"OUTRAGE OF THE DAY" by Nolan Dalla


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Oct 6, 2000
miami, fl.
the point here is that the field is exactly the same way it has been all these years. if there is a problem, it has been there all the time and should have been taken care of during scheduling.

so, the article stirs up emotions not only on the issue, but the "outrage", of nolan's words, further accentuated by f..., just to add a bit more seasoning.

there is no question about nolan's passion on the issues he has been involved with. he has demonstrated this time and time again. he gets a lot closer to some of these issues that we ever dream of, and when he explodes, it takes some of us by surprise.

he made his point, and has a lot of us pondering the issue. he could have easily done a piece on the final minutes of the miami-tampa game (there is still time), exposing tampa's coaching flaws, which have come up every so often, only to be shadowed by the "genius" of the defensive game. this, we are very passionate about, probably more so than the game cancellation itself.


Doctor Baseball

Forum Member
May 8, 2001
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico
Dont wanna sound like an ass**** but, how many of the games that you mention were pre-season games?. Why are you so angry? because you got not action on your bets?. Bryan Billick can be the ass of the week, month or year, but you know what? His team is the world champion. Bryan B. had just lost his only offense weapon, Ray Lewis, of course he wants to avoid any kinf of injury. And to finish the game was not cancelled because Bryan B. said so, they need to get green light from someone, right?


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Feb 3, 2001
Dont agree with you on this one Nolan.

There is alot wrong in pro sports. Out of whack salaries, ticket prices, Cites paying for stadiums with tax money, teams just moving, etc.

But in this case the right decision was made. If they get away with the field this time, how bad will it get.

Did you see when Bernard King blew out his knee? Alot of people don't know it but there was a problem with the floor that night. The ice underneath wasn't setting right or whatever and alot of small "puddles" were condensing on the floor. They tried to call the game off but the officials wouldn't let them. King said that's what he hit when his knee went.

I believe these guys get paid way more than they should (they may only play five years but hell, how long does it take the average guy to make a million with a ham and egger job, 20 years?, and these guys get all that capital at once, no excuse for them to ever cry about cash) but that's no reason to take the chance on crippling a man for life.

And though I really don't think it matters in answer to some other concerns, yes I did play college ball and on some pretty chitty fields.

just glad football season is here.


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Jan 16, 2001
charlotte, nc, usa
Philly's field was horrendous before the new turf if it was worse after I can understand why they cancelled a pre-season game.

I'm just speculating here but I assume that Nolans rants are a compounded frustration with the hipocritcal way NFL coaches talk to the media. They lie, deceive and think that noone know anything about football but themselves. Once a coach has a winning team(especially when they win the SB) they have a holyer than thou attitude.

I've always had a great deal of respect for Kotysdad but his remarks were over the line of bad taste.


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Jul 14, 1999
Phila., PA USA
Living in Philadelphia, let me answer some of the above questions.
Actually, the Phillies are responsible for the field. They contracted with the company to maintain and convert the field for this new turf.The problem that surfaced is being said to have been caused by drainage under the turf. Oregon uses the identical stuff and reports no problems with conversions. Are the extremely heavy weekend rains to blame? Its possible but ESPN' reported from the field that they thought after the initial correction, the field WAS playable.
The comment that the NFL should start telling cities how to run stadiums is ridiculous. Unfunded mandates don't work and they certainly are not going to pull out of a big market like Philly. I do thank the NFL for introducing Personal Seat Licenses. The season tickets that now cost $1100 for two (yes, I PAY for the 2 pre-season games the NFL forces season ticket holders to buy), will not only be going up with the new stadium but $7,000 in seat license fees will also be due. Thanks but no thanks. Thats a tad steep considering my tax dollars are building a "safer, grass stadium." Are the players willing to fork up the money for the "safe fields"? Doubtful. The NFL? Doubtfull! The ticket holders again to the rescue.
I am glad the game got cancelled so I get money back for a half assed game at face value but agree with Nolan-the game could have and should have been played. I sold my $55 tickets to some guy in the bar for $30. That guy got robbed because I don't even know his name to give him his money back. People who parked in the private lots, tough luck sport-no refund. Did all the players and coaches that supposedly agreed mutually get a paycheck, free parking,free admittance, and no seat license fees? You bet your ass.


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Jul 19, 2001

Just be sure you're consistent with your lunacy. Be sure to critize and denounce Tiger Woods from coming in from a practice round when it's only thunder and lightning. After all....what's a little lighting when you've got a 5 iron in your hand to fend it off.

And be sure to castrate the Philadelphia Flyers when practice is cancelled because the rink melted and there's only water water in the rink. Afterall they're paid to skate on water.... sort of.

And don't forget those pussy millionaire baseball players. When there's 6 inches of snow in Denver what excuse is it not to play two that day and have a doubleheader intersquad scrimmage.

Yep. As long as you're consistent that's all that matters.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 14, 1999
Phila., PA USA
You totally have missed the point and need an education. Skating on water with no ice? Great comparison to the subject(next week)!
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