kids to the Chris Chelios Hockey camp, only to find that they are skimming and secretly lusting after the mothers of our great nation.

Now I know it has been said that, "Living in Canada is like having a loft apartment above the greatest party in the world". I have never had inclination to agree with that. Canadians seem to be pretty cool when I have had personal experience with them. But it could be a well disguised front to get at the soft underbelly of our society. I can be certain of one thing, those damn British Columbians are probably behind it all!!!!:D

Of course this is all meant in jest please refrain from sending armed troops into.....well.........its Canada.......nevermind. :lol:


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 19, 2002
I wonder if the half and quarter kegs are short of the BLUE too???:shrug: They could put an old mountie's boot in there to take up space and you never know it!! EH?


I'll stick to my 24 oz can's of shortage there.....most
people go down and buy a case of 12 oz cans........I buy a case
of 24 oz cans.......less hassel equals more enjoyment.....special
occassions I drink out of bottles but normal everyday recreational
consumption is the 24 oz can......cut your trips to the cooler in
and if you think for one second my beer may start to get warm
because it's in a larger can.......:nono:


Vulcan Visitor
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2001
Seein all the comments in this thread I think it is necessary for the People in the North to redeem ourselves.

Sportsaholic : Please take my address from Jack and send me all the unopened Canadian Beers and I will send ya the ones with the .5 oz more beer. :D

Cheers and Dont forget to send ALL UNOPENED BEERS


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
See we GET 355 ml' in our cans of Coors LIght HERE....
We know the dummies down South can't read so we send a 'short count' on all the suds you guys love to buy from us ..:D :D ..
Ah, the country that can 'screw the big and all powerfull( except when you guys TRIED to take Canada and failed) U.S.' Ya gotta give us a slap on the back ,and have a good belly laugh..:) :)


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Let me get this straight......You live in a country that actually IMPORTS Coors Light and you think we (U.S.) are the ones that got taken?
Ya gotta give us a slap on the back, and have a good belly laugh..

I would certainly do that had you not informed me that you drank Coors Light. Now I am afraid a "slap on the back and a good belly laugh" would cause you great discomfort and projectile diarrhea.


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
fatdaddycool said:
Let me get this straight......You live in a country that actually IMPORTS Coors Light and you think we (U.S.) are the ones that got taken?

FDC, if i EVER quit laughing after this one, it's gonna be a miracle :lol:


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
Subject: To all the beer drinkers out there (NPC)
Date: 24 Jul 1998 15:21:02 GMT
From: (Jsemmler)
Organization: AOL

I got this from a friend this morning and cracked up for about ten minutes


> An actual letter sent to Miller Brewing Company
> and their response:
> Miller Brewing Company
> Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> I have been a drinker of Miller beer's for many
> years actually, ever since that other company
> donated a big chunk of change to Handgun
> Control Inc. back in the mid 80's).
> Initially, my beer of choice was Lite, but some
> time in mid-1990, while in Honduras, I switched
> to MGD smuggled up from Panama.
> Now, for nearly six years, I have been a faithful
> drinker of MGD. For these past years, I have
> come to expect certain things from Genuine
> Draft. I expect that whenever I see that gold can
> of MGD, I am about ready to enjoy a great,
> smooth brew.
> But wait! Sometime around the first of the year,
> my beloved MGD changed colors, so to speak.
> That familiar gold can was no longer gold!
> Knowing that I am, by nature, somewhat resistant
> to change, I forced myself to reserve judgment on
> the new can design. Gradually, I grew to
> appreciate the new label. That was until about
> May of this year.
> That was when I discovered (empirically) that I
> really didn't like the new design. Further
> investigation of the cause of my distress resulted
> in the following observations:
> 1. Your cans are made of aluminum.
> 2. Aluminum is a great conductor of energy.
> 3. Your beer is commonly consumed outside,
> and thus, the container may be exposed to
> sunlight.
> 4. Sunlight striking the can causes radiant
> warming of the surface of the can.
> 5. The resultant heat (energy) is transferred
> through the aluminum, by conduction, to the
> contents of the can (the beer).
> 6. Warm beer sucks.
> This is a process that can be observed in just
> about any beer. However, this process is
> significantly accelerated in MGD because you
> painted the damn can... black!!! Who was the
> rocket scientist that designed the new graphic for
> the can and implemented the change right before
> summer?
> Granted, this process may not be real evident up
> there in Wisconsin, but down here in Oklahoma
> where the summers are both sunny and hot, this
> effect is quite a problem. There's no telling what
> the folks in Texas and Arizona are having to put
> up with.
> Knowing that you would probably not address
> this issue unless you had firm evidence of a
> problem, I and several other subjects conducted
> extensive experimentation. The results of these
> experiments are listed below.
> The experiments were conducted over two days
> on the deck next to my pool. The study
> included seven different types of beer (leftovers
> from a party the previous weekend) that were
> initially chilled to 38 degrees (and then left
> exposed to sunlight for different lengths of time).
> These beers were sampled by the test subjects at
> different intervals. The subjects, all normally
> MGD drinkers, were asked at each sampling
> interval their impressions of the different beers.
> The length of time between the initial exposure
> to sunlight and the point where the subject
> determined the sample undrinkable (the
> Suck-point) was determined. The average
> ambient temperature for the trials was 95 degrees
> F.
> Beer Type Average Suck-point(minutes) >
> >
> --------------------------------
> Miller Lite (white can) 6.2
> Bud (white can) 5.5
> Bud Lite (silver can) 5.2
> Ice House (blue and silver can) 4.4
> Coors Lite (silver can) 4.1
> Miller Genuine Draft (black can) 2.8
> Coors (gold can) 0.1
> It was evident that the color of the can directly
> correlates to the average suckpoint, except for
> Coors which was pretty much determined to
> suck at any point.

> It is to be hoped that you will consider
> re-designing your MGD cans. All beer drinkers
> that are not smart enough to keep their beer in
> the shade will thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Bradley Lee
> Beer-drinker
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> The Miller response appears below.
> They have had a lot of fun with this guy's letter.
> Enjoy...
> Dear Bradley Lee,
> Thank you for your letter and your concern about
> the MGD can color as it relates to premature
> warming of the contents. Like you, we at Miller
> Beer take beer drinking very seriously. To that
> end, we have taken your letter and subsequent
> experiment under serious consideration.
> Outlined below are our findings and solution to
> your problem. May we add that we have had
> similar letters from other loyal beer drinkers,
> mostly from the Southern United States.
> First, let us congratulate you on your findings.
> Our analysis tends to agree with yours regarding
> Coors. It certainly does suck at about any
> temperature.
> Now, it was our intentions when redesigning the
> MGD can to create better brand identity and
> brand loyalty. Someone in marketing did some
> kind of research and determined we needed to
> redesign the can. You will be pleased to know,
> we have fired that idiot and he is now wreaking
> havoc at a pro-gun control beer manufacturer.
> The design staffer working in cahoots with the
> marketing idiot was also down-sized. However,
> once we realized this mistake, to undo it would
> have been even a bigger mistake. So, we took
> some other actions.
> From our market research, we found a difference
> between Northern beer drinkers and Southern
> beer drinkers. Beer drinkers in the South tend to
> drink slower than beer drinkers in the North. We
> are still researching why that is.
> Anyway, at Miller Beer, it was never our
> intentions to have someone take more than 2.5
> minutes to enjoy one of our beers. We pride
> ourselves in creating fine, smooth, quick
> drinking beers and leave the making of sissy,
> slow sipping beers to that Sam guy in Boston.
> However, it is good to know that you feel our
> Miller Lite can last as long as 6 minutes.
> However, may we suggest in the future you try
> consuming at least two in that time frame.
> From your letter, we had our design staff work
> 'round the clock to come up with a solution that
> would help not just MGD but all our fine Miller
> products. We hope you have recently noticed
> our solution to your problem. We found that the
> hole in the top of the can was not big enough for
> quick consumption. So, we have now introduced
> the new "Wide Mouth" cans. We hope this will
> solve all your problems.
> Might I also suggest that if you want to get the
> beer out of the can even faster, you can poke a
> hole on the side near the bottom, hold your
> finger over it, open the can, tip it to your mouth
> and then pull your finger off the hole. This is a
> common way to drink beer at parties and
> impress your friends. This technique is known
> as "shot-gunning." You should like the name.
> Again, thank you for your letter and bringing to
> our attention that there might be other beer
> drinkers taking more that 2.5 minutes to drink
> our beers.
> Let me assure you that I am having our
> advertising department work on a campaign to
> solve this problem, too.
> Sincerely,
> Tom B. Miller
> Public Relations
> Miller Brewing Co.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
This is a funny beats people arguing with one another.

If anyone wants to attack Canada for this heinous crime,I'm in.I will lead a group from my area & attack all the French Restaurants.We will make sure that no beer with shortages be served.At the same time we will see if any wines are watered down & make sure the dishes are up to our standards.If anyone wants to be in my troop,you can get my e-mail address from Jack.But we must hurry,time is of the essence.I'm also hungry.I will be waiting for FDC's orders.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Gather round all ye beer drinkers of America. The call has gone out, the lines have been drawn. Do we stand by and watch the Canadians leech the American public out of thier deserved half ounce? How long do we as a country, continue to give Canada a piggy back ride into the international forum.
I am not sure who is running things up there, but they have the entire country in a funk. One guy even thinks that Molson brews Coors! Which is an insult to Molson. I will tell you what take Coors and we will take Molson, but we want our .5 ounce back.
Do as I say Canada or I unleash our micro-brewed beer across your nation. You cannot stop the onslaught of Ar182 and his armies of beer drinkers. Hell you can't even protect the Stanley Cup! What makes you think you have a chance against an army of fraternity brothers, rednecks, preppies, valley girls, and a whole slew of pissed off firemen?
This is your last chance Canada....I call for your immediate surrendering of our .5 ounce.
What say ye, Oh Canada?


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 23, 2001
You DOPES ..... We Canadians send you Dopes the smaller cans and bottles... And yes MOLSONS is the BIGGEST brewer of Many, many DIFFERENT kinds of beer 355mlor 12 oz. containers HA,HA, you guys are getting it up the pooper!!!
MOLSON CANADA probably brews 25-30 kinds of beer or ale !!! What can't you figure out .. The recipe is 'slightly' different as we like to taste our beer,not the water you guys call 'BREW'
Man, we have Bud ,But Light , Miller , Miller G.Draft,etc.etc.
WE refuse to brew Old Milwalkee- only the 'cheapos'buy that because it's imported and cheaper and tastes like shit...
It's the U.S. that's screwed up with your certain 'brews' can only be sold in certain states ..What the F. is with that. Shit ,I can't get a Rolling Rock ( strictly for example) in California,but I can buy it in Michigan...HA !!!and I thought we had some 'dumb' booze laws !!!!!!
So too bad guys on your 'short count on the IMPORTED BREW' , but that's the price you pay if you want "The good Stuff", well at least compared to your SHIT>>>>>>
All in jest...........Spanky......:thefinger
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