Paid services.... Taking a beating this year lol

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Forum Member
Jan 17, 2009
Laguna Beach,CA
Thunder down over 50% in college football and down over 20% in nfl. Ouch. Just like last year.. When will this blood bath stop? :shrug:

This site is going downhill.. I remember just two years ago there was twice as many post on the forums as there is now. Two guys went to paid services and after that I feel it just started to crumble. Jack, how you let guys have a service on your site that are posting losers two years in a row. That reflects on to you and the credibility of this site. I feel bad for those who get suckered in to thunders plays. I get an email almost every day from thunder saying how he is crushing the books. It makes me laugh. Of course this post will be moved to the trash because I am speaking the truth, not bagging on anyone just don't know why you continue to have paid services affiliated with your site when these guys are not picking winners. You should let them create their own websites. I remember both se?or capper and thunder doing a lot better when they were free. This is my only site I visit to read other peoples input about games. I joined just a few years ago but have been lurking on here since early 2000s. Bring back the old madjacks and take these paid services off your site... Sorry for venting but I can go on and on. IE please don't put this in the trash. I want to see if any other people have the same feelings I do.


Move the line!
Forum Member
May 4, 2005
Birmingham, Alabama
Thunder down over 50% in college football and down over 20% in nfl. Ouch. Just like last year.. When will this blood bath stop? :shrug: .

Without a monitoring service on either Thunder/Senor, it raises the question as to "why there is no monitor?" and another question, "why would anyone pay for a service, whether it's provided through MJ or a magazine, tv commercial, radio ad, etc?"., they all can claim how well they've done, etc., we've seen their picks when they were free and all, but to be honest, you are just throwing your money away and too gullible to see the road in front of you!

I don't follow cappers nor would I ever pay for a service. Been there, done that!

If someone I respect is on the same team that I believe is a strong play I may up it a tad bit, if they are opposite it's not going to change my mind on my pick etc. If the play loses, I can only blame myself!! Why would I blame someone else who posts in the forum or provides a service that I bought? They didnt' play the game for me, I chose to do so! :shrug:

As far as buying a service, that's totally that person's judgement. If those buying a service don't believe in their own handicapping ability and rely on others who have done well in the "past", I suggest, DON'T GAMBLE! DON'T PAY FOR A FRIGGIN SERVICE! Don't come to MJ's forum!

Why would anyone do this, no matter how good the cappers are in the MJ Forum?

If the free cappers are that good, throw them a bone or two if you meet them face to face in Vegas or where-ever they may roam!

Telling us how bad their service and all is a crying shame or the crying game as some say in the gambling world, it's an embarassment for giving up your hard earned cash? If you can't afford a service and rely on them for their picks, again, DON'T GAMBLE!

If you signed up for the service, you deal with it. DOn't blame the cappers! I'm sure they aren't giving out losers on purpose! Bet only what you can afford and if your bankroll is less than what a service is going to cost, you might as well go to the folks with the "WHITE JACKETS" at the local mental ward and have them check your ass in!

If the service was doing that well, others would toot their horns every week, not just the - "here a week or two" cappers signing up under clever account names who get hot, then disappear, or want a list of emails and so forth so they can solicit them for $$$. I really love the names that are copy cat or just come in and bash the capper and then leave or get banned by Jack or IE for solicitation! Those folks are here for a purpose, the one and doner's I call them to get your money and laugh all the way to the bank!

Listen to your head, your gut, DON'T BUY anything that you can get for FREE!

It reminds me of the guy at the tables in "VEGAS VACATION" that tells Clark W Griswold, "Why don't you just give me all your money and I kick you in the nuts and we'll call it even!?"


Thanks for bringing this to our attention in the forum!

It's good to know info on services!



Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 17, 2001
Northern Wisconsin
I have said on this site many times that IMO, no one should pay for any services. It is really tough to overcome the juice. If you add the cost of the service, you are in the hole before you even make a single bet.

Also, although there are a number of good handicappers here at Madjack's, nobody should follow any capper here unless at least one of the following is true:
1. The capper keeps an honest, complete up-to-date record. That way you can gauge whether you want to invest money following him based on his record.
2. . f he doesn't keep a record, make sure he provides a detailed write-up so you can decide whether his reasoning is enough for you to hop on the bandwagon.

Please don't say you know that a given capper is a winner over the long haul even though he doesn't post his record! For one thing, many of the cappers can't wait to post after the games are over to make sure everyone knows they won. Take a look after a losing night! Crickets! IMO, that gives the impression of a winning capper, even though that may very well not be the case. If someone uses the words "lock", "guarantee", and stuff like that, you should be really skeptical, since we all know there is no such thing. IMO, people that use those words are just looking for attention.

Alternatively, if you think you really like following someone, keep your own record of how that capper does.

I appreciate those that post here at Madjack's! Especially those that post their record and provide reasoning for their plays.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
No need for monitoring service....

No need for monitoring service....

Anyone selling picks should post a daily accurate and transparent record.

Doesn't seem that hard.

People want to give RAS shit all the time, but they are absolutely the gold standard when it comes to record keeping.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000
Anyone selling picks should post a daily accurate and transparent record.

Doesn't seem that hard.

People want to give RAS shit all the time, but they are absolutely the gold standard when it comes to record keeping.



Crazy Fingers

Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 15, 2000
Gulf Breeze, Florida
I have said on this site many times that IMO, no one should pay for any services. It is really tough to overcome the juice. If you add the cost of the service, you are in the hole before you even make a single bet.

Also, although there are a number of good handicappers here at Madjack's, nobody should follow any capper here unless at least one of the following is true:
1. The capper keeps an honest, complete up-to-date record. That way you can gauge whether you want to invest money following him based on his record.
2. . f he doesn't keep a record, make sure he provides a detailed write-up so you can decide whether his reasoning is enough for you to hop on the bandwagon.

Please don't say you know that a given capper is a winner over the long haul even though he doesn't post his record! For one thing, many of the cappers can't wait to post after the games are over to make sure everyone knows they won. Take a look after a losing night! Crickets! IMO, that gives the impression of a winning capper, even though that may very well not be the case. If someone uses the words "lock", "guarantee", and stuff like that, you should be really skeptical, since we all know there is no such thing. IMO, people that use those words are just looking for attention.

Alternatively, if you think you really like following someone, keep your own record of how that capper does.

I appreciate those that post here at Madjack's! Especially those that post their record and provide reasoning for their plays.

I post results for all sports posted for Thunder's service. Those in that thread see the results in each sport with a daily and running overall tally. Its not my business to post those #'s outside of the thread as its not my service.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I think you guys are missing the point.

Thunder's plays and results should be posted daily in a PUBLIC location where potential new customers can see for themselves.

Then when the big losing day(s) occur no one freaks out because they can see the previous profits.

Just my 2 I've said a 1000 times, check out RAS website if you want to see how to keep accurate, current and transparent records.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 25, 2009
Anyone selling picks should post a daily accurate and transparent record.

Doesn't seem that hard.

People want to give RAS shit all the time, but they are absolutely the gold standard when it comes to record keeping.

In the last week he's down 75% in NBA and CFB, so now I have 25% of my bankroll left. So i adjust my bankroll and all wagers are for significantly less. Let's say a miracle happens and he wins 300% in both of those sports this week. That makes my bankroll back to even, yet he will post he his now up 225%:bsflag


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000
In the last week he's down 75% in NBA and CFB, so now I have 25% of my bankroll left. So i adjust my bankroll and all wagers are for significantly less. Let's say a miracle happens and he wins 300% in both of those sports this week. That makes my bankroll back to even, yet he will post he his now up 225%:bsflag

Yep because you signed up 2 weeks ago you are correct- 97% of the gang are not in your boat-THEY ARE DONG FINE- Your goal here is obvious - You know it and I know it. I have many clients - You signed up 2 weeks ago -YOU LOST - SORRY - CALL ME 612-220 9699 - OR TEXT- Any one ele can too I am not jus t a FRICKEN AVATAR- Anybody anytime.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 25, 2009
Yep because you signed up 2 weeks ago you are correct- 97% of the gang are not in your boat-THEY ARE DONG FINE- Your goal here is obvious - You know it and I know it. I have many clients - You signed up 2 weeks ago -YOU LOST - SORRY - CALL ME 612-220 9699 - OR TEXT- Any one ele can too I am not jus t a FRICKEN AVATAR- Anybody anytime.

My goal is to make everyone aware your numbers are skewed. If you win a 6% bet in the Cfb you will count it like you won 6%, when in reality it's only a profit of 1.5% of the original bankroll now that there is only 25% of the original bankroll left.
But I'm sure this won't be approved to be posted as your next email is bound to say how you're crushing it in every sport and you have a huge 9% play this weekend. When reality is you're getting crushed in 3 of the 4 major sports (nfl, cfb, nba, cbb), with nba being the only one positive, and that's because you started off hot and then been blistered since.

I don't believe I posted anything inappropriate, except for maybe the title of a thread, (which was referring to your picks not you personally). And I get my posts reviewed??? I was actually impressed you were taking the high road and taking it like a man until I received the review email.

CaPPiNg TiGeRz

Registered User
Forum Member
May 9, 2002
Everyone notice when asked of either of these guys why they don't post plays and results weekly so everyone can see an "accurate" account of how the service is doing before possibly becoming a customer - the answer is "CRICKETS"

Wonder why ? I mean if you are as you claim you are a winner and a consistent one then why be so against making it public for everyone to see ?

Hey you can send me plays after games have started daily and i will gladly grade them and post results weekly - free of charge to your service or to Jack. I will do it for a month, 2 months etc. You can verify everything i post and add your stamp of approval to the thread after every update.

This would prove what you so loudly continue to claim , right ? I mean it truly is just that easy to prove your a real consistent winner isn't it ? And wouldn't this be a major boost to your service being offered , i mean proving your a winner seems to me would really upgrade business , no ?

Seems like a easy call and a why the hell wouldn't ya ? I mean unless you know .......
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
Everyone notice when asked of either of these guys why they don't post plays and results weekly so everyone can see an "accurate" account of how the service is doing before possibly becoming a customer - the answer is "CRICKETS"

Wonder why ? I mean if you are as you claim you are a winner and a consistent one then why be so against making it public for everyone to see ?

Hey you can send me plays after games have started daily and i will gladly grade them and post results weekly - free of charge to your service or to Jack. I will do it for a month, 2 months etc. You can verify everything i post and add your stamp of approval to the thread after every update.

This would prove what you so loudly continue to claim , right ? I mean it truly is just that easy to prove your a real consistent winner isn't it ? And wouldn't this be a major boost to your service being offered , i mean proving your a winner seems to me would really upgrade business , no ?

Seems like a easy call and a why the hell wouldn't ya ? I mean unless you know .......

I asked this question until I got hoarse. You know exactly why it never gets answered! If you are a winner every year, as claimed......This would be the BEST advertising you could ever get! Let's face it, 1,000 people in here want to know what games Thunder is on. If he gave ONE dedicated subscriber his service for free, just to post his plays after they go off, he would get 400 more guys to sign up! (Depending on the accuracy of those plays.....)


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
I asked this question until I got hoarse. You know exactly why it never gets answered! If you are a winner every year, as claimed......This would be the BEST advertising you could ever get! Let's face it, 1,000 people in here want to know what games Thunder is on. If he gave ONE dedicated subscriber his service for free, just to post his plays after they go off, he would get 400 more guys to sign up! (Depending on the accuracy of those plays.....)

Truer Words have Never Been Spoken !!!!!!!!!!!!!Money Talks Bullshit Walks !!!


Forum Member
Sep 20, 2014
Wanted to add my two cents. For the sake of credibility, although I do not post, I have been a reader on this forum for around ten years. Here's an anecdote. I tailed the great Nolan Dalla, and one weekend I got smacked around pretty good. In my anger, I said a few things about Nolan, not terrible, just words. A few guys came after me, and judging by their remarks, you would have thought I blew an air horn up the butt of Elsie the Cow. Long story short, Nolan Dalla comes to my defense and says I have every right to criticize his picks. Class all the way, no bitchin, excuse makin, or promises to be better.

I tried Thunder for a week. I am not here to bash him. He is entitled to make money on anyone who wants his picks. It's not my business to tell him he should put out his picks for free. It's the same logic as this: You don't like what a guy is puttin out, don't read his stuff or play the games. However, I will say this. I cannot see me playing with Thunder again. I just couldn't keep up with his plays. You have to literally be on your computer from 9:00 to 9:00. He puts out stuff all day, especially half-time lines in football. Well, you either have to find a guy who will stay open or have deep pockets for an overseas account. It is truly non-stop plays.

Lastly, I want to comment on guys who don't post their record. I could not agree more with not trusting them. I have seen too many guys come and go here who were followed because they had a cool screen name, or they changed their screen name to someone else and started over. The bottom line is this. There are some really great handicappers here, they know who they are, and so should anyone who wants to make money.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Wanted to add my two cents. For the sake of credibility, although I do not post, I have been a reader on this forum for around ten years. Here's an anecdote. I tailed the great Nolan Dalla, and one weekend I got smacked around pretty good. In my anger, I said a few things about Nolan, not terrible, just words. A few guys came after me, and judging by their remarks, you would have thought I blew an air horn up the butt of Elsie the Cow. Long story short, Nolan Dalla comes to my defense and says I have every right to criticize his picks. Class all the way, no bitchin, excuse makin, or promises to be better.

I tried Thunder for a week. I am not here to bash him. He is entitled to make money on anyone who wants his picks. It's not my business to tell him he should put out his picks for free. It's the same logic as this: You don't like what a guy is puttin out, don't read his stuff or play the games. However, I will say this. I cannot see me playing with Thunder again. I just couldn't keep up with his plays. You have to literally be on your computer from 9:00 to 9:00. He puts out stuff all day, especially half-time lines in football. Well, you either have to find a guy who will stay open or have deep pockets for an overseas account. It is truly non-stop plays.

Lastly, I want to comment on guys who don't post their record. I could not agree more with not trusting them. I have seen too many guys come and go here who were followed because they had a cool screen name, or they changed their screen name to someone else and started over. The bottom line is this. There are some really great handicappers here, they know who they are, and so should anyone who wants to make money. a record ..punters will be tripping over them selves to record ?????

Who left the fish out mid afternoon ???
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 1, 2000

- I had a bad weekend- Spot guys are hit or miss period. Last weekend was extremely good

Records are kept accurate- He is correct if we are down in asport a 6% play is still 6% of current br not original. But same with sports we are up - which is majority. 6% is more than original br + withdraws. But hey to each his own. As far as sitting by the computers- TAPATALK WAS invested in a year ago you are notified within seconds As far as the guy who signed up for a week he did well. But again majority of my guys are not weekly.

