Not gonna over think this

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Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
Better coach, More experienced team, best player on the court in Mack. I'll take Butler -2 on buy. Stevens has 9 tournament wins.

Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
I know your a MAC guy and Shaka's run is impressive. But, I'm not going to equate the CBI to NCAA games. Post season is impressive but in those games there is a home court element. I'll take Brad Stevens with a week to prep anyway. Good luck on whatever you play.
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Forum Member
Feb 19, 2003
And Shaka is 10-0 post season. Granted, not all were in the NCAA but impressive to be sure.

"But he doesn't have enough experience."

"He's playing with A. Grant's players."

"He's just the flavor of the month."

These are things that I have been hearing all week down here FCP, and I just laugh at the dumber than dirt sheep.

People that coached, know good coaching when they see it. He called a TO with 7 seconds left to put the game in his hands, and after the game just talked about the players.

I saw Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce never call a TO, PG dribble for 30 seconds and get off an off-balanced 35 footer. Then he would rip the team for having no leadership.

Sorry to hijack your thread Costanza. GL on your play even though I am on the other side. BTW, is that hat a sable?:mj07:

Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
All you're doing is showing your ass. My point with Shaka was not against him. I have a problem with people who favor youth over experience. You're actually ripping Pearl's coaching abilities??? He built your program after Buzz Williams shit the bed. He took Tenn b ball to places it hasn't been in years! The guy has forgot more about basketball than you will ever know and you're questioning him?? I'm not a Pearl fan bc of he shit he did at Iowa but i respect his ability. Just dont be an ignorant fan who thinks they know more than coaches. Those people are so annoying.

On a side note yeah I respect Shaka but if I had a major job to fill I would take Grant over him. If you don't agree that's fine. To each their own...
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Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
The more I look at this game the more I love butler. VCU did play and beat a great defensive club in Fla St but the Seminoles are very limited offensively. Butler is an excellent defensive club who will keep this a half court game. They are IMO more efficient offensively than FSU. They've had all week to prep for VCU's pressure. Butler -2 risk 1250 to win 1000
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Sep 22, 2006
The more I look at this game the more I love butler. VCU did play and beat a great defensive club in Fla St but the Seminoles are very limited offensively. Butler is an excellent defensive club who will keep this a half court game. They are IMO more efficient offensively than FSU. They've had all week to prep for VCU's pressure. Butler -2 risk 1250 to win 1000

FSU may be challenged offensively but Kansas and Purdue surely arent, and those teams have a better defense AND offense than Butler brings.

I wouldnt look too much into prep time either...Stevens had over a week to prep for ODU and won by 2 on a last second shot. And self admittedly was way out coached by Billy Donovan.

Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
The big ten is soft. They were awful in this tourney. Kansas has a history of choking to less talented teams. Self is the best regular season coach in the country and I am a Self fan but his teams have come up small in the tourney. Apart from 2008 he's got some bad losses. Bucknell, Bradley.

Don't forget Brad Stevens is a great politician. Fla was a great team who I thought could have won the whole thing. Stevens admitting he got out coached by Donavan is a complement to Billy D. Today he said VCU is playing better than anyone. Their wins are more impressive than ours. He knows what to say. By and large they've been able to hover below the radar. Obviously, I don't have tomorrows paper.... but I really like Butler. They should dictate tempo they have a pro in Mack and a more experienced, more physical team. Portis you're a great cap but I think VCU is the wrong side
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Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
Look at this from a coaching standpoint....VCU wants to play fast and uptempo. Butler wants a slower, grind it outpace. Tempo should dictate the winner of this game. Now if your North Carolina its easier to increase tempo bc you're more athletic. VCU is not more athletic. Actually Butler is more athletic from the guard spot and physically stronger inside. Butler is a better rebounding team. They don't turn the ball over. I actually would like VCU over UConn but butler plays totally opposite from them. More athletic teams have tried to speed Butler up and failed. They will control the pace and win this game.


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Sep 22, 2006
I agree Butler will probably get the pace they want, but VCU doesnt have to play a frantic pace to win. Theyve played at a crawl a number of times this season and gotten wins. Even in this tournament. The games vrs. USC and Georgetown were far from the up and down fast pace they like, but they were able to adjust and play that way.

You are wrong about teams trying to speed up Butler and failing though.

In almost all of Butlers losses, the other team, even if inferior, was able to get Butler to play at a fast pace.

Louisville...Evansville...Wisconsin Milwaukee....Valparaiso

Even Florida got Butler to go up and down more than theyd prefer.

A slow grind it out game just means to me that VCU will be in the game for 40 minutes. If they succeed in getting Butler to run, VCU has an advantage and can win going away. Either way the game shapes up, I think VCU will have no problem being there till the very end.

Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
Portis we are saying the same thing. Teams speed Butler up and are able to beat them. Obviously teams have sped them up. I'm not saying it's impossible. Im saying if they do VCU will win i just don't see Stevens allowing that to happen. Youre wrong about the Fla game. It took OT to hit 70. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
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Forum Member
Feb 19, 2003
All you're doing is showing your ass. My point with Shaka was not against him. I have a problem with people who favor youth over experience. You're actually ripping Pearl's coaching abilities??? He built your program after Buzz Williams shit the bed. He took Tenn b ball to places it hasn't been in years! The guy has forgot more about basketball than you will ever know and you're questioning him?? I'm not a Pearl fan bc of he shit he did at Iowa but i respect his ability. Just dont be an ignorant fan who thinks they know more than coaches. Those people are so annoying.

On a side note yeah I respect Shaka but if I had a major job to fill I would take Grant over him. If you don't agree that's fine. To each their own...

Dude - calm down. I was responding to my good buddy FCP, and letting him know what has been on talk radio all week.

Also, since you have the famous "sable hat" on your George Costanza pick, I would have thought you would have gotten the joke.

Also, Pearl replaced Buzz PETERSON. Buzz Williams coaches at Marquette.

Drink a beer and calm the fawk down

Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
Obviously Williams was a typo. Alot your quotes were things I had said so it sounded like you were coming at me in my thread. I'm a big Seinfeld fan, I don't get too bent outta shape. No worries.....

Costanza NY

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Sep 12, 2006
Marine Biologist. I loved George. Hahaha Kramer " is that a titleist?". Also love the two part Ep. bottle deposit scam. The Curb season finale last year was great. Awesome to see. A pseudo reunion show


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Sep 22, 2006
Portis we are saying the same thing. Teams speed Butler up and are able to beat them. Obviously teams have sped them up. I'm not saying it's impossible. Im saying if they do VCU will win i just don't see Stevens allowing that to happen. Youre wrong about the Fla game. It took OT to hit 70. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I am not wrong about the pace in the Florida game. Just because the points only hit 70 in OT, doesnt mean the pace wasnt quick. You can have an up and down pace all game but if teams arent hitting shots, the points wont add up. Dont let the score confuse you with the pace of the game.

By no means was it a frantic pace, but it was a little higher than Butler prefers to play (67, where as Butlers preferred pace is about a 64)
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