

Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Do I love everything about Obama.. No.. But I will say.. I think the man is genuine and is trying as hard as he can, and just like the Ex said in his previous post.. the man has a huge stack of cards against him. At least this man has something the last president doesn't have and that is BRAINS.. I am giving the man a chance..

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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I see some want to blame him for our last mistake we had in WH. I will wait to end of his 2nd year. I do like a few things. And dislike others. At least so far the home land has been safe.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Would like to see those favoring O give us brief description why--I have idea that list will be as short as one pre election on his experience/qualifications :)

On flip side I'd like to give "a few examples" why I do not care for him--from the view of one who is a tax payor and productive citizen.

1st of all from perspectice of working class--we have haven't received the $3,000 additional family income promised (In a September speech, Gumby said: "All in all, many middle-class families will see their incomes go up by about $3,000 because of the Recovery Act." --if fact we got--
Income falls 3.2% during Obama's term

Now if your not working O wants to extend that gov tit to almost 2 years --
Incentives Not to Work

As one of the 90% + of homeonwers who pay/paid their mortgage on time I am not real happy with those that speculatated/overextended getting free rides on my dime.

As one of those who was taught to save and invest I don't think I should be penalized by O's increased taxes on div/capital gains--While the spendthrifts get relief on their credit card debt/home loans-and other social programs to numerous to mention..

My wife and I are one of the 50% of americans that pay federal taxes and don't care for pay cut via inceased taxes while Gumby gives his illegit welfare whores a raise?
"The earned income tax credit now provides up to $5,657 to low-income families with at least three children"
In addition 64% of Americans receive more in federal aid than they pay in federal taxes.

So being a homeowner/taxpayor who has saved and lived by conservative values most my life he certainly isn't my cup of tea

--but for those with that hand out relying on gov to take it from the productive and redistribute to you-- He's your boy.

will end with positive note on this admin.

Has been much easier fighting wars than during Bush era-- predominately because at end of Bush era they quit doing the daily drubbing on body counts and now one hardly knows theres a war going on despite fatalities in Afgan in 09 doubling any previous year and 2010 on target to double 09. Amazing how drive by media can control perspective of war depending on their allegence--and no more protests or heckling recruiters--

--and on nuke front--heard obama say yesterday we are safer

Hmm believe he forgot about NK 4th of july celebration the gave us--and on his Iran last chance ultimadum of 10-09 then his last-last chance of 12-31-09. I know I feel safer with pres of O's experience and character. :SIB
Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
I think he has done ok considering the mess he inherited.Not to sound like giving hand outs mentality,I wish the major banks would work with the American people on the mortgage mess.

The market is thriving a recovery seems to be taking place.We just need jobs and the housing (which effects the construction industry.) to recover.

The banks are basically blocking the housing sector from recovering and in the process its killing us.
How quick they forget the situation in 07/08 when they needed some kind of assistance .


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I think he has done ok considering the mess he inherited.Not to sound like giving hand outs mentality,I wish the major banks would work with the American people on the mortgage mess.

The market is thriving a recovery seems to be taking place.We just need jobs and the housing (which effects the construction industry.) to recover.

The banks are basically blocking the housing sector from recovering and in the process its killing us.
How quick they forget the situation in 07/08 when they needed some kind of assistance .

Can we sum this up in that you think O has done good job --because the market is thriving?

You get A for effort- as longer than any pre election qualification or experence list.

Now on your stock market. 2009 made historical gains because it dropped to historical lows. same for other countries who all went through global recession.

Matter of fact it ended with 65% gain off lows--but compared to other countries Gumbynomics did not fare so well.

Shanghai up 80%
Brazil 145%
India 81%
--however did manage to beat out Japan 19%


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
Would like to see those favoring O give us brief description why--I have idea that list will be as short as one pre election on his experience/qualifications :)

Patience and intelligence in dealing with big problems. An attribute lacking in the previous POTUS. Some specifics:

1. Congress cut individuals' federal taxes for this year by about $173 billion shortly after President Barack Obama took office, dwarfing the $28.6 billion in increases by states. Obama promise kept.

2. The fact is in the past year we have had more tax cuts than almost anytime in our nation's history," said Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn. "It's something that people don't realize because of the false rhetoric that is spread throughout this Congress."

3. Our country is safer due to better intellegence, killing more terrorist leaders, safer plans for nukes,...an energetic plan started by Bush #1, which I applauded. Foiled another 9/11 style attack this week in Iraq.

4. Dealing with the economic collapse, not perfect by any means but saved us from depression. Obama was willing to try new ideas, opposite of 1930's, opposite of the do nothing conservative approach.

5. More transparancy, not perfect but much improved. Promise kept.

6. Obama is removing our combat brigades from Iraq, he sent at least two additional brigades to Afghanistan almost immediately after taking office, where the Taliban is resurgent. He is providing our armed forces with the reset capability that they need. He has replaced essential military equipment, and Obama has already taken many steps to ensure that our men and women in uniform get the care and support they have earned." Promised kept.

More President Obama promises kept:
--- Fully fund the Veterans Administration --- End the use of torture --- Strengthen and expand military exchange programs with other countries --- Make greater investment in advanced military air technology --- Make U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional on anti-terror efforts, paying off big so far --- Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas --- Create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to help manufacturing processes for American businesses ---
Establish a credit card bill of rights --- Expand loan programs for small businesses --- Close the "doughnut hole" in Medicare prescription drug plan --- Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions --- Require children to have health insurance coverage

--- Expand eligibility for Medicaid --- Expand eligibility for State Children's Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP) --- Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information --- Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans --- Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals --- Assure that the Veterans Administration budget is prepared as 'must-pass' legislation --- Allocate Homeland Security funding according to risk --- Appoint a White House Coordinator for Nuclear Security --- Initiate a grant and training program for law enforcement to deter cyber crime --- Release presidential records, something Bush tried to hide --- Provide affordable, high-quality child care --- Reduce subsidies to private student lenders and protect student borrowers --- Expand Pell grants for low-income students --- Reverse restrictions on stem cell research --- Consolidate Senior Volunteer Program (my favorite, as it makes it easy to see and explore volunteer programs as I now voluteer in 3 areas since retirement, even though some here don't believe I'm retired :rolleyes: )

On flip side I'd like to give "a few examples" why I do not care for him--from the view of one who is a tax payor and productive citizen.

I, too, am a taxpayer and still productive - owned real estate since 19 years old, had household income of over $250,000 for about half of my working life, and doing my best to give back through charity dollars and volunteer work. I was a firm believer that the best way to judge one's existence is how you treat your employees and how you give back to your fellow man. I was far from perfect, but always keep that goal in mind.

1st of all from perspectice of working class--we have haven't received the $3,000 additional family income promised (In a September speech, Gumby said: "All in all, many middle-class families will see their incomes go up by about $3,000 because of the Recovery Act." --if fact we got--
Income falls 3.2% during Obama's term

The unemployment number you give is totally irrelevant in the comparisons you are trying to make. Try this link as you seem to be confused about the $3,000 or MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, trying to promote things that aren't true - Republicans are experts at it:

Now if your not working O wants to extend that gov tit to almost 2 years --
Incentives Not to Work

As one of the 90% + of homeonwers who pay/paid their mortgage on time I am not real happy with those that speculatated/overextended getting free rides on my dime.

As one of those who was taught to save and invest I don't think I should be penalized by O's increased taxes on div/capital gains--While the spendthrifts get relief on their credit card debt/home loans-and other social programs to numerous to mention..

My wife and I are one of the 50% of americans that pay federal taxes and don't care for pay cut via inceased taxes while Gumby gives his illegit welfare whores a raise?
"The earned income tax credit now provides up to $5,657 to low-income families with at least three children"
In addition 64% of Americans receive more in federal aid than they pay in federal taxes.

So being a homeowner/taxpayor who has saved and lived by conservative values most my life he certainly isn't my cup of tea

--but for those with that hand out relying on gov to take it from the productive and redistribute to you-- He's your boy.

You sure are obsessed with twisting what is going on with the less fortunate, while you and I enjoyed 8 years of nice tax breaks that totaled more savings for us than anything you listed.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
KC explain your #1 to use--you are speaking of $400 rebate as tax break yes?

--and on your transparency--biggest pledges were to post bill on whitehouse site 5 days before signing and put healthcare on cspan to which he lied on both cutting back room deal/bribes to get bills passed and you have audacity to claim he is transparent-

As far as your reported backround--I can't say one way or another--I can only look at what you done here and what causes you promote--and make logical assumption.

You evidently disagree with my conservative stance on issues above--as you continue in the liberal way to make excuses for the free loaders.

--but then again you were on liberal bandwagon-- (back when unemployment was 5% dow 14,000 and gdp set all time record for consecutive quarters of gains)--with the pelosi and liberals chanting that it was worst economy since great depression--and now when we factualy have it you think O's doing great job?
--that would be the worst case of handicapping in history.

--and you blame others for being politically blind- :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
KC explain your #1 to use--you are speaking of $400 rebate as tax break yes?

--and on your transparency--biggest pledges were to post bill on whitehouse site 5 days before signing and put healthcare on cspan to which he lied on both cutting back room deal/bribes to get bills passed and you have audacity to claim he is transparent-

As far as your reported backround--I can't say one way or another--I can only look at what you done here and what causes you promote--and make logical assumption.

You evidently disagree with my conservative stance on issues above--as you continue in the liberal way to make excuses for the free loaders.

--but then again you were on liberal bandwagon-- (back when unemployment was 5% dow 14,000 and gdp set all time record for consecutive quarters of gains)--with the pelosi and liberals chanting that it was worst economy since great depression--and now when we factualy have it you think O's doing great job?
--that would be the worst case of handicapping in history.

--and you blame others for being politically blind- :)

I hate blaming one party for everything. I am a true believer that things go in cycles.You really can't blame or for that matter give one administration credit for everything.

Yes Bush did thrive after a brief recession after 911.But everything he gained was wiped out in 07/08 with the infamous Wall Street/Bank collapse.How can you post the gains of 14,000+ they were wiped out in months.I don't get it.

And don't give me O made it worse after taking office .I won't buy it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
KC explain your #1 to use--you are speaking of $400 rebate as tax break yes?

No, Obama passed 25 separate tax cuts, including $300 billion in middle class tax cuts -- one of the largest in history - as part of the stimulus package. Unlike President Bush's 2001 tax cuts, which went to the wealthiest 2.2%, President Obama's tax cuts overwhelmingly benefit working and middle class families -- in fact, 95% of all Americans. The payroll tax cut started in April, averaging $13 more in a weekly paycheck. Federal income tax is now 2nd lowest in 50 years.COLOR]

--and on your transparency--biggest pledges were to post bill on whitehouse site 5 days before signing and put healthcare on cspan to which he lied on both cutting back room deal/bribes to get bills passed and you have audacity to claim he is transparent-

Among Obama's most laudable transparency achievements thus far, is that he has undeniably opened the blinds on some government practices that had long blocked the sun. He reversed a Bush-era directive to make government officials cautious about releasing information under the Freedom of Information Act, and radically shifted the approach to FOIA by declaring that the presumption should be toward openness. The White House began releasing electronic logs of visitors -- a tremendous change in policy from where we were a year ago. New regulations were implemented, limiting some lobbying and requiring more disclosure of petitioners under the massive bank bailout and stimulus programs; releasing financial disclosure information for top government officials, and attempting to slow the spin of the "revolving door" between private enterprise and government.

Obama also launched major new online clearinghouses that put more government data online than ever before, allowing us to look at how the government is operating and spending taxpayer money in unprecedented ways. One site, Data.gov, provides easy one-stop shopping for the public seeking access to the enormous quantities of diverse information collected by the government - from air quality standards to unemployment rates to government contracting information. This data is already fueling a growing community of Web developers eager take government information and create new ways for the public to relate to it, as well as supply fodder for journalists, bloggers and advocacy groups to scrutinize government actions.

Additionally, the new administration made the Recovery.gov Web site a core part of its stimulus plan, declaring that the public should have access to information about how their dollars are being spent. Although the site has been criticized (including by the Sunlight Foundation) for being riddled with inaccurate data, that should not obscure the fact that Recovery.gov allows us to see government spending first-hand and also the problems that the federal government has in getting data from its various agencies in a comprehensive and uniform manner--while providing an opportunity for anyone to help report on bad data.

Finally, late last year, Obama released the fruits of a year-long brainstorming and public discussion to develop an aggressive transparency plan in the form of an Open Government Directive. The directive shows how Obama's administration is putting forward concrete policies and accountability measures to create a sea change in how the government and public interact, as well as creating a default "open" position for government data and information. Specifically, it establishes hard deadlines for opening up the government further.

For example, by last Friday, January 22, each federal agency was required to make publicly available at Data.gov at least three high-value data sets that have not been available before. By next month, there is to be a central "government dashboard," where viewers can see at a glance how well (or poorly) different agencies are meeting objectives for opening up information to the public. So far, according to analysis by the Sunlight Foundation's Reporting Group, the high value data sets consist, overwhelmingly, of information that's already been released elsewhere. The good news is the data is now being released in new (raw) formats. That in itself can be tremendously useful -- Web interfaces can never be designed to answer all the potential queries a user might have, but access to raw data solves this problem. It gives us everything, without mediation so we can make sense of the data ourselves.

Over the course of the year, there are plans to improve reporting on data quality on federal spending (see, Recovery.gov above), reduce backlogs of FOIA requests and set in motion contests and prizes to help improve and open government. For sure, given the recent Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. the FEC we expect the Administration to vigorously push transparency measures that involve online, real time reporting of the new political expenditures now sanctioned by corporations and labor unions. We will remain vigilant to watch for these efforts and will hold the administration accountable if they lag in fulfilling these promises.

Clearly, President Obama took some strong steps to implement his promises to create more transparency, but again, they are still almost entirely intention and plans.

To give those plans teeth and make them truly effective, they need to be codified mandates that can tangibly result in lasting transparency. It is imperative that the onus remains on the White House to fulfill their big promises, and incumbent upon the media and we as citizens to hold them accountable for doing so. That is the best way to ensure that government truly becomes more open.

As far as your reported backround--I can't say one way or another--I can only look at what you done here and what causes you promote--and make logical assumption.

My entire career was in golf course management and evaluating golf courses for purchase. I set the guidelines for making a profit in the courses we purchased. I was based out of Las Vegas and then Wichita, Kansas for most of my career. I grew up on a farm with some conservative values. I was taught to care about the less fortunate who show the ability & desire to improve. I would agree with alot of your values on handouts. If you assume I am on welfare or ever have been, you are mistaken. I come from modestly wealthy family. I guess there will be no need to comment in this forum if that is still your belief. I would rather get together for some golf someday - after recovering from rotor cuff surgery two weeks ago. I carry Blue Cross Advantage health insurance - no medicare, medicaid, early social security etc.

You evidently disagree with my conservative stance on issues above--as you continue in the liberal way to make excuses for the free loaders.

If I implied I was supporting free-loaders, I aplogize. I won't apologize for being a liberal or having concern for those who need ligitimate help.

--but then again you were on liberal bandwagon-- (back when unemployment was 5% dow 14,000 and gdp set all time record for consecutive quarters of gains)--with the pelosi and liberals chanting that it was worst economy since great depression--and now when we factualy have it you think O's doing great job?
--that would be the worst case of handicapping in history.

Reread statements I stated previously. I don't think any president could be doing a great job under present circumstances. I see no need nor justification to go to the extremes you have. I mentioned several times the jury is still out after only 15 months.

--and you blame others for being politically blind- :)

I never mentioned blind. All I ask, debate real issues, not exaggerations or lies that are becoming more prevalent.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
No, Obama passed 25 separate tax cuts, including $300 billion in middle class tax cuts -- one of the largest in history - as part of the stimulus package

Hmm by others definition iot was $275 mostly for Da Bases "working class"
From WSJ
The $275 billion in tax relief offered in the stimulus package focuses more on lower-income families.

--lets take a look at complete list and see who is correct--

As a middle class tax payors give me those that pertained to me- I can't find a single one--

This was not biggest tax cuts for middle class but per even per your media gospel (MSNBC) it was biggest social spending agenda since medicare-/medicade


Most stimulus dollars going to social programs

State 'shovel-ready' jobs take back seat to spending on health care, welfare.

Breakdown of stimulus--sorry for link it take 3 pages to list.


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
Well there we go KC actually attempts to have a discussion with you and you go right back to "da base" bullshit.

Why people would even bother communicating with you is beyond me.

No matter what anyone discusses with you, you can never get passed the da base racist nonsense you spout.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
Well there we go KC actually attempts to have a discussion with you and you go right back to "da base" bullshit.

Why people would even bother communicating with you is beyond me.

No matter what anyone discusses with you, you can never get passed the da base racist nonsense you spout.

You are right Shawn, I'm disappointed in the response. I was hoping for some intelligent dialog, instead of calling me a constant liar. You might want to check the several government sites and fact check sites I use most all of the time. No need for me to wate my time. Was actually hoping for DTB taking me up on a round of golf instead of a slap in the face. I could get us comped almost anywhere you would like to play with my connections.

:thumb: I'm reaching out to you one more time DTB. I'll take all the blame for my poor rhetoric in the past, hope you can accept my apology. I want the bitter polarizing to end.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
The last I'm going to say about middle class tax relief, which has now overshadowed anything President Bush has done. The republicans always cry tax cuts, now that Obama has out done 8 years of Bush tax relief, we still hear the assasination of the truth - Obama is taxing us to death. :eek:

The President's focus on providing relief of the middle class has been at the heart of his agenda. It was a central element of the Recovery Act, in the jobs tax credits passed since then, and in health reform. Federal taxes have been reduced by $173 billion this year.

As a result of these policies, the average tax refund paid thus far has been about $3,000 per family, an increase of nearly 10 percent. That is largely due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, signed into law last February. Through the Recovery Act, working families and small businesses are benefiting from more than $160 billion in tax relief. Take just one example: the Recovery Act's Making Work Pay tax credit provided a tax cut to 95 percent of working American families. Thanks to Making Work Pay, individuals are collecting $400 more through their paychecks, and married couples are collecting an additional $800.

In addition to Making Work Pay, as a result of the Recovery Act millions of Americans this year benefited from new tax credits including:

* Up to $2,500 for families to help cover rising college tuition expenses, a down payment on the education of the next generation of Americans;

* Up to $8,000 for first time home buyers to help new families purchase their first home and to help stabilize the housing market;

* Up to $1,500 for homeowners to make energy-efficiency improvements to their home; and

* Up to $600 for working single parents through an increase in the Earned Income Tax Credit

Providing tax cuts and refundable tax credits to American families puts more money in people's pockets and encourages them to spend. In an economy facing a substantial shortfall in aggregate demand, increased consumer spending can go a long way toward spurring growth, creating jobs, and promoting a sustainable recovery. The tax relief program that the President has promoted is critical for Americans working to make ends meet. It is also good for business. Last month, the President signed a jobs bill that will encourage businesses to create jobs and help put Americans back to work. It forgives payroll taxes for businesses that hire someone who has been out of work at least two months and it provides tax refunds to small businesses for investments in equipment. In that way, the tax relief the President has supported does more than ease the burdens on the middle class -- in these hard times, it also constitutes good macroeconomic policy.

Another crucial set of policies to provide tax relief to middle class families has been the health insurance reform bill recently signed into law by President Obama. Health reform includes the largest health care tax cut in history for middle class families. For the millions of American households benefiting from that relief, health insurance will become much more affordable. Many of those measures, crucially, help reduce the cost of hiring. They are important tools in encouraging businesses to create jobs, to expand, and to invest in their future. Small businesses, in particular, benefited through a tax credit covering up to 35 percent of health insurance premiums that small businesses pay to cover their workers this year and increasing to 50 percent in 2014.

In building a new foundation for economic growth, President Obama also recognizes that, for too long, irresponsible fiscal policies have placed our country in a serious fiscal situation. For this reason, he put forward a budget that brings back common sense, fiscally responsible principles. The budget includes a commitment to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire for those at the very highest income level, the top 2 percent of U.S. households, bringing rates back to the levels of the 1990s - a period of strong, consistent growth and income increases across the board.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Well there we go KC actually attempts to have a discussion with you and you go right back to "da base" bullshit.

Why people would even bother communicating with you is beyond me.

No matter what anyone discusses with you, you can never get passed the da base racist nonsense you spout.

The more things change, the more things stay the same. DTB will never change. We will continue to see the same ol' shit from him. I have to applaud KC for going way beyond the call of duty. Its just not worth the time.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Well there we go KC actually attempts to have a discussion with you and you go right back to "da base" bullshit.

Why people would even bother communicating with you is beyond me.

No matter what anyone discusses with you, you can never get passed the da base racist nonsense you spout.

FYI Da Base is not a race issue --I'm talking about you -Tu- and others like you

but good job of averting question--you can always fall back on race baiting when all else fails.

I don't find one tax advantage for myself but do find added taxes.

--and you all still trying to convince people as O is that a rebate is cutting taxes-

I put the link of stimulus up that shows where money went--what more do want.

Which part f this statement is not true--

This bill was passed late at night as
we can't wait" measure without the 5 days look promised (transparency) in effort to keep unemployment under 8% (went over 10%)
--and after you go by line by line link --you find many are entitlements and have 0 to do with job stimulus.

The entire list again--It won't take you long to take a peek--you own it to yourself to have some idea of what it was instead of falling for the --

"No, Obama passed 25 separate tax cuts, including $300 billion in middle class tax cuts -- one of the largest in history - as part of the stimulus package"



I do however find the liberal logic amusing-in that the same liberals that were chatising GW for tax cuts during increased spending on war--are applauding Gumby for having more/bigger cuts than GW after he quads or deficit :SIB

--oh and 555 -liberals are part of Da Base--hope you don't find that racial. :)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
--and in case you don't like to read hear is visual from Washionton post--

Make sure you don't overlook the part where the CBO disagrees and call 100,000 billion as spending not tax relief as they are "credits" going to people who don't pay taxes. --

Out of curiousity--have you changed your mind just a bit--or still sticking to the $300 billion tax cut grift :)

Taking Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package

The centerpiece of President Obama's domestic agenda is an $819 billion economic stimulus plan. The Senate will consider the measure this week, with an eye toward the amount of tax cuts and spending. Republicans and Democrats spar over what to consider a tax cut. An analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office tallies the tax-cut portion to be significantly less than the one-third Democrats claim it to be.



Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 1, 2000
Iowa City
FYI Da Base is not a race issue --I'm talking about you -Tu- and others like you

Although this wasn't directed to me, the word "Da" is slang for "the" and used by African Americans. It is often considered as derogatory when used by caucasians. If you are that proud of the word, continue using it.

but good job of averting question--you can always fall back on race baiting when all else fails.

If talking about me, I didn't avert the question.

I don't find one tax advantage for myself but do find added taxes.

--and you all still trying to convince people as O is that a rebate is cutting taxes-

Ninety-seven percent received a tax cut. The IRS , of course, changed the tax tables, provideing more take home money in each pay check. Besides the tax cuts, there were other rebates. etc. I didn't realize there are people who scoff at tax relief by other sources.

I put the link of stimulus up that shows where money went--what more do want.

I prefer the truth. Your graph is pretty much irrelevant. It was only a projection and is 15 months old. The world passed you by as several things were changed before the bill went into law or passed later. Please try www.recovery.org for the most up to date and transparent way to track the 30% money the Recovery Act has spent so far.

Which part f this statement is not true--

This bill was passed late at night as
we can't wait" measure without the 5 days look promised (transparency) in effort to keep unemployment under 8% (went over 10%)
--and after you go by line by line link --you find many are entitlements and have 0 to do with job stimulus.

Again, go to recovery.gov before you embarass yourself further.

"No, Obama passed 25 separate tax cuts, including $300 billion in middle class tax cuts -- one of the largest in history - as part of the stimulus package"


I assume that was met for me. I don't appreciate being called a liar. I stated this in a previous thread, yet you won't stop calling me a liar. Calling the president "a grift", such a worn out reb word, sure doesn't help you either.

I do however find the liberal logic amusing-in that the same liberals that were chatising GW for tax cuts during increased spending on war--are applauding Gumby for having more/bigger cuts than GW

I thought you could understand what I meant without spelling it out. The two Bush tax cuts affected the top 5%, you know, that redistribution of the wealth thingy. And the topper, there was never anything proposed or enacted as to how it will be paid for.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
KC, Many Tea Party folks believe the same. No tax cuts happen. Or that Bush never payed for two wars. Or that the second coming of God, R Reagan. Ran a average unemployment rate of dam near 8% over his 8 years.
KC do you think this is a race thing. I guess im saying. If O does many good things for America. He wont get credit from many ???


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
KC, Many Tea Party folks believe the same. No tax cuts happen. Or that Bush never payed for two wars. Or that the second coming of God, R Reagan. Ran a average unemployment rate of dam near 8% over his 8 years.
KC do you think this is a race thing. I guess im saying. If O does many good things for America. He wont get credit from many ???

He's an Indonesian citizen, you people voted for an ILLEGAL ALIEN.

Bet on MyBookie