long time in a tough bizz... good to read a good outcome .:0074
got a buddy who I worked along side in the stores[vendor chat] for 17 years who I saw in the Food Lion down the street...he has stayed with 28 years now..says 2 more and done....I don't know how he still stocks shelves.......he says reffing hoops keeps him limber..he is almost 60
our beer dist. pulled the 401k and down the road sold out...along the way found a way to fire or force out 6 upper management with over 150 years experience in the beer bizz....I should have gone to work for Coke or Pepsi or Bud if I was going to work for someone else 20 years.
lotta 60 hour work weeks but you been there done that in the soda world..
Man,,,I got a call about 2 weeks ago from a buddy of mine who runs the Coors distributorship and asked me was I ready to get back in the business? I told him I missed the people,but no way the 12-14 hour days.Met a lot of good people along the way, but I am afraid the snowflake way has ruined the hard working route drivers that makes the day to day business so much fun!!The main reason I walked away was upper management forcing stupid HR decisions down your throat. Excuse me but a week working at Taco Bell does not qualify you to be a salesman.:0008