My Week 1 NFL Pick(s)


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Love it too.

It has moved from -1, but still :eek:

Hope you don't mind me polluting your thread, but I also like:
Arizona +7
New England PK.

Hell....It's early in the season...4 team teaser:
Miami PK
KC +10
Denver +9'
New Orleans +13

Obviously just some early thoughts.

Can't wait to see some totals ;)


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I like the chances on your teaser.

However, I decided not to touch the Arizona and the New England games this week.

I want to see how Washington performs in the regular season before I lay my money for or against them.

And I don't like the idea of going agains Pitt on Monday night.

I did find another I like for this week though:

Atlanta +7.5
[Micheal Vick has been very impressive and I think Green Bay might be on its way down. Green Bay's 1st string has'nt been very impressive in the pre-season.]

Good Luck!


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And Another:

Minnesota +4.5
[Chicago's home field this year is a high school football field. This is going to be a disadvantage to the Bears all year I think. For those of you who have watch a Bears home pre-season game this season might agree with me. Just the looks of that place let me down. I think the visitors will thrive on it though. Maybe i'm way off line here, I guess it's just a gut feeling I have. Also note, I didn't like the pick as much when it was at +3 and +4, but at +4.5 I can't pass it up and I also don't think it will go to +5.]

Good Luck!


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
CasinoMan and MrChristo,

I have to agree with that Atlanta pick. Green Bay doesn't have anyone who can catch the ball reliably (at least, not that I have seen yet). I am also getting the feeling that this may be the year that Vick breaks out. I'm seeing some +7?'s on this game, expecting higher by game time.

I'm also considering Arizona, but have to learn a bit more before I pull the trigger there. Those Washington QB's do not impress me! Too much 'Skins hype in the media.

New Orleans is a play for me for sure.

As for Chicago....lots of people are really really down on the Bears this year, due to them being temporarily relocated, having all those "lucky" wins last year, etc. I don't quite understand all that. Season Win Total for the Bears is just 8? and I see a lot of people still like the Under. I don't think this team is all that bad. And I certainly don't think Minny is all that good. I'm tempted to go Bears on this one.


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Thanks for the comments GM.

I don't like NO @ +6.5, but the +13 in his Teaser looks promising.

Tampa did play terrible last week, but I would'nt count them out just yet. Chucky is still Chucky, just different Pirates. I decided to stay away from this one.

And I have decided to pull the trigger on 2 more for this week:

Giants +3
[I just don't see them losing week of 9/11 at home. But its not just that. The only sign of living SF showed in the preseason was last week. And even though it was against SD (A decent team this year, in my opinon), SD did'nt play that game to win. Giants only had a couple losses each to the Jets and Atlanta (Which are also decent teams this year, in my opinion). Also, this line will be down to at least +2.5 by morning I think.]

Indy -3.5
[Indy is clearly the better team here, was going to wait to see if I could get it at -3, but I did'nt want to wake up in the morning and see it at -4 and up. And I don't believe in buying points for some reason. I already kicked myself when I could have taken Oakland @ -4.5, but decided to wait a couple days and now its at -7. However, in regards to the Oak game, I would have only played it if it went down to -3.5 anyway. So, I don't recommend Oak @ -7.]

Good Luck!


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Aug 31, 2002
Key West
Zona and the ate

Zona and the ate

I don't know about the rest of the public, but it seems that Cards and the 8 is a gimmeeee. May be a trap, but I can't see the Skinz scoring to many points.

sseeeyaaa latterrr:eek:


Registered User
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You could be right on, but I think i'll wait 2-3 weeks before I mess with Wash eaither way.

I think Balt's defense could possibly shut out Carolina, but if they don't, will Balt's offense be able to score enough to make up for it? The answer to this question is uncertian to me, so I deceided to stay away from the game. Also, I read in another post that Carolina made a QB change. I'm not sure if that is good or bad for them at this point.

[No games to add right now]

Good Luck!


Registered User
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Would you guys stop with the SF pickin', your scarin' the you know what out of me! lol

No really, but kind of anyway.

I have to say, I was wrong with the way the line was gonna go. I thought for sure the line would be around 2 by game time, not 4.

But still, I'm happy with Giants @ +3.

Truth is, we really should'nt be betin' week 1 of regular season anyway.

But, because we all got the itch, we gotta get on the action.

That being said, the only thing we "really" got to go by is the way they played in pre-season. Understood though, that it's not just about how the team has played. You also gotta look at a bunch of other things.

However, "those bunch of other things" are only on paper until you see the outcomes of the first few games of regular season I think.

So, let's see....

Pre-season Niners:

1. Lost HUGE to Washington

2. Lost to KC, AT HOME

3. They did win against Denver on the road, but barely, and I don't know that Denver even tried that night coming off the big win against Chicago, which was an easy win considering Chicago's temporary HIGH SCHOOL field this year.

4. Lost to Oakland, yes it was on the road, but OAKLAND?

5. OK, so they win against San Diego pretty bad, but SD already found themselves the weeks before, which includes a 31-10 victory on the raod against the Rams.

Giants Preseason:

1. Won at HOME against Houston, yes I know, it's only Houston, but don't you think Houston played thier guts out to try and win thier first game?

2. Won at HOME against last years Super Bowl CHAMPS!

3. They did lose to Atlanta, but come on, Atlanta this year and Micheal Vick are going to impress up like that all year, not to mention that the Giants this time were on the ROAD.

4. They did lose again the following week to the Jets, but come on, noone beat the Jets. They, along with Atlanta, will also impress up this year I think. And, that's right, it was on the ROAD.

5. SHUTS OUT Baltimore! ( AT HOME "AGAIN") But thats not the important part. The important part is that they scored 3 times against Baltimores defense. A TD and 2 FGs.

Let score it up:

SF gets the following points:
1. 0
2. 0
3. .5
4. 0
5. .5

GIANTS gets the following points:
1. .5
2. 1
3. .25
4. .25
5. 1

Giants WIN here 3-1 (And I was generous only giving .25 for the losses to Atlanta and the Jets to the Giants. And .5 to SF for wins against Denver and SD.)

Now, lets get into some of those "other things"

Who knows how Garcia will play this year? I personally think it won't be anything to scream about. Mostly, of what I can recall, Garcia has had trouble just trying to get attention. Don't kill me too bad with your comments on this one, it's really just a personal observation.

Three words should sum it up: Strahan, Sehorn, Barber! Now we're talking!

Some things to think about.
Let me know where/if I'm going wrong.
Convince me if you can before I drop a couple more units on the Giant @ +4.

Oh yea, don't forget about the "week of" 9/11 factor. Is this crowd gonna be LOUD or WHAT?

Thanks and Good Luck!


Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
Forget the preseason, it means nothing. Not everyone is trying to win those games. Teams are experimenting...some teams are trying to win, some are playing their scrubs, evaluating talent. It means NOTHING. Trust me, some team or teams probably went 4-0 in the preseason, but are going to absolutely stink starting this weekend. And vice versa (like the Rams, who always do nothing in pre, but turn on the burners right now).

When I saw you going down the list of who did what in preseason I immediately scrolled it off my screen. LOL That's how badly I DON'T want to know what happened in preseason, because I know it will throw me off.

I just want to know who is healthy.


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Couldn't agree more.

But if you would have at least read it, you'd know that.

In fact, just about the whole thing is taking about wether a team played to win certian games in pre-season or not.

All in all, I think I gave some good points and I'm happy with the post.

Good Luck!
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