NFC Game

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The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
so their QB stinks and makes the dumbest mistakes this side of the raiders and their defense is overrated?? but yet they still win 14 games and didnt even show up for one.......they shut out the jets(playoff team), held the bills to 7 points and the patriots to their 4th lowest output of the season and caused 5 TO's........Grossman is inconsistent, hes either very good or very bad......someone who stinks wouldn't eclipse a passer rating of 100 -7 times, 2nd most in the NFL, would they?

What does it matter what the Bears would do in the AFC? Look at what the Saints did? 1-3 and let up 38,35 and 31 points to Pittsburg, Baltimore and be overrated you would have to be talked about in a good light......Bears have been ripped for the last month about the D and Grossman for the last 3 months......Saints get all the praise and publicity and the feel good story, and this week you would think they were playing at home laying 10 to these average pound the Saints hard

Dice i said three weeks ago their defense was overrated and now finally the press has jumped in. They are still a pretty good unit but the way they are talk about you would think they are better than Buddies defense when he was in Chi town. Now forgive me if im wrong but they played the weakest schedule in football so 14-2 dont mean crap to me. No quarterback in the history of NFL is any good when you feel uneasy and are waiting for a mistake ready to happen. The other three quarterbacks in the playoffs you don't get this feel. also quarterback ratings dont mean anything to me during the season. With his team it was the defense that kept putting him in a great position. People tend to forget about that. He is a average quarterback at best and his decisions most of the time are awful. If you watch he rarely hits a guy in stride unless its a bomb. If its a screen its always behind, low or on the side of the receiver. I still rather have him in there than Orten who everyone was raving about last year but once again it was the defense putting him in a great position to suceed. He is not as good as Griese and i think Lovie is making a huge mistake here and deep down he knows but he is stuck. Lovie is a very good coach in my opinion and should have cut his losses with him. If they lose tomorrow i think it will be the end of him. No way he will start off as the starter unless he wins it in camp.
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Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
Dice i said three weeks ago their defense was overrated and now finally the press has jumped in. They are still a pretty good unit but the way they are talk about you would think they are better than Buddies defense when he was in Chi town. Now forgive me if im wrong but they played the weakest schedule in football so 14-2 dont mean crap to me. No quarterback in the history of NFL is any good when you feel uneasy and are waiting for a mistake ready to happen. The other three quarterbacks in the playoffs you don't get this feel. also quarterback ratings dont mean anything to me during the season. With his team it was the defense that kept putting him in a great position. People tend to forget about that. He is a average quarterback at best and his decisions most of the time are awful. If you watch he rarely hits a guy in stride unless its a bomb. If its a screen its always behind, low or on the side of the receiver. I still rather have him in there than Orten who everyone was raving about last year but once again it was the defense putting him in a great position to suceed. He is not as good as Griese and i think Lovie is making a huge mistake here and deep down he knows but he is stuck. Lovie is a very good coach in my opinion and should have cut his losses with him. If they lose tomorrow i think it will be the end of him. No way he will start off as the starter unless he wins it in camp.

Maybe thats why they get a bad rap b/c everyone wants to make comparisons in this day and age....the Bears never make the comparisons to the 85 bears team.......its the media and every boob on espn.......why are they subjected to such high expectations but the Saints are not? Everything the Saints do, is great or underated....everything the Bears do is poor and overrated......wheres the justification?........2 years ago this was a 5-11 team, year before that 7-9 and 4-12 before that.....

Everyone keeps saying they are overrated but they keep winning, I'm not a coach so I don't know what Lovie's thought process is but there is a reason Griese has traveled around the NFL and its not because hes a starter....but i'm also not saying Grossman is a world beater either, they could definately upgrade at that position


Off parole
Forum Member
Dec 18, 2004
Maybe because their quarterback stinks and is very inaccurate and makes the dumbest mistakes this side of the Raiders quarterbacks. The defense is the most overrated defense in the history of the league who ran up stats with the weakest schedule in the NFL. Other than that they are okay. If the played in the AFC they wouldn't have even made the playoffs.

actually the Saints schedule was weaker.......

Now we'll see how they fair against the powerful AFC
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Jul 7, 2005
I'm I the only one that believes the Bears can beat the Saints?

Almost seems that way-

I had the bears also.... too much yapping about the team of destiny (Saints) made me pick the bears.

And usually I am anti chicago teams.... they always seem to let me down. (being I grew up there)


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Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal

what an environment, never had so much fun in my life and the snow was awesome.....then to top it off.....dinner at gibsons with moose and benson at the next table and kid rock in the house (treat for the fiancee who for some reasons thinks he's good looking.....yikes, maybe i should look in the mirror?)

the game went as expected......totally no respect for the bears who always were the better team than the saints this year but had to listen to a bunch of bs all week.....then went out and kicked them in the face last night.......

duece-bush.....steamrolled by the better rb combo in benson and jones

rex-brees......which one comitted 0 turnovers and which one fumbled, threw a pick and comitted a safety?

saints offense vs bears defense....completely shut down, the saints basically had one play and one sustained drive right before half

special domination by the bears and they showed why that unit is the best unit in football (even with hester doing very little)

coaching....lovie worked over payton

all in all a great time and even better when the financial rewards pay off to the tune of a free trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now.....i want 2 weeks of patyon manning talk, 90% on the dolts and +7 and +240!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bear down chicago bears!!!!!!!!!!!!
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