October MMA News

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Kickserv isn't gonna like this :nono:

After the Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Noons II card, Nick Diaz was walking in the hallway of the HP Pavilion to attend the post-fight press conference. Simultaneously, the guys at Showtime was ushering Mayhem Miller out of the post-fight press conference in order to prevent another Strikeforce: Tennessee. From what I was told, Mayhem was supposed to exit out of the post-fight press conference doors and take a right, while Nick Diaz was going to enter the room in the opposite direction. In short, both fighters would have never crossed paths if this initial plan actually worked, however things sort of 'screwed up'. As Mayhem Miller was walking down the corridor, he abruptly turned around and walked the other way. As the two were approaching each other, things seemed to be somewhat civil. Out of nowhere, Nick Diaz launched a water bottle directly at Mayhem's face -- almost at point-blank range. It hit Mayhem directly in the face, water exploded everywhere and Miller looked stunned. :facepalm: Security got in-between the two and Nick Diaz held his arms up and said 'Come on you fat [expletive]!'. He then tried shoving the security away to get close to Mayhem while screaming 'Let's do it right now!'. Nick Diaz managed to get within swinging distance, and then more security jumped in and held back Nick and finally got him to walk in the opposite direction, towards the post-fight press conference room. This altercation happened outside of the locker rooms. This is not a rumor, it's 100% true.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Yep, for past year this has been talked about all over the airwaves. I have been saying for over a year now....GSP versus Silva (if Anderson beats Vitor) will have over 65 000 people at Rogers Centre.

Be fucking unreal. GSP in kickserv's hometown...wew baby:00hour

Toronto will be going ape-shit. Absolutely fucking apeshit.

There are no bigger MMA fans then Toronto, trust me when I tell you, MMA fans are everywhere in Southern Ontario. A GSP versus Anderson fight will be the biggest fight in MMA history.....BY FAR

65 000 fans cheering for GSP.........wow:scared

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Wonder what kegray would say if Dana did this to his fighters:scared :scared

Sponge always says Dana rips off his fighters.....well.....how about this Sponge?

DREAM Continues not to pay Fighters


How does this have anything to do with what people say about Dana? Just because this organization is littered with stiff artist's it is okay for Dana to pull shady shit at times?:shrug: These fighters should be okay Kick. U say they get millions in endorsement money anyway.:142smilie. Two wrongs don't make a right and it isn't Kegray and I who hangs on the tip of the Dreams organizations CEO's tip
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Sep 22, 2005
UFC president Dana White admits that he'd love to see Georges St-Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck in Toronto, but the company still has many roads to cross with getting the sport regulated in Ontario...


Benneteau fan
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2004
Wonder what kegray would say if Dana did this to his fighters:scared :scared

Sponge always says Dana rips off his fighters.....well.....how about this Sponge?

DREAM Continues not to pay Fighters

Maybe Bodog bought DREAM?

If history has taught us anything, it is that you can always rely on the Japanese so be patient for that check. :0074


Benneteau fan
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2004
Did anyone else see the Arianny Playboy yet?

The article starts by saying she has brains and beauty???

Brains. really? :facepalm: :facepalm:

The few interviews I have seen from her tells she has a brain but I would not use it as a reference for intelligence.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002

Fedor fights Couture


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The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
Jose Aldo Turned Down Kenny Florian UFC Fight for WEC Title Defense
Posted by Kris Karkoski on Oct 20, 2010 at 7:00 am ET3 CommentsBefore preparing for a January title defense against Mark Hominck, WEC featherweight champion Jose Aldo was offered a UFC fight against lightweight Kenny Florian in December, but opted to remain at 145-pounds for now.

?Aldo said he had the opportunity to move up and make his UFC debut in December against Kenny Florian,? Tatame?s Eduardo Ferreira reports. ?But his manager didn?t think it was a good time. ?I received the proposal. I want to fight, maybe in the UFC or WEC,? Aldo said.?

Though he was never offered the matchup, Florian said Tuesday that it?s a ?dream fight? that he would quickly accept.

?Neither myself or my manager Malki Kawa have been offered Jose Aldo but that would be a dream fight,? Florian wrote on Twitter. ?I would take that fight with quickness. Aldo is as good as it gets and one of the best

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006

Report: Leben Arrested on Suspicion of DUI Options: ShareThis| Printer Friendly

According to Hawaii News Now, UFC middleweight Chris Leben was arrested Tuesday by Honolulu police on suspicion of DUI.

Leben reportedly crashed his truck while driving on the H-1 Freeway. ?The Crippler? was allegedly driving with neither a license nor insurance. After being taken into custody, the former ?TUF? competitor was released on $1,000 bail.

This is not the first time that Leben, 30, has been accused of an alcohol-related offense. He was arrested in 2008 by Oregon police on charges of parole violation in relation to a previous DUI offense. Leben was sentenced to 35 days in jail, requiring his UFC 85 matchup with Michael Bisping to be pushed back to UFC 89.

Originally from Portland, Ore., Leben moved to East Oahu, Hawaii, in 2007 to become the head coach at Icon Fitness MMA Gym. Additionally, Leben opened his own training center, Ultimate Fight School. Leben is coming off three straight wins, the first time he?s accomplished that feat since 2006. He most recently submitted Yoshihiro Akiyama at UFC 116 in July, and he?s scheduled to meet Brian Stann at UFC 125 on New Year?s Day.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Dana makes a great point about the NFL......

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