open statement to kneifl


poker brat
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Fort Worth, TX
Mr. Kneifl,

I read and reread your statement/opinion concerning the China conflict and am still troubled by many, if not all, of your ideas.
Perhaps you could explain them a little further to me, as you said they are intelligent opinions and ideas so therefore you must have them thought out pretty good and have a strong base of logic behind them.

What they did was plain stupidity and Bush should let whoever the hell the chinese leader is (I don't know who he is, and I could really care less) that they made a major mistake and we are very disappointed with them, if it happens again in the next 10 years there will be WAR.

Now lets look at this opinion here. Which, according to your second post is intelligent based on who your relatives are (but we will cover that point in a minute).
1. You don't know who the leader of the country is yet you feel we should "nuke it". Do you know the repurcussions this will cause? The years of fallout, the deformities of children born, the radiation sickness of untold millions of people. And, yes, they must deserve this horrible fate for living in China right? Because they were born in a communist country they deserve to lead that horrible life. Because someone they did not even have the opportunity to vote into office, is making decisions about our troops, those civilians deserve to die.
Do you know the U.S. policy on nuclear weapons? Please remind me when the U.S. can use nuclear weapons as an OFFENSIVE tool. Are you ready to go over there and help clean up the remnants of the country once the bombs have struck? Or do you think we should leave all the rotting corpses and animal carcasses there so the neighboring countries can smell it and be reminded not to **** with the US?
What about the impact of other countries? How is Korea and Cambodia and Taiwan going to make it out of all that radiation alive?
And what is with the 10 year rule here? Why ten years? I would like to hear your intelligent, well connected response concerning that.

2. we will have to do the same thing we did with Japan to ChinaDrop a nuke on them when they least expect it.
Now tell me something, Japan and the US were in the middle of freaking WWII for the past 4 years and we were on the verge of stepping foot onto mainland Japan. There were test results out about the US testing atomic weapons.
HOW the heck could the Japanese be not expecting us to use it on them?

3. Now, lets go on to the validation of intelligence theory you seem to have invented.
I tell ya, I have read this line about 100 times in the last half hour and I absolutely can not stop laughing at it.
I am certainly entitled to my opinion on this subject and you can bet that it is a intelligent one as well having relatives with political ties in D.C. and having an MBA myself.
PLEASE oh please oh PLEASE tell me you do not for one second believe this!
You have relatives with political ties in DC? weeeeeeeeelllllll wwwwwwwhhhhoooooooppppy freaaaaaaaaking dooooooody!
I am sure that those "political ties" have passed along the confidential information to your relatives and they have passed them on to you at their earliest opportunity in order for you to make such astute intelligent decisions.
Now add this on to the MBA you have and LOOK OUT! I for one would like to go back and change my vote for president to you my friend.
what the freak does having an MBA have to do with qualifying those opinions as intelligent?

Now, kneifl, here is your job. I met all your "requirements" so to speak. This post has a thesis, and supporting statements to go along with that thesis. It is well thought out and grammatically correct. I have not strayed from the message topic. It contains logic and reasoning.

So tell me Kneifl, why we should send nukes onto china, and justify the "intelligence factor" of your opinions.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Only a Jarhead would read "K's" post more than once and only a dumb Jarhead would bother to comment on it. Oh, I forgot, you don't have to use "dumb before Jarhead: it is assumed.

Unfortunately I agree with you. But I did not reread his post.

from a Dogface


Its not about succeeding, its about handling success.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 23, 2001
St. John USVI
Snoozing I take exception to your dumb jarhead remark. I'm an ex marine and i hold a masters degree in education and am working on a BA in computer sicence.(teachers are way under paid)I can't stand people who sterotype. If your remarks were made in jest I can forgive them if not your an ASS.

Semper Fi
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Hey guys were pissd at China and some what our own boys in D C. Lets keep our focus there. We can rip off and shit down our own necks ones are folks are back home. And yes there have been plenty of strange and grazy thing said in two threads about this. It will give more then enough goodies to fight about later. We need to sound as everyone in US should, as ONE. Time for them to come home today.

[This message has been edited by djv (edited 04-08-2001).]


Registered User
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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Sinbad, you are confirming the stereotype. If I were not goofing with Marine I would not have included the grin nor would I have identified myself as a dogface. Sometime it is better to remain silent and let other think you are ignorant than to make remarks and remove all doubt.

By the way, having a masters means you have the tenacity to endure more BS than others. I have one too. Hell, my wife has 2 but it doesn't make us smarter.

Lighten up Jarhead.

Thanks for the Alpo (Marine and all the other Jarheads, please help Sinbad understand)


Its not about succeeding, its about handling success.


Registered User
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Jan 12, 2001
Your certainly entitled to your own views,

Do not condone war, by no means. However, I see this as what may become the first of a series of incidents. What can the US do to prevent this type of further activity or behavior. I am sure people have their own ideas. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I have mine and I really don't care to go into detail on it with someone who bashes my opinions in a post......

Marine, this was quoted by you in the china post and it made me laugh.

"I am not going to single any ignorant individuals out here becuz that is not the point...."

It is already conveyed in your negativity toward me that you think I am "ignorant" so what are you trying to do in this post????????????????

So there is your reply short, sweet, and to the point.


[This message has been edited by kneifl (edited 04-08-2001).]
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 23, 2001
St. John USVI

No harm no foul all in jest, I'll always defend the integrity of our service men and woman. They sacrifice alot so others can have more, by the way marines endure most BS.



Registered User
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Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
I also am quick to come to our service men and women's defense. I happened the wrong age in the late 60's and found myself as a 2nd Lt in Viet Nam. It was enough to make me be very slow to want to go to war without having thought it out carefully. If we do it we need to lock and load to rock and roll all over whoever is messing with us. I do not think this incident is critical to our safety. I want our folks back. they can keep the plane. I am sure the crew achuttled it before landing. We probably were in their air space: at the least we were spying. No big deal, we do it to them and they do it to us all the time. They were smart enough to buy our President to help them.

No feelings hurt here. Glad to see you come to a Marine's defense.


Its not about succeeding, its about handling success.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Howdy Snoozing.
What unit and location in Viet Nam?
Was in 2/12 Cav Recon tail end of 69 thru Cambodia issue in beginning of 71.A little over 14 months worth till MR Nixon sent the Cav home.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 14, 2001
Milltown, NJ
Charlie Company (always thought that was a little ironic) 4/39 infantry, 9th Infantry Division. Down in the Delta. Dec 67 through Dec 68. Welcomed shortly after my arrival by their f--king New Year (Tet). Still hate the little bastards. I know it is not good and I should get over it but I just hate them.


Its not about succeeding, its about handling success.