One Game You Can Take Straight To The Bank!!!

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Mar 11, 2001
Las Vegas, NV USA
Gibber, Big Tease & Heyward the 13 game win streak proves the guy is a helluva capper. Next time any one of you guys post that many consecutive winners the same might be said of you.

I played a couple of games during the streak -- Ace made me some money! No complaints!

You fellows show a lack of class by bashing the guy whenever he loses even though he is still up a lot of units.

p.s. Big T nice call on the TX under
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Doc Holiday 12

" Say When "
Forum Member
Oct 1, 2001
Johnston RI USA


Not a problem, There is OBVIOUSLY alot of hipacrits
in this thread. The SAME guy's in here bashing you today, are the SAME guy's not just 4 day's ago COATTAILING your ASS for WINNERS. But I guess that was OK for them at the time. well, as I stated before, IGNORE all the BULLSHIT and keep doing a GREAT job, because from where I sit, the guys who are bashing you today, haven't come CLOSE to picking 14 in a ROW.....Tell them to TAKE that to the BANK...!!!! Doc.


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May 12, 2002
Not going to keep going back and forth all day, but...

mansa - I never said Ace wasn't a good capper, I said being a good capper is not going to keep you from getting bashed if you act like a dickhead. I didn't EVER bash him for losing a game, I just expressed disbelief that you people are surprised when people knock somebody who comes off so cocky. I have won 12 in a row before, they were even posted at a different site and I was referenced on the home page of the site because of it, but I didn't start preaching about how great I was because streaks come and go. If someone can consistently win over the long haul and do it with some humility, I will give them all the respect in the world. I think you show a lack of class by responding to me when you obviously didn't read my post very carefully. :nono:

Doc - I don't know to whom you were referring, but I never coat-tailed anybody (check the threads, you won't see me fawning). I look at the picks made by people I respect to get some ideas, but I always do my own homework.
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Mar 11, 2001
Las Vegas, NV USA

Don't think I misread your post. You basically called the guy an a-hole. Why?? Cuz you think he's cocky!!!

Let me paraphrase your post:

if he just posted his picks, said "wow, that's 11 in a row, let's get another one tonight," he wouldn't ever get bashed, win or lose. Once you start telling people how (to post their plays!), have your friends come on and say how (to post their plays!).... you're going to piss people off because they are going to think YOU'RE an a-hole, no matter how good you (think you) are.

Maybe you should apply your comments to your own posts!


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Sep 10, 2001
Didn't we see this a few months ago in baseball???

A great winning streak comes to a halt, tempers flare and then the real fun begins...

Is it spring yet?


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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
You fellows show a lack of class by bashing the guy whenever he loses even though he is still up a lot of units

whos bashing the guy over a loss?? not me.. someone asked why guys are bashing and i answered the question.. he gets bashed b/c of the way he acts not b/c of the loss.. no one disputed the mans talent.. i was disputing the mans character.. lots of people post lots of winners in here but none act like him.. its that simple..

Its like heyward said if he acted like hes won one would say a word.. but the man loves the attention good or bad so he will continue to post this way..

mansa and doc.. no need to question my handicaping.. maybe if you have been here a little longer youd no better..

or maybe you just didnt know my record in the in nfl this year b/c
i didnt go around beating my chest and telling the whole world i am the best capper in the universe!!!!!!

108-62-4 in case your wondering...

GL with your coatailing
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Jan 21, 2001
I see this day after day , and just cant understand whats going on ....there are a few reputable cappers in here who do a good job , and i dont understand why we dont spend our time capping and sharing info rather than having childish fights...

Ace Rothstein does a hell of a job capping hoops . Yes he touts his own horn ...and hey some guys say stupid things ..and some guys consistently try to get people to look at and coattail their consistnt losing picks ...everyone has their own thing ...

The point is ive been here a long time , and its a shame to see so many arguments every day ruin the comraderie on a good site ..

I understand that Ace can get cocky simply DONT OPEN HIS POST .....if you dont like his attitude dont have to get along with everyone , but no need to argue either ..were all adults here trying to make money .

For the rest of you who respect his abilities , and theres alot to be respected ...then take his picks and say thank you , or dont say thank you ..just dont say anything negative .

If someone doesnt want to cap games , and just wants to coattail ..then good for them ...let him do what makes him happy , and coattail ..and deal with the results ...which if i may add can be very profitable following the right cappers in here , with a good money management plan.

Theres no reason to fight over this . Lets keep things positive , and let people live ..were not gonan change the world here ...let people do their thing , and lets keep it positive .

Ace thanks for the picks ..your doing a great job .


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Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
I understand that Ace can get cocky simply DONT OPEN HIS POST .....

actually shmuly your right.. no point in arguing no one is going to change their mind..

guys w/ no dignity drive me nuts so your right i wont open his threads..

this is the last youll here from me on the subject

good post



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Feb 4, 2003


SHMULY i couldnt have said it better myself!!!!! GOODLUCK TO ALL THE CAPPERS;) :)
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Mar 11, 2001
Las Vegas, NV USA

Looks like you're begging for attention now. If you read my quote in your post you should see that my comments are in regard to the fact that your comments came AFTER a loss (not because of it!).
Never questioned your capping! Only your timing & class. You called the guy "a self absorbed prick" & "a cocky bastard." I believe your words speak for themselves concerning your level of class.
Ace hasn't beaten his chest or proclaimed himself the best capper in the universe either. He just says he is a helluva capper. You may be too & you just dont say it.
I personally played no more than 3-4 of his plays during the streak. So I dont follow the man like some do, but I'm grateful to him for $$ I would have left at the window otherwise.
I dont really understand how you think that because you have been here longer you have the right to call names when you dont like someone's posts. Maybe if you weren't so self absorbed w your opinion of Ace (or anyone who toots their own horn) you would know better.

P.S. GL w your postbashing!
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Forum Member
Jun 21, 2000
ok shumly said it best. but i am going to ask that nothing else gets posted after this in this thread. hey he had a good run everybody has a run and then comes down it's the law of avg.

let's get back to work this happens every year before baseball with fb being the biggest time of the year.

if you can't say a nice thing then don't. Trust me i understand the replys from some i tried to help him with a little calmer style in our talk.

but did you really think the guy could keep up that pace hell no none of us can, but be thankful if you made some off the run . that's what the plays here are for, then it's up for you to use how you like go against, play them blind or lay off or play them because you already did your work and you like what others have said and it makes you feel a little better about a game you already had on your own.

There is no need for anything else to be said. did he have some coming yes if you let your mind get snippy like i do at times, but if you take a step back and look does it do the form any good no. will he be a liilte less confident in his wording maybe maybe not but that is up to him and only him. Let it go and if you can't say something nice which i have faulted on at times here then don't say a word. Its nice to be thanked once in a while but to me it does not matter i just care about winning more then losing. and if you try to thank everyone that has a good day or run it would take a day. i try once in awhile to say nice job but i am sure i also left people out on that day so its a waste to say harsh things at times. and this thread is cooked. good job to all it could of been worse. but we all have made our mistakes on here that would not come off the same most of the time in person.

Like i said for the most part everyone on here is a good person i am sure, like any place in life there will be some that just don't get it or have a poor time writing like me what they mean without it coming out harsh. when i want it to be harsh you will know. but it is easy to forget people have feelings when you are behind a screen and feelings can be hurt and i don't think anyone wants to hurt someones feelings on purpose if you do you are not the kind of person i would want to call a friend. the world is full of hate we don't need it here.

don't be like me at times , which i am working on. think things out some before you type it. then if you are still pissed or have a point to make try to do it in a non finger pointing way. sometimes if you are attacked then you fire back and that is fine but still does not really make a difference. because it is words from a key board which are different then words from the heart. when i get away from the heart and mind i stick my foot in my big mouth and look and feel like a ass. because i don't like to hurt others over something so little as sports.

good luck to all and have a safe and happy week to you and yours. and remember 99.9% of all people do have feelings.

take care

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Jul 19, 2002

Very well said. We all have our flaws. When one realizes it & works to become a better person; it is a true sign of WISDOM!
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