no-juice question...a must read for all gamblers

count zero

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 16, 2000
marin county california
Want to soften my position just a tad. First, I was obviously thinking ATS (-110) when I said dogs had had many down years. They've only had 4 outright sub-50% years (though 3 of the 4 were substantially below 50%, i.e., big losers for the system). But the years when they hit above 50% but lost ATS would have produced only tiny profits.

Second, contrary to what I said above, I think you'd win more than you'd lose in unrealized investment income, but again, not by much. There are 248 games a year, and you'll be betting $500 on each, for a total theoretical action of $124,000. Given the ties (less action), the unfavorable dog prices, etc, you'll win about 1% of that, or $1240 each year. As Skinar points out, you'll need to keep about $15,000 on hand -- $7500 to put in play each week, on which you'll be earning nothing at all, and another $7500 in reserve to cover bad swings. You might be able to earn a little on this second $7500, in years where the dogs have a hot run early. So, assuming the traditional 10% ROI, you'd be giving up about $1200 per year. You only need your BR for the 6 months of the football season, though, so your loss of investment income might amount to $600. That leaves you with $640 per year profit, less any transfer costs (you'll be moving money in and out of your account a *lot*), so let's say a nice even $500 per year profit. One bet won after making 248 bets.

I haven't even mentioned the likelihood of regression to the mean -- dogs have been on a hot run the lasgt few years -- or whether you'll have the nerve to keep firing when you get torched a few weeks in a row. Technically, you've found a winning system, which I should have acknowledged, but I still don't think it's practical.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 22, 2001
bottom line.....
dogs are 160 games OVER .500 since 1983.
SIMPLE MATH says with NO VIGORISH I will be a winner in my lifetime.
You are getting too technical.
If I bet 500 on each game I would be up 80 grand. The numbers don't lie


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
tulsa ok
How about parlaying some of those no juice bigger pop....Aces does not
offer moneylines on Football or Basketball...
Why is beyond me...


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
If you bet anything in the NFL in a static sense, you will go broke. I don't give a damn if it's overs, unders, dogs, or cannot win that way.

Do you really think no one has ever tried that? Saying you would, "bet all the dogs", makes no more sense than saying you would bet all favorites. You guys will find out the hard way, I guess.

There is no substitute for hard work

"You can't polish a turd."


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 22, 2001
0 r completely wrong here.......
Numbers do not lie.......there is no way of going broke here......NO JUICE
Keep taking your favs....
All the better for me
Bet on MyBookie