Oil up 8 bucks today????


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Jun 18, 2002
Let me guess.....GW Bush and Exxon-mobil:mj07:
So in your opinion it is BIG ENVIRONMENT to blame. That is pretty good. Now that oil is over $130 bucks a barrel suddenly BIG OIL is interested in drilling for it. I repeat myself I know but for SIX long years Bush and Cheney, two Oil Men, got everything they wanted. I guess Big Oil didn't think it was worth going after then.
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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Sponge you are the best .I come to this forum to pick up info thats not out there. I'm not DEM and damn sure not REP. When will the people stand up for whats right and wrong.The government is bought and paid for.The real power is in a certain group or groups of people,such has the fed,central banks,world bank with the bilderburg group calling the shots. Am I close to REALILITY or could I be so wrong. I think that we have passed the point of no return I'm for inpeachment,lock em up and take their wealth away I'm even for public hangings. Both parties plenty of crooks on both sides
Post of the year!


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
Heard from a Military person that oil jumped do to the fact there is concern that Iran is on the verge of bombing israel.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Heard from a Military person that oil jumped do to the fact there is concern that Iran is on the verge of bombing israel.
I heard that too. Or the other way around. I also heard some guy from Stanly Morgan or something said oil will hit $150 a gallon. A lot of stories going around. That is another thing to be concerned with. How are we supposed to heat our homes next winter if this keeps up? I got a feeling the rich will be able to pay, the poor will get it for free, and the middle class will see a lot more people lose their homes. But hey, oil profits are at an all time high! Must be those damn tree huggers causing all this.


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
Yea I meant israel bomb Iran. Thats what I get typing with a huge hangover. No telling what is going to happen but whatever it is probably not good.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
So in your opinion it is BIG ENVIRONMENT to blame. That is pretty good. Now that oil is over $130 bucks a barrel suddenly BIG OIL is interested in drilling for it. I repeat myself I know but for SIX long years Bush and Cheney, two Oil Men, got everything they wanted. I guess Big Oil didn't think it was worth going after then.

If you would kindly open your eyes you will realize that oil producers stand the most to lose in the long run if we will siimply shift to nuclear power plants and liquified coal power, while stepping on the throats of automakers to increase fuel efficiency. In the meantime, we need to start drilling now as a part of this multi-faceted plan.

Nuclear power plants have not been built since the 70's due to big environment. Its time we get going in this direction. I heard Brinker talk this afternoon about how use of nuclear power will free up natural gas to use in transportation sector even further reducing our dependence on middle eastern oil.

Our economy will flourish with millions of new jobs if we start building these power plants nationwide.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
So in your opinion it is BIG ENVIRONMENT to blame. That is pretty good. Now that oil is over $130 bucks a barrel suddenly BIG OIL is interested in drilling for it. I repeat myself I know but for SIX long years Bush and Cheney, two Oil Men, got everything they wanted. I guess Big Oil didn't think it was worth going after then.

Stevie you ever notice with the right wingers that no matter if the Republicans were in control for 7 straight years they some how find a way to blame it on something rather then themselves? Carter did start the ball rolling and what was one of Reagans first ideas when he came into office? Reagan immediately stripped Carters Energy Security pact ...

ANWAR will provide 4-6% of our Imports within TWENTY FIVE YEARS from the
day one start of Production

Bush had a chance to work on an Oil deal with Chavez and Bush did what he does best. Shove it right up every Americans ass and the Oil companies roar with laughter.

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Two quotes by Bush when Clinton was in office. :shrug:

Bush In 2000 (when gas averaged $1.44 a gallon): U.S. Simply Needs To Tell OPEC To "Open The Spigots." "I would hope the administration would convince our friends in OPEC to open the spigots."

Bush in 2000: U.S. Needs To "Jawbone" OPEC Members. "What I think the president ought to do is he ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say we expect you to open your spigots...And the president of the United States must jawbone OPEC members to lower the price."
:mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :mj07:
What changed for this asshole!!!!!!!!!!?????????????


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Stevie you ever notice with the right wingers that no matter if the Republicans were in control for 7 straight years they some how find a way to blame it on something rather then themselves? Carter did start the ball rolling and what was one of Reagans first ideas when he came into office? Reagan immediately stripped Carters Energy Security pact ...

ANWAR will provide 4-6% of our Imports within TWENTY FIVE YEARS from the
day one start of Production

Bush had a chance to work on an Oil deal with Chavez and Bush did what he does best. Shove it right up every Americans ass and the Oil companies roar with laughter.

Chavez is a lunatic. I have relatives from Spain who reside in Venezuela. You apprently have very little idea what you are talking about when it comes to Chavez. Why do you want to rely so heavily on foreign oil? Why not overhaul the system and move forward with less reliance on the fringe lunatics who have all the oil?

As for your ANWAR production numbers, I recall 12% of out imports w/in 10 years. Will have to look it up.

As for what happened in the past, who gives a ****. I am talking about getting something done now. A comprehensive energy policy overhaul is not somethng that I want, it is something that WE need. Quit looking at it in terms of left and right.

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
I'm sick Sponge,I'm sick of being pissed on and they want even tell me its raining. Bush and Cheney,theres two that will laugh in your face what arrogance they have with their smirk look like their so much smarter or clever than anyone else,telling jokes that if your not making it that you'er probaly inbred. I know that Cheney is the brains of most that goes on.That SOB is ruthless.Like some war lord in the crusades.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I'm sick Sponge,I'm sick of being pissed on and they want even tell me its raining. Bush and Cheney,theres two that will laugh in your face what arrogance they have with their smirk look like their so much smarter or clever than anyone else,telling jokes that if your not making it that you'er probaly inbred. I know that Cheney is the brains of most that goes on.That SOB is ruthless.Like some war lord in the crusades.

Why not wake up and act, rather than cry about Bush/Cheney/Exxon-Mobil's profits, etc. Let's stand together and demand energy reform!!!!!!!!!!!

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Chavez is a lunatic. I have relatives from Spain who reside in Venezuela. You apprently have very little idea what you are talking about when it comes to Chavez. Why do you want to rely so heavily on foreign oil? Why not overhaul the system and move forward with less reliance on the fringe lunatics who have all the oil?

As for your ANWAR production numbers, I recall 12% of out imports w/in 10 years. Will have to look it up.

As for what happened in the past, who gives a ****. I am talking about getting something done now. A comprehensive energy policy overhaul is not somethng that I want, it is something that WE need. Quit looking at it in terms of left and right.

Ah i know Chavez took care of some of our poor in Brooklyn i also know that the majority of the people love him in Ven. I also know he did more for our poor and our Katrina people them our very own president. Just cause you don't hear that here doesn't mean it isnt true. You are the one who brought up drilling and the environmentalist which would mean left. Now one very important point is that how do you move forward when the oil companies have a choke hold on us? I posted What Greg Palast got his hands on fifty times and you guys just shake it off like im making it up and then use your old tired reasons on why the price is so high. Let me say something else. Unfortunately right now i have to believe Gore is spot on with this global warming stuff and these oil companies know it and this is also a big factor on why the prices are so high. The last big grab i call it. Brazil showed the world how to get off of this shit and our thieves will never go for it.

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
I don't know you CIE but let me make myself clear to you that I don't cry. Real tears that is. I'm sure of one thing that if you and I where put to the test that I will pull the trigger, will you. I'm 60 and in 2000 I had a million and triple by pass,need I say more. To old to be a slave to the government,but sir thats whats happening.Debt slavery.When the government comes to your door demanding your weapon what will you do,then take your money and give you Amero dollars about 20% on the dollar.I don't think it will happen in my lifetime,but it will happen albout the time John Ellis Bush takes office.I don't have 5 good years left so why not bitch.I'm all for it.Start the revolution.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I've got several quotes from your leaders in 05 and 06 I will provide for you Smurph--after you point out to forum just one ecomomic indicator below that hasn't regressed since Dems took over in 06.

Dogs, not sure what you are doing with this. Where have I disputed your numbers about the economy and it's recent slide?:shrug: It's like you are trying to create an argument where there is none.

You claim that Dems promised $60 / barrel oil during '06 campaign. Please show where they did that. As I said, it's an idiotic promise for them to have made. I can't seem to find where they made any such promises.:shrug:


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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
Dogs, not sure what you are doing with this. Where have I disputed your numbers about the economy and it's recent slide?:shrug: It's like you are trying to create an argument where there is none.

You claim that Dems promised $60 / barrel oil during '06 campaign. Please show where they did that. As I said, it's an idiotic promise for them to have made. I can't seem to find where they made any such promises.:shrug:

Bush beats the dollar into the ground and spends us into the poor house, and its the democratic congress' fault. Fvcking joke.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
In after-hours trading Friday, oil prices briefly touched $139.12, an all-time high.

The upward swing began Thursday, after European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet suggested the bank could increase interest rates in July to counter rising inflation.

"Trichet has managed what no war, no hurricanes, no OPEC has ever managed to do," analyst Olivier Jakob from Petromatrix in Switzerland said in a market report.

Jakob said Trichet's statements "shocked the financial system," after which oil prices, which had fallen to around $122 a barrel early last week, "reversed course violently."



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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Much like Iraq we get a different story every day about why the price goes up. Earlier in the thread Cie quotes Yahoo saying it was unemployment, Yahoo also says some analyst at Stanly Morgan said it could hit $150 and that started it. Well, what is it. I thought it was demand from China, No it was the driving season, no it was cold weather, no it was a hurricane in the Gulf. Thank God for the press huh?
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