o"s speech tonite

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
The real question from last nights speech is ?

The real question from last nights speech is ?

After the speech I thought that I would scan the news media channels.
FOX said the president struck out !!
MSNBC said president hit a home run.
Strange how people can be so divided, just goes to show you how the huge amounts of money that the lobbyist hands out can buy a persons body and soul.One group bought by the insurance companys and the other side trying to plough new ground so some other entity can weild its will upon the people !!
The real question is what about Michelle Obama ? GOD did she look HOT, if that's possible ? She looked better than I've ever seen her.
Has she been under the knife, sure looked that way to me.
She transformed herself from a nappy headed ??? to this hot babe.
As a taxpayer I wonder what that cost??
Also does this make our commander and chief a PIMP DADDY, just asking ??


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I don't allow the liar in chief to come on my TV, but I read this morning Joe Wilson stood up and yelled at the abortion that he was a liar


jer-z jock

Blow $$ Fast
Forum Member
Jun 11, 2007

Especially this guy... Joe Wilson (R-SC).

Joe's the class act who called the President of the United States a LIAR during tonight's speech. This idiot decided it was appropriate conduct for a U.S. Congressman to interrupt the President during a nationally televised speech before a Joint Session of Congress by yelling out "It's a lie!" when Obama made the promise that the healthcare bill he signs WILL NOT include coverage for undocumented illegal aliens.

A real class act, this guy.

This guy should be either removed from seat, what in the hell gives the balls to call ANY POTUS a liar in open and on nationally televised tv. I thought we were supposed to support and look in untiy as a nation? If u disagree u have a chance to vote and/or spread your word but no way in hell do you interrupt as the POTUS addresses the nation. WoW. Next we will see this dipshit walk up during speech and either pimp slap Pelosi or grab the microphone and give his own speech. Apology? Yeah I guess the nation realizes that was a MISTAKE and an in the moment action. Apologize by resigning as you have made a fool of yourself.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I don't allow the liar in chief to come on my TV, but I read this morning Joe Wilson stood up and yelled at the abortion that he was a liar


That was bad move--he could/should have made his comments at later time.

Regardless of which side has the floor they should show respect during speech--and keep their mouths shut.


Forum Member
Dec 22, 2001
The POTUS called the Republicans liars in his speech:

"Some of people's concerns have grown out of bogus claims spread by those whose only agenda is to kill reform at any cost. The best example is the claim, made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple. "

I ask what's the difference, it's ok to call everyone who does not agree liars? The left has been booing and hissing in the same forum for years.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
That was bad move--he could/should have made his comments at later time.

Regardless of which side has the floor they should show respect during speech--and keep their mouths shut.

why, he is a liar, why not call it out for everyone to hear, if I lived in South Carolina he would 100% have my vote, that for should

Joe Wilson :toast:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
why, he is a liar, why not call it out for everyone to hear, if I lived in South Carolina he would 100% have my vote, that for should

Joe Wilson :toast:

What did he lie about? Are we going to give insurance to illegals....or are we just going to pay when they go to emergency like now. What was the lie? Obama said we are not going to give illegals insurance. And Wilson calls him a liar. So what is the lie?


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
What hypocrisy indeed .................


TED KOPPEL (ABC host): When the president talked about the bankruptcy of Social Security, there were clearly some Democrats on the floor who thought that that was taking it too far. And they did something that, apparently, no one at this table has ever heard before. They booed. [ABC, Nightline, 2/2/05; Koppel's panel consisted of former Bush adviser Mary Matalin, former Reagan chief of staff Ken Duberstein, and former Clinton speechwriter Michael Waldman]

JOHN ROBERTS (CBS White House correspondent): At a couple points in this address, it looked more like the British Parliament than the United States Congress. I've never heard the minority party shout at the president during the State of the Union address. [CBS, post-speech coverage, 2/2/05]

JOE SCARBOROUGH (former U.S. representative (R-FL) and MSNBC host): After the Democrats booed and hissed, Republicans were on the floor saying, you know, we never once did that to Clinton. So every time he would talk about Social Security, the roars got a little louder. And they got behind their president. [MSNBC, Hardball, 2/2/05]

BOB BARR (former U.S. representative (R-GA) and CNN contributor): It will be a very, very difficult battle as we saw by the unprecedented and, I think, highly improper virtual booing of the president when he simply said that the system is going to be bankrupt and the time is now to fix it. [CNN, Inside Politics, 2/3/05]

JOE WATKINS (radio host and CNN substitute host): Did you hear it? Certainly not the polite protocol usually practiced when a president speaks to Congress. If a Democrat one day delivers a State of the Union address, I hope the Republicans won't lower themselves to such a disrespectful level. I hope last night's behavior by a few lawmakers doesn't set a new precedent, that both parties can agree to remain civil, even when voicing disagreements.

JOHN GIBSON (FOX News host): Maryanne Marsh, what did you think of those audible jeers, boos, for the president? It sounded a little like the House of Commons: that grumbling that comes from the back-benchers when they don't like something [British Prime Minister] Tony Blair said. That isn't very common for state of the union speeches, is it?

MARYANNE MARSH (Democratic strategist): I don't ever remember hearing it, and was very surprised. But I have to say at least the good news is the Democrats are fighting and they're on offense. And they're more united than they've ever been against George Bush and the Republicans. [FOX News, The Big Story with John Gibson, 2/3/05]


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
What did he lie about? Are we going to give insurance to illegals....or are we just going to pay when they go to emergency like now. What was the lie? Obama said we are not going to give illegals insurance. And Wilson calls him a liar. So what is the lie?

The same people who use the EMERGENY ROOM now, will use it the same later, this is a FACT.




Forum Member
Jul 31, 2000
I don't allow the liar in chief to come on my TV, but I read this morning Joe Wilson stood up and yelled at the abortion that he was a liar


:00hour :00hour :00hour did you see the speaker odf the house! she was mad has hell! :mj07:

it was great wilson for president:00hour


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000

Especially this guy... Joe Wilson (R-SC).

Joe's the class act who called the President of the United States a LIAR during tonight's speech. This idiot decided it was appropriate conduct for a U.S. Congressman to interrupt the President during a nationally televised speech before a Joint Session of Congress by yelling out "It's a lie!" when Obama made the promise that the healthcare bill he signs WILL NOT include coverage for undocumented illegal aliens.

A real class act, this guy.

I would agree that Wilson was disrespectful and inappropriate. No doubt.

However, Mr. Obama did throw out some lies during his speech. An example was the part about preventative care. It is a fact that preventative care COSTS more than it saves overall - and will add to the health care costs. The "hit" rate on tests is so low (which is a good thing!), that the costs of colonoscopys, mammo's etc exceed the cost savings in checking the disease early. Don't get me wrong - I think preventative tests are good to do - but Obama lied when he said directly that the country saves money in this manner. He should have known better - or maybe he was talking off the cuff instead of from his teleprompter?

Preventative care IS important, but it is something that people should plan and budget for, and insurance should NOT cover. Insurance is meant as a vehicle to protect a person and their family from catastrophic costs - not to pay for every doctor office visit when a child gets a sniffle. Those are routine visits, which a person should plan to occur and set money aside for each and every year.

Think of car insurance - it doesn't pay for oil changes, tire rotations, radiator flushes - those are the consumer's responsibility, to keep their care "well". Auto insurance pays for the catastrophic, unplanned events - much like health insurance should do. THAT is how to help reduce costs.

I think the problem that many of us had with Obama's speech last night was that it was a informercial for one of his pet projects. I'm not saying that health care is not an important issue - but I am saying that it IS inappropriate for a president to go on national TV to try to brainwash people into liking his pet project.

It is pretty clear that there is not a clear consensus in this country on what should be done, and in some corners, if anything should be done. The PEOPLE should decide - and not hear just one solution (the democrat one) - other options should also be presented on a national stage so the PEOPLE can decide what is best for them. I personally don't feel that Obama can or should make that decision for people.

And while this won't happen, the best way to resolve this is, come up with a package (either a DEM or REP package), give it to the public for a month to read the bill, and then put it out to nationwide vote. If 66% or more vote YES, then let's do it. If less than that, then let's try again until we find something that the vast majority of the people like!

We have to remember - the majority of the people are happy with their insurance today. We need to be careful not to blow up the system.

One last point - as "national health care" is, as Obama says, a Social necessity - then EVERYONE should share equally in the cost of any reform. It is unfair to expect only a chosen few to pay for it.

If it is TRULY a worthwhile idea, then everyone should be willing to pay for it. An easy way would be to have a 2-5% national sales tax to pay for it.

Because, bottom line, if you can't get 66% of the people to agree on an idea AND be willing to pay for it, then it must not be such a good idea.

It is easy to vote for something if it is free - but if you have to view it from a cost/benefit prospective, you will get much truer answer on how people view a particular package or plan.

That's my 2 cents.
Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
and either pimp slap Pelosi

Actually THAT is the best idea I've heard in a long time....:toast:

Can we find a bigger wacko in politics? Heck, once MJ died, she inherited the title of "biggest wacko in the state of CA"!


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Well, we now know why Obama's speech was bothering the hero of many here on the right Joe Wilson last night. No surprise he would scream out against health care reform, when it would clearly cost him so much in future campaign donations - talk about payback - he certainly kept up his end of the bargain regarding financial support and what "he thinks." :

Obama speech disrupter a health industry darling
Published: September 10, 2009

During President Obama?s address on health insurance reform to a joint session of Congress last night, he observed that some people have been spreading bad information about his proposal ? and that contrary to what?s been said it would not cover illegal immigrants.

At that point the president was interrupted by Rep. Addison Graves ?Joe? Wilson (right), a Republican from South Carolina.

?You lie!? Wilson shouted from the crowd.

Obama paused for a moment before continuing his address as Wilson?s colleagues looked on in shock following the breach of protocol.

Whether because of his outspokenness or in spite of it, Wilson is a major recipient of contributions from the health care industry.

In fact, over his entire congressional career, health professionals represent Wilson?s top industry contributors, donating a total of $244,196 to his campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics OpenSecrets.org database. He received another $86,150 from pharmaceutical companies, $73,050 from insurance companies and $68,000 from hospitals and nursing homes.

Among Wilson?s top contributors are the American Hospital Association, a lobby group that represents the interests of hospitals and health networks, and the American Medical Association, which represents physicians.

Yeah, this is the guy I would want out there representing "me"... nice hero you guys have.



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Well, we now know why Obama's speech was bothering the hero of many here on the right Joe Wilson last night. No surprise he would scream out against health care reform, when it would clearly cost him so much in future campaign donations - talk about payback - he certainly kept up his end of the bargain regarding financial support and what "he thinks." :

Obama speech disrupter a health industry darling
Published: September 10, 2009

During President Obama?s address on health insurance reform to a joint session of Congress last night, he observed that some people have been spreading bad information about his proposal ? and that contrary to what?s been said it would not cover illegal immigrants.

At that point the president was interrupted by Rep. Addison Graves ?Joe? Wilson (right), a Republican from South Carolina.

?You lie!? Wilson shouted from the crowd.

Obama paused for a moment before continuing his address as Wilson?s colleagues looked on in shock following the breach of protocol.

Whether because of his outspokenness or in spite of it, Wilson is a major recipient of contributions from the health care industry.

In fact, over his entire congressional career, health professionals represent Wilson?s top industry contributors, donating a total of $244,196 to his campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics OpenSecrets.org database. He received another $86,150 from pharmaceutical companies, $73,050 from insurance companies and $68,000 from hospitals and nursing homes.

Among Wilson?s top contributors are the American Hospital Association, a lobby group that represents the interests of hospitals and health networks, and the American Medical Association, which represents physicians.

Yeah, this is the guy I would want out there representing "me"... nice hero you guys have.


And Obama is owned by the trial lawyers. What's your point? Some hero you have.:0corn


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Well, we now know why Obama's speech was bothering the hero of many here on the right Joe Wilson last night. No surprise he would scream out against health care reform, when it would clearly cost him so much in future campaign donations - talk about payback - he certainly kept up his end of the bargain regarding financial support and what "he thinks." :

Obama speech disrupter a health industry darling
Published: September 10, 2009

During President Obama?s address on health insurance reform to a joint session of Congress last night, he observed that some people have been spreading bad information about his proposal ? and that contrary to what?s been said it would not cover illegal immigrants.

At that point the president was interrupted by Rep. Addison Graves ?Joe? Wilson (right), a Republican from South Carolina.

?You lie!? Wilson shouted from the crowd.

Obama paused for a moment before continuing his address as Wilson?s colleagues looked on in shock following the breach of protocol.

Whether because of his outspokenness or in spite of it, Wilson is a major recipient of contributions from the health care industry.

In fact, over his entire congressional career, health professionals represent Wilson?s top industry contributors, donating a total of $244,196 to his campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics OpenSecrets.org database. He received another $86,150 from pharmaceutical companies, $73,050 from insurance companies and $68,000 from hospitals and nursing homes.

Among Wilson?s top contributors are the American Hospital Association, a lobby group that represents the interests of hospitals and health networks, and the American Medical Association, which represents physicians.

Yeah, this is the guy I would want out there representing "me"... nice hero you guys have.


Interesting point.

But Chadman, if you are nieve enough to think that any politician, including Obama, don't have their pockets lined by various companies and lobbyists....

I'm sure a lot of what is driving Obama's agenda is being driven by where the money he is getting/has gotten is coming from....

Like the saying goes "follow the money".

No politician is immune from this - it is the way the political system works.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I understand all that, I just found it interesting since some here were calling him a hero, and wondered why he was so indignant - enough to get up in this forum and call the President a liar. He obviously has a lot to lose in this debate.

For the record, I'm not as bothered by him getting up and yelling in the forum, I wish there was less decorum and more give and take on issues, actually. But, this does give it some perspective, I think.

Keeko, since you maintain Obama is on the take with the trial lawyers, what do you think they have to gain by putting pressure on insurance companies and creating competition for them? Don't they sue these companies whenever they can? Don't they make money off of them? Wouldn't they prefer insurance companies and reform never happened, if they are such an insidious bunch? You think they have a big role in Obama and his healthcare plan? How so, if so?
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