thanks gman
i was waiting for your reply, so I assumed you didnt attend. I ended up sitting in the student section. I got freinds galore that I went to high school with that wanted me to sit with them - lucky for me, nobody taunted me for wearing my Toledo hat lol.
but yea, Terrance Jackson is one HELL of a running back. He was knocking those defenders like among boys it seemed like. NIU and Toledo will have great success on this D.
CMU on BG 1 twice - and get nothing?
BG on CMU 1 - get a 5 yard penalty and get nothing?
In the 2nd half, the Chips finally started to catch the damn ball - had a chance to get a TD in the first half, but Willie Hill dropped a pass and he was soooo damn open. Everybody in the section knew I had the Chips +28, I got the last laugh - so fawk them
Boy that wind was a bit brutal though - If Shuishem is missing kicks, then the win HAS to be a factor.
I enjoyed the game alot - was alot of fun, I left like with a minute left, I wanted to beat the traffic since Nappy Roots and Black Eyed Pees was in town.
Iam gonna be heading back to BG in a few hours for my weekly "bar" night - $1 pitchers!! cant go wrong!!!
hope you enjoyed your time in BG - good luck and thx