NFC Game

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Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
no buddy i'm with ya........

watching last weeks game, i kept saying to myself the Bears D did not show up.....which i think was due to them slacking off the last 4 weeks of the season....yes they made some big plays but overall performance was poor.......there was no gang tackling like the Bears have been doing the past 2 years, which of course prevented them from holding the runner or receiver up to strip the ball, something that has become second nature to this defense.......

Urlacher, played poor and everytime the camera was on him over on the sideline he had that look of "i'm playing like today and can't shake it" he didnt have that tenacity to go along with that crazy smile hes accustomed to having.....he knows he played poor and wasn't being the fearless leader he has been.....overall i think the defense looked flat, BUT they got over the hump of winning there first home playoff game in some time, would not be surprised to see the defense play out of their mind this week with a more focused Urlacher whos looking to make up for last week.....i look forward to the gang tackling and the D that forces TO's, Bears are too fast to get burned on the trickery that the Saints like to employ

Plus they are not reading about how they will destroy the Seahawks, they are reading about the cinderella story, about a team thats going to knock them off.....Bears play better when they are backed into a corner, when they have a chip on their shoulders......

should be a good game, unless the refs take it out of the players hands, i think chicago gets it done
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Nov 1, 2006
I also like the Bears (as long as the line doesn't exceed 3). I'm hoping for everyone to continue riding the New Orleans bandwagon (seems like everyone expects this team of 'destiny' to win the big one this year). I wouldn't be surprised if the Bears punches New Orleans right in the mouth and dominates the game. Chicago can get it done on offense, defense AND special teams.


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
oh boy.......i love that everyone is on the saints and the nerds from espn will also be all over them and their "cinderella story".......

the bears DO play better when backed into a corner and everyone is against them.....

as for the defense, they arent playing with the same emotion that they had earlier in the season and i hope that comes back this sunday otherwise the off will need to outscore the saints (24+) to win the game.......last week was the first week since minn that this defense has played together since harris went down......

i wouldnt be surprised to see a similar scheme like employed vs NO

tillman vs colston
vashar vs henderson
harris vs no te's
manning jr vs copper/bush in the slot

urlacher and briggs will be responsible for bush-duce in the running game and think manning jr gets the call on some corner blitzes.

strong lean to the over and of course the bears........flying out on sat, should i invest in a jacket??????
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Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
strong lean to the over and of course the bears........flying out on sat, should i invest in a jacket??????

GL and have fun........high of 34 they are calling for on Sunday.......not as cold as I was hoping for but cold enough for a team thats not used to wearing sleeves AT ALL.....the Saints looked mighty toasty in the dome on saturday, better bring the hand warmers so reggie can hold onto the ball.......getting hit in the cold stings.......

Today, Salisbury said Deuce and Bush have played outdoors and are rugged.........ummm So. Cal and Mississippi???

In any event, look for Cedric Benson to have a decent game at the ballpark, watching the eagles game again with the saints tonite, there were wide receivers running wide open all game long, if the Bears O-line holds up Grossman should be able to find them, getting it to them is another story....Desmond Clark was nowhere to be found last week, I hope the Bears look to him early and often as they had much success with him vs Tampa Bay


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
totally agree

benson-jones-dump action deep to berrian.......

the saint db's and lb's are not that good....fred thomas is a guy waiting to be burnt deep...if the o-line gives rex time i think he can hit 1-2 deep passes off play action
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Sep 10, 2003
So Cal
I too am on the Bears , I like the under also.

I've watched the Saints all year. Seems like they were L.A's team, most of the games were on as the local TV game. Saints give up about 2-3 BIG plays a game. I can see Berrian burning Thomas for a long TD catch.

The train stops here for the Saints.
Bears @ home in January. nuff said


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
as expected......

it's an amazing week, are the bears even playing this weekend?????? all i hear is new orleans, tom brady and payton manning

you would think the saints went 13-3, wait they went 10-6????

you would think the saints rb combo were all world, wait jones and benson ran for more yards????

you would think the saints were an offensive juggernaut, wait the bears scored more points????

you would think the saints defense was the better of the two, wait the bears are still better even without harris and brown????

just as predicted and expected......the national nerds jump on a story and right or wrong, pump up one side...........

stay focsed, stop the run and pressure brees and i think the offense will take care of itself.


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Sep 17, 2006
Atlanta, Ga
Agreed - I'm tired of hearing all this mumbo-jumbo BS about the Saints and their glory run. I Hope the Bears are hearing (how can they avoid it) all these espn nerd crap and get all fired up and lay the wood to this so-called america's team BS. How bout the Bears and there story in the last five years w/ there young QB. I say grossman and Berrian expose the weaknesses in the saints D that Garcia could'nt last week and I hope Manning gives Bush and Macallister a few good licks to start the game off right. Bears cover the 2.5 and the D looks like it did in the first 7 weeks.
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Nov 14, 2001
The Bears -3 at home in the NFC Championship Game is a GIFT. This is my strongest play in the playoffs so far. I guarantee we will not see the same bye week lethargic Bears team we saw last week. Both Jones and Benson will put up BIG numbers. Muhsin Muhammad and Desmond Clark will play larger roles in the offensive scheme this week as well. Bears win this game by 7+! GO Bears!


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
case in point

"up next on sports title games....we talk about them"

5 mins of jaws-del rio talking about colts-ne
3 mins of pti talking about colts-ravens
3 mins of manning = arod
now mort is balling about random nfl crap
and now, nascar

20+ minutes into sports center and nary a word about the nfc title game....and im sure when they finally get to it, it will sound like this "saints, bush, brees, katrina, saints, bench grossman?, katrina, cinderella story"


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
bad time for the Saints to be 31st against the run at 4.9 yds/carry

Won't be as many of Rexy's f'ups if they only need him in spots

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
as expected......

it's an amazing week, are the bears even playing this weekend?????? all i hear is new orleans, tom brady and payton manning

you would think the saints went 13-3, wait they went 10-6????

you would think the saints rb combo were all world, wait jones and benson ran for more yards????

you would think the saints were an offensive juggernaut, wait the bears scored more points????

you would think the saints defense was the better of the two, wait the bears are still better even without harris and brown????

just as predicted and expected......the national nerds jump on a story and right or wrong, pump up one side...........

stay focsed, stop the run and pressure brees and i think the offense will take care of itself.

Maybe because their quarterback stinks and is very inaccurate and makes the dumbest mistakes this side of the Raiders quarterbacks. The defense is the most overrated defense in the history of the league who ran up stats with the weakest schedule in the NFL. Other than that they are okay. If the played in the AFC they wouldn't have even made the playoffs.


Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
Maybe because their quarterback stinks and is very inaccurate and makes the dumbest mistakes this side of the Raiders quarterbacks. The defense is the most overrated defense in the history of the league who ran up stats with the weakest schedule in the NFL. Other than that they are okay. If the played in the AFC they wouldn't have even made the playoffs.

so their QB stinks and makes the dumbest mistakes this side of the raiders and their defense is overrated?? but yet they still win 14 games and didnt even show up for one.......they shut out the jets(playoff team), held the bills to 7 points and the patriots to their 4th lowest output of the season and caused 5 TO's........Grossman is inconsistent, hes either very good or very bad......someone who stinks wouldn't eclipse a passer rating of 100 -7 times, 2nd most in the NFL, would they?

What does it matter what the Bears would do in the AFC? Look at what the Saints did? 1-3 and let up 38,35 and 31 points to Pittsburg, Baltimore and be overrated you would have to be talked about in a good light......Bears have been ripped for the last month about the D and Grossman for the last 3 months......Saints get all the praise and publicity and the feel good story, and this week you would think they were playing at home laying 10 to these average pound the Saints hard
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Sep 3, 2002


When you talked about holding the Pats, Jets, and Bills they did it when they still had their all pro players Brown and Harris. The reason that Urlacher had a poor game is that the defensive tackles didn't keep the offensive lineman off of him. Tommy Harris is the best defensive tackle in football and without him the defense has taken a drastic turn for the worse. Both of these teams are not that strong defensively right now. I see a very similar game as the one played last week versus Seattle. The difference is Brees at quarterback especially if there are windy weather conditions as the strength of Grossman is his ability to throw the deep ball. With high winds it is very difficult to throw deep and his inaccuracy in the short game will show. This is a very weak NFC conference and all the close games in the NFC playoffs proves that there is no outstanding team out there. When mediocrity prevails I always prefer to take the underdog. Since the Harris injury occurred the Bears would have ranked 25th out of 32 teams. If you took the last four games they would have ranked last. I have watched the last 5 Bears games and this is not the same team that started out so strong. Good luck on your plays every once in a while the public is right. Personally I never pay attention to the ESPN guys or the Services.


Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
mike brown did not play vs. the pats and jets

the bears had nothing to play for the last 3 weeks, they were up 21-3 at halftime vs tampa bay before they came out flat and unispiring in the 2nd half, but when they needed to get it done they did....

LW was a rub off of the last 3 weeks prior and they were lucky to come away with the victory, but they got that 1st big win at home and the monkey off their back.......and it was just not ulacher, it was the whole D.....they would play in spurts and never playing with that tenacity and mentality they are accustomed too

the defense is putting this game on their shoulders this week, you will see a different Bears Defense then youve seen the last 4 weeks when it comes to spark and making plays........much is made of their defense and the play of Rex but............

The Bears are 6-2 when they let up 20 points or more with one of the losses being the last game of the season against the pack

wish ya luck on any side you take........