Oil up 8 bucks today????


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Jun 18, 2002
I know you will all get mad at me but these are all culled from Yahoo Finance just today! This reminds me of why we are in Iraq. Afterall it's being driven by the same guys. Wake up people. It's time we take our country back.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Stevie, all of the articles you look at and post answer the questions you have. I don't understand what you think by saying it's time to take our country back? What are we supposed to take back. I will promise you there is nothing any president could do about gas prices.
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Jun 18, 2002
Stevie, all of the articles you look at and post answer the questions you have. I don't understand what you think by saying it's time to take our country back? What are we supposed to take back. I will prmoise you there is nothing any president could do about gas prices.

My point is that Oil is being bidded up by Big Oil themselves. Like a hedge fund, they are driving the price up because they benefit from high prices. Even the Saudi's don't know why the proices are so high. They pump more and the price rises. There is unemployment, the price goes up. It gets hot, the price goes up. It gets cold, the price goes up. No matter what happpens the price goes up. I say it is being manipulated and it is being brought to us by the same guys who gave sold us Iraq. That is my argument.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
I'm done because you obviously think there is something making prices higher than what truely is. Our economy is weak(several factors all of which affect the prices daily), demand for oil is high and growing and our refineries our maxed out.

Nothing more to it than that. In the grand scheme of things the US doesn't have that high of gas prices compared to other countries so really I think we should be happy.

Again if you really think they are screwing you then put some money in and buy buy buy. I see the dollar getting ready to break some very nice levels vs the EURO and that will give relief to all of this.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
I'm done because you obviously think there is something making prices higher than what truely is. Our economy is weak(several factors all of which affect the prices daily), demand for oil is high and growing and our refineries our maxed out.

Nothing more to it than that. In the grand scheme of things the US doesn't have that high of gas prices compared to other countries so really I think we should be happy.

Again if you really think they are screwing you then put some money in and buy buy buy. I see the dollar getting ready to break some very nice levels vs the EURO and that will give relief to all of this.

That is funny Lay. The Saudi's just came out and said there is no supply problem at all. Keep buying into the garbage these two oil thieves throw at ya. All of our refineries are maxed out? Every one i know has cut their driving back, bought bikes or scotters. I can go to any service staion in America and get gas:shrug:


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Sponge, do you think that the people in all of the countries with higher gas prices than us are blaiming Bush? Are their leaders putting money in their pockets because of their high gas prices? What's their excuse, surely if there's plenty of gas and the world is using less because everyone you know has changed their usage then all of the other countries prices should be going down.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
Stevie, all of the articles you look at and post answer the questions you have. I don't understand what you think by saying it's time to take our country back? What are we supposed to take back. I will prmoise you there is nothing any president could do about gas prices.

stop making sense Wood


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Sponge: I think the supply problem is linked to their own imposed production limits, not the availability. They are producing the same amount, but worldwide consmption is rising, driving the price of what is produced higher.

The part I don't understand is why we don't tap into our own ocean of oil that is apparently available to us. The only reason that I can think of is greed. There has to be some serious money to be lost if the supply doubled and the transportation costs were minimized. It's definitely not our interests that are being served in this debacle.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Another question: If the constraint is refineries, what would happen to the price of the OPEC oil if we supplemented our crude supply with our own crude? Since we would be decresing the demand for OPEC oil, that would decrease their selling price....correct?

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
I will post this one last time and then im done with this thread. Hugo Chavez offered to flood us with oil and keep the barrel at 50 dollars. what did Bush and Cheney say? Fuk off and fuk us. 2nd there was an email address that was very similar to the whitehouse email address. Emails were mistakenly sent to the wrong address. the guy that has them who is a big time BBC reporter said this about them. These rat fukers have lied to us over and over again and still people believe them. How did Cheney know to invest 25 million on the dollar crashing? Is he nostradamus? Again here is the guy who got a hold of these emails.

Palast: A lot of intelligent folk believe Bush had a secret plan to grab the oil fields of Iraq before the tanks rolled. That's wrong. He had TWO plans. In Armed Madhouse, I show you both -- the result of two years undercover for BBC. The plans conflict. There's the neo-con plan: Privatize -- that is, sell off -- everything, "especially the oil" industry. That's a quote from the 101-page document which I learned was written by the neo-cons. That didn't happen -- because a Jim Baker team -- he's the lawyer for both Exxon and Saudi Arabia -- secretly wrote a 323-page plan that called for CONTROLLING the oil flow, not owning it. The purpose was to LIMIT the supply of oil from Iraq and keep prices high. This would, "enhance [Iraq's] relationship with OPEC" -- the oil cartel. That's a quote from the document you're not supposed to see.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Sponge, I have one question for you about Chavez. Where we the only country he offered that to? Did everyone in Europe and Australia get the finger from him or what? Their prices are higher than ours so I figure they would be very interested in his 50 a barrel oil. Or are you telling me that Bush and Cheney control the prices in all countries not just ours?


Registered User
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Jun 18, 2002
Sponge, I have one question for you about Chavez. Where we the only country he offered that to? Did everyone in Europe and Australia get the finger from him or what? Their prices are higher than ours so I figure they would be very interested in his 50 a barrel oil. Or are you telling me that Bush and Cheney control the prices in all countries not just ours?

Most of the price for a gallon of gas in Europe is tax. They fix the roads with that money. Most of the price we pay for a gallon of gas goes ito big oil. We tax other thing to fix ( or more like ignore ) the roads.
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