Some advice after looking at your site
Some advice after looking at your site
I have read some of your posts over the past few months and have come to consider you a friend although I've never really posted anything to you.
Nice start on your website! Some advice, though.
For your own good you should take any referenced to gambling, sports gambling, etc completely off the site. And do it NOW. If you are any kind of sports personality at Toledo (and I thnk you are) this stuff will come back to bite you on the butt soon or later.. maybe later........even if you elect to change it and delete references to gambling at a later date.
Remember that this info can be printed, e-mailed, saved to disk, all sorts of ways for the info to be circulated as it is now. And evn if you change it tomorrow what we see today could find it's way to a coach's office, a dean's, or some higher ups at the NCAA. This is BAD stuff for you as a player...very bad.
Also be very careful what you say about other people on your site whether they are "freinds"... or friends. Do you really want some 330 pound football player finding out that you said some silly things about his girlfriend's reputation? Or do you want some of these lady's to find out what you have said or thought about them? Keep it nice and positive and you'll be ok.
Call me paranoid.
Your friend,