Just seems there is more venom from the atheist side.
I definitely agree and I try to understand as to why that is, I am for the most part Atheist but people who I know usually are not Atheist at birth like most religions. I think Atheists come to their own ways of thinking later in life. I can't remember exactly when it was for me... Late teens, early 20s :shrug: Unlike the popular belief by Christians nobody warped my mind or neither a hippie preached to me about atheism, it was just something I deducted in my own head. Right or wrong, and to tell you the truth I hope what I deducted is truly wrong. Would be much better to have an afterlife but even hoping can not change my deductions..
So why is there more venom with atheists? I could be totally off base but this could be why.
1. As I said not many are born atheist at least I think not. You grow up with people always putting religion in your face, my parents forced me to go to church for some time, almost everybody I know preaching to me about God, if you are atheist I think you just get pist after all the years of the preaching or just by the assumption that God is real.
2. I know for me you see guys like the 700 Club asking for your money so you can be saved or great things will be brought onto you for your donation. That's my point..... Many people use Religion as a way to profit with propaganda and it just pisses me off.
3. When you are atheist, wrongly or rightly you look at others as being gullible and maybe it is sad that I feel that way but it is what it is.. Hell they had me fooled about the Easter Bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy for a while. Another reason the gullible feeling sets in is because scientifically it makes absolutely no sense at all.:shrug:
4. This maybe the biggest reason religion pisses me off.. People have been killing people since religion was created because of their beliefs. Funny how everyone THINKS their religion is the right one.
Tried to watch a parade with g/f and kid and a group of men start shouting out the wrath of God if you do not believe. Spewing it for over 5 minutes, I never seen atheists do that.
Look at what religion attracts to preach it..Not all but enough weirdos and child molesters where one should question WTF is going on? Look at what has gone on in the Catholic Church and the Pope. :facepalm: Many will argue about how isolated it is but you can damn well be sure there are many many more children who have not come out yet. So i guess that is why I or some of us have more venom.