Ok I'll take that as submission that every economic indicator has regressed since dems took over in 06-
You did have one that they did improve that you missed--minimum wage
got a couple links I'll fetch for you as promised One from Dems website and one from Pelosi's website--They are stored on office computer but will see if I can locate them again--be back in bout ten minutes.
Pelosi: ?With Skyrocketing Gas Prices, Americans Can No Longer Afford Rubber Stamp Congress?
Monday, April 24, 2006
Contact: Brendan Daly/Jennifer Crider, 202-226-7616
Washington, D.C. ? House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on President Bush?s, Speaker Hastert?s, and the Republican Congress? empty rhetoric on gas prices. Key facts on the Majority's failure to address gas prices follows Pelosi?s statement.
With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress and its failure to stand up to Republican big oil and gas company cronies. Americans this week are paying $2.91 a gallon on average for regular gasoline ? 33 cents higher than last month, and double the price than when President Bush first came to office.
?With record gas prices, record CEO pay packages, and record oil company profits, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress continue to give the American people empty rhetoric rather than join Democrats who are working to lower gas prices now.
?Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.?
* * *
Key Facts on the Majority?s Failure to Address Gas Prices:
President Bush, Speaker Hastert and the Majority Congress wrote and passed a Republican energy bill that President Bush?s own Energy Department said would raise gas prices on American consumers. Big oil and gas companies wrote the Republican energy bill, and the American people paid the price.
The Majority rejected imposing tough penalties on price gouging companies three times in the past year, since that time, gas prices increased by another 11 cents a gallon.
Speaker Hastert and the Majority have been blocking action on Congressman Stupak?s Federal Response to Energy Emergencies Act (H.R. 3936) since last September, which would protect American consumers from high gas prices by empowering the FTC and the DOJ to investigate and prosecute oil companies engaged in price gouging at each stage of the energy production and distribution chain and outlaws market manipulation.
---the other from from dems website has been taken down--
might have more direct link to it at office--will check in morning--
Do have several others but not from the "horses mouth" so to speak--did check however on your
1st objection and none mentioned (including link that won't pull up) the $60 oil --so I stand corrected there--
at office a link above on house dems also I had marked is taken down also--did find this though but don't think they got answer from her yet
Mark Caserta: Democrats didn't deliver on promise to cut gas prices
Jun 01, 2008 @ 09:43 PM
The Herald-Dispatch
It was Monday, April 24, 2006. Denny Hastert was still speaker of the House of Representatives, and Republicans held the House and the Senate. Gasoline prices that week averaged $2.91 per gallon, 33 cents higher than the previous month and double the price when President Bush first took office.
The situation fueled a press release by Rep. Nancy Pelosi: "With skyrocketing gas prices, it is clear that the American people can no longer afford the Republican rubber-stamp Congress and its failure to stand up to the Republican big oil and gas company cronies."
She announced, "Democrats have a common-sense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels."
Well, over a year after taking the Senate and the House on Jan. 4, 2007, and promising to lower oil prices, the Democrats have presided over the highest oil price increase in history. Last week, gasoline prices averaged $3.94 per gallon, $1.03 higher than when now-Speaker Pelosi made her politically motivated promise.
Just when were the Democrats planning on implementing their plan?
Oil-producing countries continue to feed Americans their daily fix of crude like a dealer supplies his junkie. They understand U.S. dependency on oil and the Democrats' position on exploration.
Democrats repeatedly have blocked environmentally safe exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Department of Energy estimates thatcould allow America to produce about a million additional barrels of oil every day, which equates to 27 million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel pumped back into the economy. Yet the Democrats continue to stand in the way.
Refining capacity is another reason for high fuel prices. There hasn't been a new refinery built in the United States for 30 years, yet Congress continues to fear the environmental lobbyists and it blocks efforts to expand capacity by building more refineries.
At a recent news conference, President Bush called upon Congress to increase domestic oil production in response to soaring gasoline prices by approving legislation allowing oil and gas drilling in ANWR.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, has introduced legislation, along with the bill's co-sponsor, Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, that would automatically open ANWR if the price of oil tops $125 a barrel for five days.
"Americans are tired of hearing about why the cost of energy is so high. What they want to know is what we in Congress are doing to drive down prices," Murkowski said.
At Pelosi's news conference in April 2006, she stated, "All you have to do is drive down the street in your car, see the price at the pump, and you know that Americans can no longer afford George W. Bush as president and his rubber-stamp Republican Congress."
At least then people could afford to drive down the street.
Democrats continue to fail the American people in their promise to lower gas prices.
Mark Caserta is a local businessman and a Cabell County resident. He is a regular contributor to The Herald-Dispatch editorial page.
In conclusion we can blame Bush admin or we can blame Dem congress--but fact of matter is--not much either side could do.