(Except for the Mitt, Mitt, where are you part...) I agree with your original take in starting this thread, DJV. It IS refreshing to see a possible leader of this country on a tour of mostly ally countries who can galvanize so many people to come and hear him speak. The come in force, wave American flags, interrupt his speech countless times with enthusiastic applause and cheers, and his message is eloquent and motivational. Imagine that, reaching out to our allies, taking some responsibility for our role in the problems we all face moving forward, and ask for both responsibility and partnership from them in the future.
Contrast that with the current President, who did/accomplished none of the above, ever, and was (and increasingly is) an embarrassment every time he speaks on ANY issue. Many of the problems we will now be facing as a country will require a world view, and not a me-first view, with the world to be summarily damned.
At face value, if nothing else, it is a positive thing. At least unless you are afraid of the fact that the man is black, has a name that ignorantly can be misconstrued as being part of the problem, and/or can consider talking to people instead of ignoring/berating/bullying them first before any other option.
There are a lot worse reasons to support a possible leader of our country than being a motivational, galvanizing figure that can speak well for our country.