o"s speech tonite


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000

You?ve added a lot of good information to this thread but I?ve gotta disagree with some of your statements and/or assumptions. Your statements appear to defend the industry you worked in and that?s understandable; however, many Americans like myself believe that single-payer ?Medicare-for-All? healthcare in America would be less objectionable than the runaway for-profit healthcare system we have today.

1. You argued that ?the government pays substantially less to Medicare/Medicaid providers than those providers charge the insurance companies? because the government can demand they do so.?

IMO, that?s precisely why single-payer was the only chance we had to significantly reduce healthcare costs in this country. Unfortunately, Obama issued the insurance industry a stay of execution months ago by giving up on single-payer and, IMO the public option?s on life support as well.

2. You argued that with a public option, ?fewer doctors would go into the field, since payment levels would drop significantly overall and we?d ultimately face a doctor shortage.?

This is an assumption on your part. I could just as easily argue that the vast majority of doctors and nurses enter the field because it?s their calling and they can?t imagine doing anything else. I could also argue that many doctors who?ve left medicine have done so because they?ve grown weary of insurance company bureaucrats telling them what procedures they can and cannot perform and from filling out different forms for over 1300 different private insurers in this country.

3. You said that Obama?s statement that ?Preventative coverage and services save this country money by catching diseases early? is a LIE.

Can you offer some proof that this statement is in fact a lie?

4. You said that Obama?s statement that ?Insurance companies cancel you when you get sick? is a LIE. As evidence, you offered the HIPAA act.

I think you took the statement out of context in that Obama was actually referring to the practice of recission. As recission is a disturbingly growing trend with some insurance companies, in this context, the statement is undeniably TRUE.

5. In more than one post, you argued that ?You must buy insurance BEFORE you get sick/total your car? or the system will never work.

Your auto/health insurance analogy doesn?t work for me. Of course, it?s necessary to purchase auto insurance before you have an accident. For obvious reasons, it has to work that way. However, with health insurance, if no one will insure the sick, what do they do? Why in a country as rich as ours should our tax dollars provide medical coverage for the aged and the poor ONLY? Why should healthcare costs continue to account for more than 60% of all personal and family bankruptcies in this rich nation of ours?

6. You stated that ?on average, 0.5% of policies that are issued to individuals are rescinded due to the person who applied lying on their application?. You then stated that you ?truly believe that the vast majority of insurance companies act with integrity and treat their customers well?.

Just my opinion, but you appear to be somewhat cynical of your fellow Americans and naively trusting of big corporations to me.

7. You stated that Medicare/Medicaid are ?unfunded right now? and that you ?have 0% confidence that the government could run a healthcare system for the rest of us?.

As long as we?re talking percentages, personally, I have EVERY confidence that Big Healthcare, Big Insurance and Big Pharma will continue to raise the cost of healthcare in America to maximize profits for 1% of the population while we, the remaining 99%, continue to struggle to hold on to what?s left of our middle-class lives.

8. You stated that you ?whole heartedly agree that we need a way to help those today who don?t have coverage because they can?t afford it? but that you ?don?t think a government run system is the way to do it?.

What?s your alternative?

Btw Mags, I hope this post didn?t come off as confrontational because that wasn?t my intention. I just think we disagree on some fundamental principles of government and it?s place in our society.

And fwiw, I agree with you completely on your analysis of the Favre saga. ;)


I have no problem with you disagreeing and having different points of view... what fun would a chat board be if we all saw things the same way.....

And I will be the first to admit, while having a significant background with many of the healthcare issues, that I am certainly biased towards the current system - WITH some important modifications, as I'll agree it is not the perfect system currently.

You had a lot of points to address, I'll try to hit some:

1. Regarding costs - I'm not sure the best method of cost control is on the doctor/hospital side. I've never been a fan of having the goverment dictate prices in any industry. I think that is looking at the wrong end of the snake. Utiliization - due to poor health habits and a fat country, along with prescription drug use due to significant advertising, have more to do with the costs than the overall cost levels of procedures. Utilization continues to rise each year. I really believe consumers need skin in the game and should pay a portion out of pocket for every service, as a way of reducing excessive utiliziation.

2. Tough one to argue - either of us could be right - time will tell on this one.

3. This has been quoted by numerous actuarial sources. I also was reading one of the politiical fact check sites after Obama's speach, and they made the same point. I can't pull a specific reference for you, but I am certain it is true. I'm sure could find this if you searched a bit.

4. SOME companies have taken recission too far, certainly. But I've seen it - there are a lot of people that do not tell the truth - either on their own doing or due to the agent "helping" them. There are some inappropriate recissions to be sure, but the majority of them are appropriate (based on my experience in the companies I've been in).

5. This question comes down to personal responsibility. Who should pay for health care coverage? Should only the rich pay for the entire countries via taxes? Or should everyone be responsible for paying for their own? Personally, I think everyone should share in the responsibility - possibly via a national sales tax? The higher earners (and presumably spenders) would pay more dollars, but the same percentage.

6. I am admittedly biased, but like any industry, you hear the exceptional stories, but do not hear about the other 99.9% of the cases. I have seen misreps that you wouldn't believe on insurance applications. I understand - some people need to lie to be able to get coverage - as they really need it. This is something that we need to address. Coverage needs to be available for all, but not MANDATED for all. High risk pools (a national pool, with costs subsidized by all insurance companies, ERISA and stop loss plans would be a great start).

7. Insurance companies' profits are high because many of the companies are very large. Big companies produce (if run well) big absolute dollars of profit. Many lines of health insurance have a 4-5% profit margin. Most businesses have a higher profit margin than that. But they never quote the profit margin - because people would say "that seems fair". They just quote $XXXX milllion, because it sounds worse. How much do you think Microsoft, for example, makes each year? Big companies = Big profits (hopefully - or our economy will really go into the tank).

I mentioned a couple of alternatives. I also think every child should have government funded health insurance, paid via taxes. Children have no say in whether they are covered - and too many kids are born to parents that have no business raising children and caring for them.

But adults - well, being an adult is being responsible. I wonder how many adults choose not to purchase health insurance (because they can't afford it), but still have a $50 monthly cell phone bill, a $75 cable TV bill, and a big screen TV?????

It's all choices for a lot of us. Obviously not all of us. But our society isn't built on savers and responsible people. Nor on people that take care of their own health (obesity).

Our country is 66% obese, and many people spend like there is no tomorrow.

Again - no problem with your responses, as I do like hearing other points of view. Sometimes, it even gets me to change MY point of view... :D


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
New poll on from Investors Daily--bear in mind O just got finished swearing yesterday doctor and nurses were on board--nurses union yes--

45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul


Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.
Poll has found.
The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors' own lobby ? the powerful American Medical Association ? both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul.
t also calls into question whether an overhaul is even doable; 72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost.

It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a "majority of physicians want public and private insurance options," and clashes with media reports such as Tuesday's front-page story in the Los Angeles Times with the headline "Doctors Go For Obama's Reform."
Nowhere in the Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA ? the "association representing the nation's physicians" and what "many still regard as the country's premier lobbying force" ? is "lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama's sweeping plan."
The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA's support of Democrats' proposed health care overhaul.
? Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.
More than 800,000 doctors were practicing in 2006, the government says. Projecting the poll's finding onto that population, 360,000 doctors would consider quitting.

More than seven in 10 doctors, or 71% ? the most lopsided response in the poll ? answered "no" when asked if they believed "the government can cover 47 million more people and that it will cost less money and the quality of care will be better."

In 2006, Massachusetts passed its medical overhaul ? minus a public option ? similar to what's being proposed on a national scale now. It hasn't worked as expected. Costs are higher, with insurance premiums rising 22% faster than in the U.S. as a whole.

Health spending in Massachusetts is higher than the United States on average and is growing at a faster rate," according to a recent report from the Urban Institute.
Other states with government-run or mandated health insurance systems, including Maine, Tennessee and Hawaii, have been forced to cut back services and coverage.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
First thing I want to do is apologize for the name calling. That was my error. Bad mood coupled with frustration over years of fighting this battle with other individuals on this board, fuzzy math, wsj articles, fox news reports, record insurance company profits, deceptive claims practices, and outright lies spread through effective public relations campaigns utilized by insurance companies (ie McDonalds coffee case) have taken their toll. As Lilly Von Schttupp sang in Blazing Saddles, "I'm tired."

Mags, you have put together the typical crock of crap which to those unfamiliar with the way the companies you shill for operate sounds impressive and may think he must be right. Well, folks, let me tell you, he ain't. He and Wayne and putting their electronic arms around each other in agreement saying everyone else doesn't realize what will happen if the health care system is reformed the way Obama wants to do it. Mags and Dogs (has a certain ring to it) would have the uneducated masses believe that its ever-so-complicated that if the federal government gets a public option or tinkers with the current system of record private profits for American Family et seq., it will cause mass hysteria, total collapse of the economy and the return on Nehru jackets.

There approach to convincing us knaves is to throw graphs, charts, reserves, and other language no one understands to make you thing that they know what they are talking about. As Keats or somebody once said, truth is beauty, and beauty is truth, that is all ye know and all ye need to know.

Ask yourself this, have you ever had to call an insurance company to 1) have a claim approved, 2) get pre-authorization, 3) go over your eob, 4)dispute a denial. Were you satisfied? Have your shopped around for competitive premiums for health insurance? Been denied due to pre-existing conditions? Now if you have government option, let me repeat that word and spell it out so that Mitch McConnell and John Bonehead can read it, OPTION, how is that so harmful and threatening to our wonderful and caring private insurance carriers.

Why are republicans AGAINST competition? I thought they were in favor of capitalism. Whats wrong with throwing another competitor into the ring with the private sector? Hell, if the private sector can do it better, cheaper, faster than the government what is there to worry about. Lift ther regs restricting insurance companies and level the field with the public option and have at itl



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Why are republicans AGAINST competition? I thought they were in favor of capitalism. Whats wrong with throwing another competitor into the ring with the private sector? Hell, if the private sector can do it better, cheaper, faster than the government what is there to worry about. Lift ther regs restricting insurance companies and level the field with the public option and have at itl


FAIR competiton - definitely. But the differences are so immense, there is no way it could ever be fair.

Many, many people need legal services. Most don't want to pay $250 - $1,000 and up per hour for it. I have a hunch you'd feel differently if the goverment said - all laywers only get paid $50 an hour for here on out. That's price fixing! I'm sure that is how docs and hospitals see it also.

You certainly have a right to your opinion, albeit a very uneducated one. You may know the legal field well (and I'm not saying you do, I'm saying you MAY), but you certainly do not understand how health care works.......

But that's ok - I have no problem with folks having different opinions. I try to take the high road, and not name call, etc. That's usually a last resort tactic for those that have no defense...

Have a good day!

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
You certainly have a right to your opinion, albeit a very uneducated one. You may know the legal field well (and I'm not saying you do, I'm saying you MAY), but you certainly do not understand how health care works.......

But that's ok - I have no problem with folks having different opinions. I try to take the high road, and not name call, etc. That's usually a last resort tactic for those that have no defense...

Its nice to see you are above insults yourself. Fucking hypocrite.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Once again, to quote one of your favorite politicians, I'm sure, "you lie". I also finding it amusing that you consider it "taking the high road" while calling someone "uneducated". Should of stuck with my first instict about you fuck face, you are an asshole. And a lying one at that.

Fuckwad, if your product has a fair market value of $1000 an hour then you can sell it for $1000 an hour. It it has a fair market value of $50 per hour then you will sell it for $50 an hour. What you and your scum bag criminals at American Family are rightfully afraid of is that if Obama gets what he wants the product that you have been selling for years to the public for $1000 per hour that in reality only has a fair market value of $50.00 per hour gets exposed and you no longer get those record profits even though you have had tort reform for years.

By the way, how do you explain rising premiums for doctors since tort reform and caps have been in place and liability lawsuits have fallen? Or are you goind to provide us some Glen Beck numbers? You fucking burr headed piece of floating, self rightous, excrement. You make me want to puke.

You and your fucking Anne Coulter type sociopathic personalities are the fucking problem in this country. I will say this, you do not know how to provide health care. You may know how to make money from denial of coverage. But thats about it, Claims Adjuster Mags.

Now tell me how your on the high road, you rightwing,fucking hypocrite.


Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005


Once again, to quote one of your favorite politicians, I'm sure, "you lie". I also finding it amusing that you consider it "taking the high road" while calling someone "uneducated". Should of stuck with my first instict about you fuck face, you are an asshole. And a lying one at that.

Fuckwad, if your product has a fair market value of $1000 an hour then you can sell it for $1000 an hour. It it has a fair market value of $50 per hour then you will sell it for $50 an hour. What you and your scum bag criminals at American Family are rightfully afraid of is that if Obama gets what he wants the product that you have been selling for years to the public for $1000 per hour that in reality only has a fair market value of $50.00 per hour gets exposed and you no longer get those record profits even though you have had tort reform for years.

By the way, how do you explain rising premiums for doctors since tort reform and caps have been in place and liability lawsuits have fallen? Or are you goind to provide us some Glen Beck numbers? You fucking burr headed piece of floating, self rightous, excrement. You make me want to puke.

You and your fucking Anne Coulter type sociopathic personalities are the fucking problem in this country. I will say this, you do not know how to provide health care. You may know how to make money from denial of coverage. But thats about it, Claims Adjuster Mags.

Now tell me how your on the high road, you rightwing,fucking hypocrite.


Will you please tell MAG PIE how you really feel ! Since he has taken the high road, he may not understand what you'er trying to tell him.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I admit guys like him push my buttons. I shouldn't let it happen but what the fuck. They act with an aire of superiority, lie like crazy, use fuzzy math and insurance company prepared data to advance their respective agenda.

It is basic. Really basic. They, as always will try to muck it up. The reality is they do not want to change the status quo. Insurance companies are making record profits. Tort reform has been inacted in most if not all states. 90-95% of all med mal verdicts are in favor of doctors or hospitals. Who do they still blame? Everyones favor target. The fucking lawyers.

Why? Now its defensive medicine. Hell, why don't we just have doctors and hospitals do what is reasonable then this bullshit about defensive medicine will go away. Let me enlighten our defensive medicine proponents about what that means.

MD orders 5k worth of tests. Says reason is wants to rule out xy and z even though highly unlikely causes of patients symptoms on differential diagnosis (scared of evil lawyers). Reality is md or hospital has ownership interest or kickback from facility doing test and therefore makes more $ from ordering test. Thats the defensive medicine scam. Also many docs overtreat (chiro/pt) to blead med pay coverage dry.

Back to my point, premiums are on the rise for everyone and who makes the money. They blame the lawyers because we are the easiest targets and the rare lawsuit that gets the media attention the repulicans milk like it is the norm. all bullshit all lies. Like Bush, Boener, Cheney, McConnel and Mags.


Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
let me repeat that word and spell it out so that Mitch McConnell and John Bonehead can read it, OPTION, how is that so harmful and threatening to our wonderful and caring private insurance carriers.

A public option would not pay any bribe money to McConnell and Boner...and all the others.

What do you want them to do, live on their lousy $174K salaries?

Think about it, Eddie. Would YOU want to give up the extra millions just to do what's right?

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006

I admit guys like him push my buttons. I shouldn't let it happen but what the fuck.

Sure u should let it happen. This is the only way to deal with these ignorant greedy pricks. You very well know u can't reason with them. They are either a shill for somebodies record profits or are to god dam dumb to realize they are being played a shill. Anyone that can't see that the Republicans and these blue dick Democrats are nothing but shilling for the Insurance companies don't deserve healthcare to begin with. I feel name calling relaxes me a bit more then reasoning with a bunch of shitbags who just drag us all down. These same shitbags were selling the same load of shit when the gas prices were almost 5 bucks a gallon. They are self centered despicable people who are nothing but a cancer to people who actually can see what is happening right in front of our face. ah that felt better.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
A public option would not pay any bribe money to McConnell and Boner...and all the others.

What do you want them to do, live on their lousy $174K salaries?

Think about it, Eddie. Would YOU want to give up the extra millions just to do what's right?

You believe there are actually people walking this earth that have a problem with a public option? I mean we all know why these senators have a problem with it. Well, most people who have reach the age of reason do but these assholes on this site who somehow get conned into thinking their business is gonna be taken away because of socialism, one might wonder how the hell they have a business to begin with. I bet nine out of ten of them don't even know what socialism is and best at these town hall meetings u see these ignorant pigeons crying about the constitution now, when they were nowhere to be found the last eight years.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
You believe there are actually people walking this earth that have a problem with a public option? I mean we all know why these senators have a problem with it. Well, most people who have reach the age of reason do but these assholes on this site who somehow get conned into thinking their business is gonna be taken away because of socialism, one might wonder how the hell they have a business to begin with. I bet nine out of ten of them don't even know what socialism is and best at these town hall meetings u see these ignorant pigeons crying about the constitution now, when they were nowhere to be found the last eight years.

Yep. Not one of them could define Socialism without referring to a dictionary.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
? Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.

I asked this question in the other thread - didn't see it addressed. Do you REALLY think that nearly half the doctors in this country would leave their practice and go do something else? What exactly would those hundreds of thousands (top of head number) of doctors do, especially considering the job prospects for QUALIFIED people in this country, and probably will be for a while? Seriously, are doctors going to change careers? What will they do, that will afford them the lifestyles they have now, or the lifestyles they would still have with any new plan?

I call bullshit on this number. Of COURSE they are going to SAY that, or the people wanting to construct a story with a poll will ask them that a certain way, to help the story.

Seriously, do you or anyone else think this would happen? I don't. No way.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I asked this question in the other thread - didn't see it addressed. Do you REALLY think that nearly half the doctors in this country would leave their practice and go do something else? What exactly would those hundreds of thousands (top of head number) of doctors do, especially considering the job prospects for QUALIFIED people in this country, and probably will be for a while? Seriously, are doctors going to change careers? What will they do, that will afford them the lifestyles they have now, or the lifestyles they would still have with any new plan?

I call bullshit on this number. Of COURSE they are going to SAY that, or the people wanting to construct a story with a poll will ask them that a certain way, to help the story.

Seriously, do you or anyone else think this would happen? I don't. No way.

No but I think 45% might consider it like article said, :)

--on more serious note--speaking for myself
I'd had planned never to retire completely until forced to--but will certainly consider it now in 2 years (62) depending on what occurs.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Once again, to quote one of your favorite politicians, I'm sure, "you lie". I also finding it amusing that you consider it "taking the high road" while calling someone "uneducated". Should of stuck with my first instict about you fuck face, you are an asshole. And a lying one at that.

Fuckwad, if your product has a fair market value of $1000 an hour then you can sell it for $1000 an hour. It it has a fair market value of $50 per hour then you will sell it for $50 an hour. What you and your scum bag criminals at American Family are rightfully afraid of is that if Obama gets what he wants the product that you have been selling for years to the public for $1000 per hour that in reality only has a fair market value of $50.00 per hour gets exposed and you no longer get those record profits even though you have had tort reform for years.

By the way, how do you explain rising premiums for doctors since tort reform and caps have been in place and liability lawsuits have fallen? Or are you goind to provide us some Glen Beck numbers? You fucking burr headed piece of floating, self rightous, excrement. You make me want to puke.

You and your fucking Anne Coulter type sociopathic personalities are the fucking problem in this country. I will say this, you do not know how to provide health care. You may know how to make money from denial of coverage. But thats about it, Claims Adjuster Mags.

Now tell me how your on the high road, you rightwing,fucking hypocrite.


Eddie - you are a waste of human life. Really. But most lawyers are, so no surprise there.

FYI - I never worked for American Family, and I've never been a cliams adjuster. But those stupid comments fit the rest of the stuff you spew.

I always thought lawyers were the intelligent type - but based on your posts, with all the vulgarity and personal attacks, I can see that you are not in that group.

Interesting - instead of discussing the issues, you turn things into personal attacks and vulgarity? Is that always your answer when you don't get what you want? It's like a 5 year old's temper tantrums....

It is quite funny... thanks for the laugh!

Have a great night Eddie!

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Eddie - you are a waste of human life. Really. But most lawyers are, so no surprise there.

FYI - I never worked for American Family, and I've never been a cliams adjuster. But those stupid comments fit the rest of the stuff you spew.

I always thought lawyers were the intelligent type - but based on your posts, with all the vulgarity and personal attacks, I can see that you are not in that group.

Interesting - instead of discussing the issues, you turn things into personal attacks and vulgarity? Is that always your answer when you don't get what you want? It's like a 5 year old's temper tantrums....

It is quite funny... thanks for the laugh!

Have a great night Eddie!

Why don't you respond on the fact that you can't post without insulting someone? Hmmmm.

Fucking hypocrite.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
Why are republicans AGAINST competition? I thought they were in favor of capitalism. Whats wrong with throwing another competitor into the ring with the private sector? Hell, if the private sector can do it better, cheaper, faster than the government what is there to worry about. Lift ther regs restricting insurance companies and level the field with the public option and have at itl

I have this very same argument with my Republican co-workers at least once a week Eddie. Without exception, their programmed response is "The public option isn't FAIR to insurance companies because the government doesn't have to make a profit and they wield negotiating and pricing powers that insurance companies don't."

BINGO! They're so entrenched in their right-wing neoconservative dogma, they don't even realize they're making the best argument FOR single-payer there is. Then of course, your average "I'm happy with my insurance coverage" caucasian, god-fearing, split-level-ranch owning, greed-is-good Republican is unable or unwilling to acknowledge that ridding the healthcare industry of the administrative overhead caused by our for-profit system would cut the overall cost of healthcare by 25%. Then when you factor in the government's ability to cap costs, the fact that it would remove the need to pay insurance-hospital-pharma company executives exhorbitant salaries and bonuses and make profits for shareholders, the only conclusion you can reach is that single-payer is the ONLY system of administering healthcare that could dramatically reduce costs.

The truly SAD part is that EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of Congress knows this, the President certainly knows this and the Insurance, Hospital and Pharmaceutical executives know this. Hell, even the right-wing talk-radio wingnuts know this but they reveal the contempt they have for their audience by feigning outrage over the idea of Universal Healthcare . The only people who DON'T seem to know this are the rank and file Republican base who hold up signs in town hall meetings that read "Universal Healthcare is Socialism" or "Keep the Government out of my Medicare". Truly sad.
Last edited:

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005


You completely left out the death panels, you know the ones that's going to take grandma on a one way ride.
Obama owns everything thats went wrong since the lindbergh kidnapping.
Im no fan of Obama for I hate all politicians,especially the fools we have in the house and senate. At the pay scale that these bastards and bitches are at,we deserve better.
I appreciate your comments and believe you are on the right side of the war thats coming,you do know that we will have to fight these republican pricks someday. :box2: :box2:
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