ummmm.......while you are at it can you fix the "recent posts", glitch, it is annoying. Jack is busy buying everybody sunglasses, so if you could do that fix it would be appreciated:0008
I'm still looking but many site owners are disappointed that vBulletin doesn't have a better navigating feature than the last versions. If you need to see YOUR recent posts just go here and scroll down. They are in order the way you like 'em.
Yesterday I worked 11 hours trying to get the notifications emails straightened out. Finally accomplished this morning. I'll have some time the rest of the week to fix or adjust the little things.
Just find your avatar online and submit it to get it larger and fill the box up..
I'm getting used to navigating around and so will everybody else if I don't find a hack for it. There are a lot of features I miss but some good ones that we didn't have. Just a matter of time to get used to.
But I haven't quit. Colors is the last thing I'm worried about right now.