It never ceases to amaze me! Ray and Fletcher are 2 of a VERY FEW who get this gig! Yes there are others, but its these 2 that always seem to get the bullshit thrown at them. These idiots don't realize that if they would shut up and follow all of Rays and Fletch's picks they would do very well. These 2 guys have NO reason to post these picks other than help the rest of us. You never see them boast or brag and if people opened up their phucking eyes they would realize that these picks are a gift. A phreaking gift from Ray and Fletch. They ask nothing in return and both would go out of their way to help you if you ever had any kind of trouble.
I think we all know why these idiots complain. They play some of their own picks, which of course lose. So they see Ray or Fletcher has posted and they try to "catch up" with a bet WAY TO BIG!. No one wins all of their picks, so if their catch up bet loses in their dispare they lash out!
For the thickheaded let me give you an example..
Bankroll = $1000
1 Unit = $20 maybe $30
Bankroll = $500
1 Unit = $10 maybe $15
That means with a $1000 roll on Flecthers 5* you would only bet $30 and an OUTLAW play shouldn't be anymore than that either!
If you bet more than this on 1 game, your destined to lose. because if you see an Outlaw play and think hmm I'll put $100. If it loses, you will try to catch up! Next thing you know you've lost $200 (20% of bankroll) on 2 games. This would have taken a 10 game losing streak if you would have bet correctly!
Play within a reasonable MM system, don't play catch up and you will make money following these 2 guys!
Sorry for the long thread but it pisses me off when the dumb chits come in here and phuck it up for the rest of us!
Eric knows I respect him, and this is a shot out to Ray! Props to you for taking the the time to post. Hope you come back soon!